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Chapter 1276 The Emperor City, Terracotta Warriors Appear!

With the huge and magnificent city, it gradually emerged in front of us.

The Tianxing Tianming people present were shocked.

"Unexpectedly, such a large main city is buried underground!"

When people are amazed.

Zhang Yi said: "Time is limited, it is best to find the weapon before dawn, otherwise, we will have to wait for tomorrow night."

After speaking, Zhang Yi was the first to enter the Imperial City along the city gate.

According to the map description:

The Imperial City, the ancient main city of mankind, has a history of two thousand years.

Two thousand years ago, the Imperial City, which was in the midst of national wars, was invaded by enemies who entered the country.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the city were made into terracotta warriors and buried alive in the underground of the Imperial City.

After years of washing, the Imperial City was gradually buried by the wind and sand and submerged into the ground.

Until modern times, after the outbreak of the doomsday crisis, the dark virus penetrated into the ground.

Those terracotta warriors who had been buried for two thousand years, along with the Imperial City, came back to life...

As a level 190 hidden map, the aura emanating from the Imperial City can make people feel extraordinary.

Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo and the others entered the Imperial City.

Look around.

In the city, there are some very old and outdated buildings on both sides of the streets buried by the wind and sand.

The streets and alleys are empty, as if this is an empty city.

From all directions, a cold air hit, making people shudder.

In the last life, the team that found the Emperor City found a soldier talisman in the process of exploring the Emperor City.

Later, Zhang Yi only heard about the role of the soldier talisman, but did not know where they found the soldier talisman.

Therefore, if you want to find a weapon, you can only rely on your own exploration.

In order to expand the search scope.

Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo acted separately.

Before leaving, Zhang Yi repeatedly instructed: "The terracotta warriors in the Emperor City are very powerful. If it is not necessary, it is best not to fight with them."

"Our purpose is to find soldiers."

The warrior Tianxing didn't care: "The level of the Emperor City is here, the hidden map of level 190, the highest is the monster of level 190."

"The goblins in the Goblin Jungle before were all level 190, and we can easily deal with them. How powerful can the monsters in this city be?"

Zhang Yi didn't say much, and was about to leave with Han Yarou down the other side of the street.

At this time, August Weiyang suddenly proposed: "Or... let me go with you!"

Zhang Yi was stunned for a moment: "Why do you want to come with us?"

"There are only two of you!" August Weiyang said confidently: "Add me one, so that I can take care of you when you are in danger. Besides, I want to be with Xiaoya!"

Zhang Yi glanced at Han Yarou.

He smiled lightly, as if he understood something.

He said casually: "Okay, then you can join our team."

So, Zhang Yi, Han Yarou, and August Weiyang left in one direction.

Qiyue Liuhuo, on the other hand, went in a different direction with the Four Heavenly Kings.

After separating from Zhang Yi.

On Qiyueliuhuo's side, Tianxing said suspiciously: "This kid is really the designer of the Apocalypse? Then how could he not know where the amulet is? I think he is probably trying to get rid of us on purpose, and then secretly go to get the amulet! What he said The military talisman that can control the Imperial City must have other important uses!"

Looking at Qiyue Liuhuo with an unconcerned look on his face.

Pastor Tianming seemed to think of something, and said thoughtfully: "So captain, you just deliberately put Weiyang and Yinuo Qingcheng in a team, in fact, to make Weiyang stare at Yinuo Qingcheng and prevent him from playing tricks?"

"The heart of defending people is indispensable." Qiyue Liuhuo said.

And just as his voice fell.


The Tianqi who was walking in the front suddenly stepped into a deep pit and fell into the ground!

Tianxing and they hurriedly surrounded them.

Seeing Tianqi fell into a trench.

In the trenches, there are several human statues standing!

" the Terracotta Warriors that Yinuo Qingcheng said?!"

Just when a few people were surprised.

The Tianqi in the pit stood up: "Don't look at it, give me a hand, and pull me up!"

Having said that, Tian Qi has already stretched out his hand.

And right now.

A terracotta warrior behind Tianqi suddenly had a burst of red light in his eyes!

Then, it actually moved!

Pastor Tianming immediately pointed at Tianqi: "Be careful behind you!"

Tian Qi just turned around.


The terracotta warriors let out a roar like the roar of a giant beast.

Then he straightened out a long spear clenched tightly in his hand and stabbed towards the sky rider!

Tianqi has quick eyes and quick hands, and deploys a shield to block the attack.

At the same time, a line of red IDs appeared on top of the terracotta warriors——

Lv190 Terracotta Warriors (Physics/Ordinary Monsters)!

At the same time that the resurrected terracotta warriors attacked the Tianqi.

Above the July fire, they all locked on the terracotta warriors to attack!

Level 180 Hell Mage with fire in July, red in hand

The color staff waved.

Boom boom boom!

One after another powerful spells bombarded the terracotta warrior.

On top of its head, it brought about 2.5 billion damages!

Compared with the previous damage of about 1.5-2 billion, the current damage of July Flowing Fire has increased a lot!

Because of the current fire in July, it is already a 45-star emperor suit to protect the body.

The 45-star Mage Emperor suit is a complete seven-piece set, which can bring 180% skill damage bonus to the wearer!

This makes: The skill damage of Qiyue Fire is greatly increased!

They don't even need to use Tianxing Tianyu to do it.

With its super high damage, Qiyue Liuhuo fired several single output skills in a row, and instantly solved this terracotta warrior!

The killed terracotta warriors shattered into pieces and turned into a pile of sand.

Seeing this, Tian Xing, who had just taken out the long sword in his hand, couldn't help but snorted: "I heard Yinuo Qingcheng say how powerful these terracotta warriors are, and now it seems that it is nothing more than that! It's the same as a normal level 190. Weird, no difference."

I didn't think about it, I just finished speaking.

Inside the trenches, the terracotta warriors, which had just been smashed by the July Fire, were spliced ​​together again.

In just a blink of an eye, it was back to normal!

Destiny was surprised: "It's resurrected again!"

Qiyue Liuhuo quickly cast a spell, and once again a set of consecutive moves, with super high damage, killed the terracotta warrior twice!

What I didn't expect was: after a while, the shattered terracotta warriors were spliced ​​again and resurrected!

And the second time they killed the Terracotta Warriors, Qiyue Liuhuo did not gain any combat benefits.

It means that although it can be resurrected, in essence, no matter how many times it is killed, only the first kill will settle the normal battle reward!

Qiyue Liuhuo immediately killed the terracotta warrior several times.

But every time, the Terracotta Warriors can come back to life!

It's like having an undead body!

at the same time.

Around Tianqi, other terracotta warriors also began to change.

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