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Chapter 1287 Fiasco of the Heavenly Family

Tiange and the Dragon Clan, all players who have died permanently, have been resurrected again.

This is something that the Black Cloak and Paradise Family players never expected.

But this is the end, and they can only fight against it.

Soon, in the Emperor City, the Heaven Pavilion, the Dragon Clan, and the Heaven, the players of the three major families, began to fight!

The black cloak had a premonition that the situation was not good, and planned to escape directly.

Because he knew that the Heavenly Family and the Black Dragons alone would not be able to deal with the people of the Heavenly Pavilion and the Dragons.

Otherwise, he wouldn't wait until this moment to take action.

With this strength, he has already taken action against Tiange and the Dragon Clan!

So, use the players of the Paradise family and the dark dragon as a cover.

Taking advantage of the chaos, the black cloak quickly evacuated to the rear.

Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo, how could it be so easy to let go of this behind-the-scenes who finally surfaced.

The two immediately chased after them!

At the same time, battles erupted directly elsewhere.

The 400,000 players of the Heaven family originally came to the Imperial City with Heaven and Hell to harvest.

Unexpectedly, it has become trapped now.

The combination of Tiange and the Dragon Clan has reached one million.

Talking about 400,000 people, how can you compete with a million people?

Not even a level 200 black dragon.

Although the dark battle dragon is powerful, after all, there are only thousands of them, and the number is too small to form a climate at all.

Soon, the Heavenly family was defeated.

They wanted to escape, but found that the four entrances and exits of the Emperor City had already been blocked by the players of Tiange and the Dragon Race!

The only thing they can do is stand up and resist.

So, on this PK map with the resurrection mechanism of death in situ.

After the player of the Paradise family is killed, wait for ten seconds to revive on the spot.

Then get killed again! Resurrection again!

So repeatedly, slowly some people have died permanently!

On the other hand, Tiange and the dragons are here.

Since Zhang Yi unleashed the power of the [Emperor City Soldier Talisman], they seem to have gained immortality and immortality.

Under normal circumstances, when a player dies in the Emperor City, at least ten seconds later, the in-situ resurrection will be triggered.

And the players of Tiange and Dragon Race, as long as they hang up, they will be instantly resurrected within a second!

In this way, the players of the Paradise Family were brutally murdered!

At three o'clock in the morning, the 400,000 players of the Paradise family were killed by tens of thousands.

More than 300,000 directly announced their surrender.

And Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo did not kill them all.

After all, this is more than 300,000 lives!

The culprit is heaven and hell.

After all, they are just doing what they are told.

Of course, even if he didn't kill them, Zhang Yi didn't let them go so easily.

The first is to let Heaven and Hell disband the team.

Secondly, Zhang Yi forced the remaining more than 300,000 people in the Heavenly Family to unload all their equipment and hand over 80% of the resources in their backpacks.

Those who do this will be released.

In this way, it can be regarded as a warning to them, and this is the end of the hostile dragon clan and Tiange!

Not killing them directly was considered a lot of tolerance.

It also left 20% of the resources for them, which can be regarded as a way of life for them.

After the players who ruled the Heaven family in Heaven and Hell announced their surrender.

More than a dozen officials from Heaven, Hell and Heaven Family also came to Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo to beg for mercy.

"Great... Great God, two great gods, spare me!"

Heaven and Hell knelt directly in front of Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo, begging bitterly: "I'll give you all the equipment, just ask you to let me live!"

"Let you live?" Qiyue Liuhuo said: "Remember that last time in the City of Destruction, you were given a way to live. It was you who didn't know how to cherish, so you had to come back to seek death."

Heaven and hell froze for a moment.

He hurriedly said: "I was wrong! I really know I was wrong! I also asked the two eldest brothers to have a lot of them, and spare me one more time!"

At this time, the warrior Tian Xing came out with his sword: "Sorry, you have no chance."

After all, Tianxing went straight down with a sword, piercing the chest of heaven and hell.

At this time, heaven and hell had already exhausted all the resurrection opportunities in the battle just now.

With the 900 million damage of Tianxing Yijian, the blood bar above his head was cleared.

Heaven and Hell widened their eyes and opened their mouths, before they had time to say anything.

The whole person turned into a little starlight and drifted away.

Immediately afterwards, Tian Xing personally took action and wiped out all the officials of the Heaven Family!

Because these officials are all the culprits, and they don't deserve to be forgiven.

As long as they are killed, they are not afraid that the Heavenly Family will make a comeback in the future.

The four gates of the Imperial City are guarded by Tiange and the Dragon Clan.

As long as the players of the Paradise Family want to go out alive, they must take off all equipment and hand over 80% of the resources in their backpacks.

And at this time, there are still many scattered players outside the city watching.

They had come to watch the fight.

I didn't expect to see the scenes where the players of the Paradise Family go out of the city naked one by one.

It can be considered to let them know for a long time.

And there are many casual players who have started live broadcasts.

Now almost all the players in Liuguang City are there for all to see, and they are all watching the people from the Paradise Family come out of the city naked one by one.

As for female players, Tiange and Dragons are more human, leaving them something to hide their shame.

This time, these players of the Paradise family can lose face and let them experience the incomparable pain.

At this moment, none of them is not deeply regretful.

What's wrong, why do you have to fight against Tiange and Dragon Race?

Inside the Imperial City.

With the end of the battle against Heaven and the Black Dragon.

A strong smell of gunpowder erupted between the Tiange and the Dragon Clan.

Fortunately, the war between the two families was extinguished under the restraint of the two captains Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo.

At this time, the dragon clan is immortal, the dragon travels the world, and the king honors everyone, all expressing their inner doubts to Zhang Yi.

"Boss, what's this... what's going on? Why can we still be resurrected from the dead? And... I still have the full 5 chances of resurrection, and the loss from the previous death is nothing at all?"

At this time, Qiyue Liuhuo took out a golden token from the bag.

Share the attributes of the token in the team channel.

And Zhang Yi also copied the picture book of the soldier's talisman and sent it to the Dragon Clan's team channel.

When everyone saw the military talisman, they completely understood.

[Imperial City Soldiers (Special Items):

Description: Two thousand years ago, the emperor of the empire: Ying once used this military talisman to command thousands of troops in the imperial city. The person in charge of the military talisman can control the life and death of the Emperor City...

Those who are in charge of the military talisman can use the power of the military talisman to bring back those who died in the Emperor City...

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