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Chapter 1288 The identity of a traitor!

It is with the help of this talisman.

After everyone from the Dragon Clan and Tiange entered the Imperial City, Qiyue Liuhuo and Zhang Yi each used the power of the military talisman to protect their teammates.

Make them die in the Emperor City, and as long as the power of the soldiers is driven, they can be resurrected!

Even if there is no chance of resurrection and permanent death, it can be resurrected.

Moreover, it is the kind of resurrection without any loss!

It's like reading a game file.

No matter under what circumstances the later game character dies, you can read the file and return to the state at the beginning of the save!

This is also the answer to the secret that the terracotta warriors in the Emperor City can be resurrected in a while after being killed!

Therefore, Tiange and the Dragon Clan staged a big show in the Emperor City tonight!

This scene has been concealed from the Heavenly Family and the mastermind behind the manipulation of the Black Dragon.

Even all the players of Tiange and Dragon Clan were concealed!

Therefore, before, the two major families played in their true colors, and they really regarded each other as an enemy, and started a life-and-death battle in the Emperor City.

It is precisely in this way that the behind-the-scenes behind the scenes can be made to believe it and find the right time to show up.

In fact, the only people in the know are Zhang Yi, Han Yarou, Qiyue Liuhuo, August Weiyang, and the Four Heavenly Kings who used to spend the night in the Imperial City every night.

All the efforts made before are all for this battle today!

Facts have proved: Zhang Yi and the others succeeded, and their previous efforts were not in vain!

The only pity is that the black cloak, the one behind the manipulation of the black dragon, still let him run away.

At that time, when Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo were chasing the black cloak, they were besieged by a large number of dark dragons.

After getting rid of those black dragons, the black cloak had already taken the opportunity to escape.

With the complete end of the battle, the entire Imperial City returned to silence.

At this time, the players from Tiange and the Dragon Race gathered together to express their inner doubts.

"So, our tit for tat during this period of time has always been acting?"

As the dragon clan's immortal voice just fell.

August Weiyang said: "Yes."

"From that time in the Valley of the Dead, it was acting."

"Including later, every local struggle between your dragon clan and our Tiange in the wild is a real thing in your opinion, but in fact, it's all acting. The two of us have never really been hostile."

Immediately, everyone was in disbelief.

King Glory asked with a bewildered expression: "But...why do you want to do this?"

"For acting."

One of the four heavenly kings, the priest Tianming said: "In order to make our common enemy believe in the relationship between our two enemies."

"Otherwise, in this operation tonight, how can the people of the Paradise family show up? They just think that they can come out and reap the benefits of the fisherman while the two of us are fighting."

At this time, Ye Jintianming was a little suspicious: "Is such a big foreshadowing just to deal with the Heavenly Family?"

Obviously in the eyes of everyone: to deal with the Heavenly Family, there is no need for such a laborious act.

With the strength of Tiange and the Dragon Clan, it would be easy to destroy Heaven directly by combining the two.

At this time, August Weiyang went on to say: "So the purpose of our efforts, of course, is not simply to seduce the Heavenly Family."

"The one who can manipulate the dark dragon race is our real goal!"

"Is that the black cloak that just appeared last?" The dragon clan immortalized thoughtfully.

Qiyue Liuhuo sighed softly: "Unfortunately, the worst thing to do is run away."

Everyone expressed their doubts: "Who is that black cloak?"

Qiyue Liuhuo shook his head: "I ran too fast, I didn't have a chance to see it clearly."

At this time, Zhang Yi said confidently: "Look at who our dragon clan is missing, that's who it is."

"This... this person is... a traitor within our dragon clan?!"

Hearing this, everyone in the Dragon Clan only felt incredible for a while.

In addition to being shocked, the Dragon Clan Immortal and Long Xingtian quickly counted the number of people around.

Then he looked puzzled: "There's no one missing! Everything that should be there, unless it's not among us, or just an ordinary member of the Dragon Clan, then it's probably impossible to find out who he is."

Just when everyone was at a loss.

The scavengers seemed to have suddenly discovered something: "The number of our dragon clan is 300,000 whole, one more, one less, and no one less."

"If I really want to say that...there are only two people missing."

The original girl also found something: "What about the sisters from Purgatory City?"

Everyone looked around and found out: Lin Ruo and Lin Xi are gone!

Because the two of them came to Liuguang City from the Demon Race Purgatory City with Zhang Yi at the beginning.

Moreover, they are all members of the [Royal Family, and have not joined the Dragon Family from beginning to end.

Therefore, there are not many people in the dragon family, but the two of them are missing!

Long Xingtian said in surprise: "So, the traitors are the two of them?"

King Glory is a bit unbelievable: "But in the last battle between Brother Cheng and Qiyue Liuhuo, there were only a few of us left, and both of them were dead! How could it be them?"

Zhang Yi glanced at the glory of the king and said, "How do you know that they are dead, instead of finding a place to hide?"

Zhang Yi's words instantly awakened the dreamer.

Therefore, the person behind the manipulating the black dragon who exists as a mysterious person in the list of friends of Qiyue Liuhuo and Heaven and Hell is Lin Ruo and Lin Xi!

To be precise, the traitor is Lin Ruo!

That's right, this is the person who, in the last life, united with Mu Chen and killed Zhang Yi with his own hands!

It was only now that Zhang Yi knew that Lin Ruo had always been lurking beside him!

She followed Zhang Yi to Liuguang City just to wait for the opportunity to take revenge on Zhang Yi.

Even from the beginning, she was planning, inciting Qiyue Liuhuo, and using the power of Tiange to target Zhang Yi.

But logically, it is impossible for Lin Ruo in this life to have such a big hatred for Zhang Yi.

And when he saw Lin Ruo for the first time in this life, Zhang Yi had already copied her memory with the heart of memory, and there was no abnormality found at that time.

Explanation: Lin Ruo has an item on his body that can be modified or hidden from his memory!

From this, we can also know that Lin Ruo has long known that Zhang Yi possesses a prop that can replicate anyone's memory: the Heart of Memory!

So when Zhang Yi copied her memory, she already kept a hand and successfully avoided Zhang Yi's detection!

Coupled with the fact that she can manipulate the dark dragon.

Zhang Yi conjectures: Behind the scenes of Lin Ruo, there is a secret manipulator——

Dark Dragon King Egono!

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