Zhang Yi guessed.

Just like the previous candle dragon, that is, Mu Chen.

In this life, Mu Chen is not a rebirth like Zhang Yi, but he has insight into what will happen in the future in this life, and also knows that he is going to die at the hands of Zhang Yi, so he came to take revenge on Zhang Yi, trying to solve Zhang Yi in advance and change The history of this world.

The reason for this is precisely because the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno, who has traveled from this life to the future, handed over the heart of memory with the memory of Mu Chen in the future to Mu Chen, so that Mu Chen obtained the memory of the future through the heart of memory. memory.

Therefore, Lin Ruo, like Mu Chen, also got the help of the Dark Dragon Emperor.

Otherwise, a 200-level dark dragon can be manipulated by an ordinary person?

And the only purpose of Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno from beginning to end is to kill Zhang Yi!

It traveled back from five years later, just to kill Zhang Yi and change a certain history in the future, but unfortunately it failed.

Therefore, before being counter-killed by Zhang Yi, the Dark Dragon Emperor, who already had a hand, had already planted two seeds.

That is, in the future, [Mu Chen, and [Ruoxi!

Use their hatred for Zhang Yi to achieve his wish that he failed to kill Zhang Yi.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi couldn't help feeling a chill on his back.

This Iguno is really scary!

So deliberately wanted to kill Zhang Yi.

Unfortunately, its plans were broken one by one by Zhang Yi.

As long as Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo each explained the cause and effect of the matter clearly in the team, the two players who understood all the situation finally stopped holding grudges against each other.

The two families seem to have once again turned enemies into friends.

The resources obtained from the Heavenly Family players were divided equally between the two.

At five o'clock in the morning, the players from Tiange and the Dragon Race evacuated from the Imperial City and rushed back in the direction of Liuguang City.

On the way, everyone's mood is an indescribable feeling.

For them, it was all rebirth after catastrophe.

Dragons here.

Everyone was lamenting Lin Ruo Linxi, a pair of sisters who knew people but didn't know their hearts.

"I can't believe that they have been lurking in our dragon clan for so long. They have been planning how to kill our dragon clan for a long time!"

The King of Glory sighed: "It's really a femme fatale! It's fortunate that I still have a good impression of them both!"

"No, I really didn't expect that the traitors would be the two of them! Two defenseless women would have such great ambitions!"

The peak emperor said: "Our dragon family has always treated their sisters well, why did they do this?"

The words of the peak emperor made everyone present puzzled.

The most ashamed of them should be Zhang Yi.

In fact, Zhang Yi had doubts about Lin Ruo earlier.

It was when Zhang Yi just returned to Guang City from Purgatory City, Lin Ruo offered to come to Liu Guang City with Zhang Yi on the grounds of seeing a good friend in Liu Guang City.

Later, Zhang Yi inadvertently asked Lin Ruo several times about what she said about meeting her so-called friend in Liuguang City, but she answered hesitantly.

Obviously, this friend is just a pretext.

Just because: Zhang Yi used [Heart of Memory to copy Lin Ruo's memory more than once.

Every time I copied Lin Ruo's memory, I didn't find any abnormality, and Zhang Yi never thought that such a big secret was buried in her body!

At this time, Zhang Yi couldn't help sighing: "I was careless, and finally let her escape."

The voice just fell.

Qiyue Liuhuo suddenly walked to Zhang Yi's side and whispered, "Did you let her go on purpose?"

Zhang Yi was slightly shocked.

When looking at Qiyue Liuhuo, Qiyue Liuhuo has intentionally changed a topic and said to Zhang Yi, "Remember what I said before, after this incident is over, we will still be enemies, and I will defeat you in an open and honest way. ."

"Next time we meet, I hope you will be ready."

After all, Qiyue Liuhuo and the Four Heavenly Kings led the Tiange army to leave first in the other direction.

Zhang Yi looked at the back of Qiyue Liuhuo gradually leaving, and sighed softly:

"It's so cunning and cunning, it's been seen like this!"

On the side, Han Yarou, who overheard the words in front of Qiyue Liuhuo, asked Zhang Yi in surprise: "So, what Qiyue Liuhuo just said is true? You really let that Lin go on purpose. If with Lin Xi?"

Zhang Yi glanced at Han Yarou: "Go back and talk about it."

So, stay out of everyone's eyes.

After returning to Liuguang City, Zhang Yi and Han Yarou came to a restaurant.

I plan to have a late night snack before going to bed.

During this period, Han Yarou continued the previous question and asked, "Why did you deliberately let them go? They all want to put you to death!"

Zhang Yi shook his head: "Lin Ruo, you can't die."

I have to say that this is also a thorn in Zhang Yi's heart.

Otherwise, when he first saw Lin Ruo, Zhang Yi would have killed her directly, and he would never have kept her until now.

Just because: Lin Ruo buried a secret that could save Fatty.

In the last life, Fatty encountered a hardship in the first-level main city. When he was about to die, it was Lin Ruo who saved him.

At that time, Zhang Yi and Lin Ruo had a good relationship.

And it turns out that no matter where the fat man is, at that point in time, he will definitely go through that ordeal!

Because, that's from the judgment of the adjudicator!

There is no escape.

And the only person who can save Fatty is Lin Ruo.

So from the beginning, Zhang Yi's purpose in finding Lin Ruo was not just to avenge the betrayal of the previous life.

More importantly, I want to save the fat man.

So this time, Zhang Yi chose to let go of Lin Ruo when he was able to get hold of Lin Ruo and take this opportunity to get rid of her in an open and fair manner.

At that time in the Emperor City, although he was surrounded by the dark war dragon in the process of chasing Lin Ruo, Lin Ruo took the opportunity to escape.

However, it would be naive to think that just a few 200-level dark dragons could hinder Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi just deliberately let Lin Ruo go.

Because he knew: with Qiyue Liuhuo's temperament, if he caught Lin Ruo, he would definitely kill Lin Ruo, and would not leave her a way back.

After all, Lin Ruo, who manipulated the black dragon, instructed Heaven to annex his Tiange Second Team, and has been secretly using him to deal with the people of the dragon family!

So in order to save Fatty, Zhang Yi had to let Lin Ruo go first.

In any case, Zhang Yi will not watch Fatty die and ignore it.

learned the reason.

Han Yarou comforted Zhang Yi: "It's okay Zhang Yi, everything will be fine."

Zhang Yi nodded.

As long as Lin Ruo doesn't die, Zhang Yi can finally think of a way to use her to save Fatty.

As long as Lin Ruo is used to help Fatty get through the mortal crisis, Zhang Yi will kill Lin Ruo himself!

At the same time, outside Liuguang City.

Near the Emperor City map, in a hidden bamboo forest.

Lin Ruo and Lin Xi hurried into the bamboo forest.

At this time, Lin Xi panted and asked Lin Ruo, "Sister, why are we running?"

Lin Ruo himself shook his head: "I don't know either, but I just felt like a voice was guiding me, telling me to run..."

Lin Xi looked confused: "What, sister, have you had hallucinations? Let's go back quickly, otherwise Zhang Yi and the others will be suspicious!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Ruo suddenly received a friend message.

"Ding ~ player [the other party has turned on deep hiding and apply for adding you as a friend through friend search!"

Lin Ruo hesitated and accepted the friend request.

After a while, the mysterious friend who had hidden all the information sent a message to Lin Ruo: "Do you want to live?"

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