Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1312 The ultimate knockout match!

The maximum bet amount per player is 1 million gold coins.

A maximum of 10 people can bet, and the maximum amount of bet on each person cannot exceed 100,000.

So, an hour before the game starts.

At nine o'clock in the morning, countless players in Liuguang City began to bet on their favorite players based on the total standings of the first round of auditions issued by the system.

The first choice of most people is definitely Zhang Yi.

However, since a single player can only bet a maximum of 100,000 gold coins, they had to choose Zhang Yi as the first choice, and then choose another nine contestants.

Finally, according to system statistics, a total of 41 million players betting on Yinuo Allure!

The total betting amount is 4.1 trillion gold coins!

The second place is hot in July, and the total betting amount is also 4 trillion!

After that, Xingtian, a ride to Juechen, will be ordered by heaven.

Until ten o'clock in the morning, the game finally officially started!

Just like when the first round of auditions started yesterday.

Countless silver lights scattered in the city.

All the players who qualified for the second round were shrouded in silver light and then teleported to the arena.

This time, the map that Zhang Yi was randomly matched to was the Moza Mountains.

Of course, for Zhang Yi, it doesn't matter what the game map is.

As the game begins.

Zhang Yi, who was teleported to the Moza Mountains map, turned on the killing mode without saying a word!

Babu, the Dragon Emperor Babu, led the three lord dragons, carried Zhang Yi and the group of monsters, and turned into four dragon knights.

As long as it is the target locked by Zhang Yi, no one can survive for 1 second in Zhang Yi's hands!

Those who can advance to the second round of the audition must be among the more than 40 million players in Liuguang City, with outstanding strength and outstanding power.

However, even these strong players are vulnerable in front of Zhang Yi!

In the Moza Mountains map, the war between 10,000 players, as Zhang Yi was in it, seemed to become a cat-and-mouse battle.

Players in the mountain range fled as long as they saw Zhang Yi, and did not dare to confront Zhang Yi at all.

Zhang Yi harvested all the way.

Wherever you go, the armor will not stay!

The map announcements and the city-wide announcements are constantly refreshed, and most of them are Zhang Yi's id: Yinuo Qingcheng!

This name, which has been resounding enough to make the participating players feel frightened, frequently appears in kill announcements.

Outside the field, those players who did not participate in the competition also followed suit.

"This promise is really awesome! It seems that the deposit invested in him is stable!"

"Unfortunately, it's only 100,000 when it's stable. Who asked the system to only bet 100,000 for us! This is a clear-cut deal, and it's a sure-fire business!"

"Yeah, if there is no limit on the amount, I will sell my wife directly, and I will put all my money into a promise of bankruptcy!"

"Look at all, that July Liuhuo's record is also good, and the votes for him are basically stable!"

Players outside the stadium were talking.

The players on the field fought fiercely.

Almost every second, countless players are eliminated.

And because of this time, the number of players in each map has been compressed to 10,000.

Similar to Zhang Yi's side, he can't wait until the end of time to finish the game.

Yes, that's right, Zhang Yi, as the first person in the second round of the audition, ended the game ahead of schedule.

At 11:40 noon, there are still 20 minutes before the end of the game.

In the Moza Mountains where Zhang Yi is located, apart from Zhang Yi, there is no other player alive!

Zhang Yi sat alone on a mountaintop.

Between the mountains, four dragons fly freely.

Zhang Yi seems to have become the lord of this territory, free and enjoying the breeze.

Look at the record: 6348 kills, 63480 points, ranking first in the Moza Mountains map points list.

Mainly because of the number of people, Zhang Yi's performance is limited.

Otherwise, his points would definitely be more than that.

So, Zhang Yi sat on the top of the mountain blowing the wind, and spent the last twenty minutes of the game leisurely.

As the only survivor of the Moza Mountains, he was teleported away from the arena by the system.

The results of the second round of auditions have been released.

With a record of 63,480 points, Zhang Yi still ranks first in the Liuguang City points list.

July Liuhuo, who were assigned to other maps, were also successfully promoted.

In the end, 4,100 players advanced to the first round of the audition!

As the first place in the second round of the audition, Zhang Yi once again received as much rewards as the first round:

10 Primary Star Rising Stones!

A golden skill book!

Reputation 700,000!

The 10 Star Rising Stones awarded this time, Zhang Yi did not continue to waste them on the Emperor suit.

Because the primary star-rising stone can only be used once on a piece of equipment at most.

Also, the Emperor suit is only a 51 star suit.

And the highest star rating of Apocalypse World's equipment reaches 255 stars!

When you get to the first-level main city, you will get more advanced equipment. I am afraid that the emperor's suit will be eliminated once you reach the first-level main city.

The star-rising stone should be reserved for the more advanced equipment in the back, and then it can be used on those advanced equipment to give full play to its maximum value!

As for the golden skill book.

You can freely choose your occupation.

In the end, Zhang Yi chose the assassin skill.

Get a golden seven kill streak!

Assassin kills seven times in a row, and can launch seven flash kills in a short period of time.

Very good multiple displacement, and explosive damage skills!

Zhang Yi learned this skill from Soul Harvesters.

Next, only the last audition is left.

At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, the third audition will start on time.

Moreover, the rules of this game directly overturned the previous two rules.

In the third round of the audition, the last 4,100 players will be sent to the same map, and they will earn points by killing monsters in the map.

Between each other, you can snatch the last blow from the monster, but the players are in an absolutely safe area.

That is: players ban each other from pk!

In the end, among the 4,100 players, the 100 players with the highest points will win.

As a delegation from Liuguang City, go to the final battle of the gods!

And the rules of this last game also made countless players regain their confidence.

Because they thought: If the rules are still the same as the previous two games, then in the last game, it must be a world of promises.

He dominates the field alone, and there is no way for the other competitors to survive.

Because within the range of Liuguang City, Zhang Yi is invincible, and no one is his opponent.

The new rules released by the system make these more than 4,000 contestants full of hope for tomorrow's competition.

It's just that if they kill more monsters than anyone else, even if they can't compare to top masters like Yinuo Qingcheng and Qiyue Liuhuo.

At the very least, they are all confident that they can make it to the top 100!

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