Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1313 Decisive Battle: Killing the City!

On the third day of the opening of the audition, at ten o'clock in the morning, the third round of the final knockout round came as promised.

Through the first and second rounds of screening, the 4,100 contestants who finally stood out from the 41 million contestants were sent to the Killing City map by the system at the same time.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the game officially begins!

"Ding~ The third round of the audition has begun!"

"Rules of the game: Players get points by killing monsters in the Killing City map. Monsters are divided into three levels. Level 1 monsters correspond to 10 points, level 2 monsters correspond to 30 points, and level 3 monsters correspond to 50 points. PK is prohibited, all players have unlimited chances of resurrection, each death will be resurrected after 1 minute!"

"The game is two hours long, the game starts now!"

Dropped by the system prompt.

4,100 contestants descended on the Killing Capital City.

at the same time.

Countless white lights descended from the sky, sprinkled on the city, and transformed into four-legged monsters with hideous faces and weird looks!

Their rating, taking the average rating of these 4,100 contestants: 183!

And, they flashed orange, red, and gold in three different colors.

The color represents the level. Monsters with orange light are first-level monsters. You can get 10 points for killing them. All attributes are balanced.

Red represents the second-level monsters, killing 30 points, but they have a 20% final damage increase/final damage-free buff effect.

Golden monsters represent level 3. Killing them earns 50 points and has a 50% damage increase/damage reduction buff.

As the game begins.

The players are drawing their swords and rushing towards the surrounding monsters!

Soon, players are fighting with monsters.

In a heated and fierce battle, monsters were beheaded one by one.

Among them, there are also players who were accidentally killed.

Level 1 monsters at level 183 are not difficult to kill for players who can reach the finals.

The difficulty lies in the second and third level monsters.

The buff effect they have has increased their combat effectiveness by more than one level!

Many players are killed by level 3 monsters!

As the battle begins.

Players' points also began to rise.

The rules of the third round of the game do not allow players to pk each other.

To grab points.

Some players deliberately target monsters crippled by other players to snatch the final blow!

Because only the one who wins the last hit can get points.

So, the competition is also very fierce.

At the same time, Zhang Yi also started to act.

Summoned the fifth-order bathing dragon emperor Babu, Zhang Yi rode a minibus and took off.

The Dragonblood Knight, the Undead Crossbowman, and the Soul Harvester each rode a lord dragon and followed closely behind.

Zhang Yi cast spells in the air.

Boom boom boom!

After multiple attacks and triple reinforcement of killing dragon souls and fire-bathing dragon souls, the spells transformed into fire dragons and attacked the monsters in the city.

The damage suffered by the first-level monsters is as high as 4 billion.

Second-level monsters have 20% of the final injury-free, and the injury is about 3-3.5 billion.

The third-level monsters have 50% of the final damage-free, and Zhang Yi's damage to them has been greatly reduced to about 2 billion!

However, as ordinary monsters of level 183, their total HP is only about 10 billion.

No matter how weakened Zhang Yi's damage was, it was deadly to them!

The streamer is gone!

Undead Storm!

Snow and ice!

Fire is burning!

Demons dance!

One after another super group skills cover the audience.

Countless fire dragons swept across the city.

The bloodline skills Hell Dragon Flame and Hell Dragon Breath are also displayed from time to time.

Countless monsters were killed by Zhang Yi.

And the monster group rides the lord dragon, and their kills will also be counted on the master Zhang Yi.

In an instant, Zhang Yi's points soared.

The points of the fire in July are also eagerly pursued.

The ones who followed behind were the Four Heavenly Kings of Tiange, Xingtian on the side of the Dragon Clan, riding Juechen, Fatty and the others.

The top ten in the standings are almost all from Tiange and Dragon.

Many players find that it is difficult to kill second-level and third-level monsters, so they target the first-level monsters.

On Zhang Yi's side, no matter the first, second, or third level, they all take it all!

Moreover, no one dared to snatch Zhang Yi's monster, even if it was a third-level monster that was very disabled by Zhang Yi, someone saw it and did not dare to rob it.

The battle continued for two hours.

Until noon, the game is completely over!

In the end, Zhang Yi won the first place with 38,000 points.

As for why this time the points are the least.

Of course, because for Zhang Yi, killing players is much easier than killing monsters!

Because the players at this stage generally have only one or two billion HP.

Zhang Yi's attack can cause one-shot damage to them.

but have

A monster with tens of billions of health, Zhang Yi needs several skills to kill one!

With the end of the third round of knockout.

The system starts to count the shortlist.

The players who finally entered the decisive battle of the battle of the gods include Zhang Yi, Qiyue Liuhuo, August Weiyang, the four heavenly kings of Tiange, and the three dragon gods of war.

In addition, more than 20 people from Tiange and Dragon Clan were also shortlisted.

After that, there are other players.

At this time, Zhang Yi also received a pleasant system prompt.

"Ding~ Congratulations, you won the first place in the third round of the knockout round of the Battle of the Gods! Rewards: Primary Star Rising Stone x20! Golden Skill Book x1! Prestige x100w!"

"Ding~ Congratulations, you have qualified for the finals of the Battle of the Gods. The final battle of the Battle of the Gods will open at 7 o'clock tomorrow night. Please prepare to fight for Liuguang City!"

Another 20 Primary Star Rising Stones are in hand!

In three games, Zhang Yi got 37 invaluable Rising Star Stones.

There are also three golden skill books, plus more than 2 million reputation!

This reward is absolutely incredible!

Of course, Zhang Yi's pursuit doesn't stop there.

The championship reward of the Battle of the Gods is Zhang Yi's ultimate pursuit!

With the auditions of the major cities, the knockout round ended successfully.

There are more than 30 secondary main cities of the three major races in the Star Country District, and all of them have selected a hundred strongest, who will represent their main cities and go to participate in the final battle of the gods!

Full Server Announcement/Star Country Area: "Ding~ Attention all Star Country players: The Battle of the Gods will start the day after tomorrow, and the contestants will be teleported to the competition venue at 7 o'clock tomorrow night - the Realm of the Gods! Players, please. be ready!"

The final battle is finally here!

Zhang Yi, who was in Liuguang City, was full of certainty.

He knew that this duel between the top powerhouses from the major second-tier main cities was bound to be an unprecedented battle.

However, Zhang Yi also has full confidence that he can defeat the enemy and win the champion of the battle of the gods!

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