Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1318 The Realm of the Gods

In the realm of the gods, in addition to the data will be reset, the equipment system is also completely updated.

The equipment level distinguishes the quality according to the player's God of War level.

At present, the initial level of all participants is Level 1 God of War, and only level 1 equipment can be used.

And in the store of the realm of the gods, all you can buy are the most basic level 0 equipment!

Advanced equipment requires competitors to fight on the field at the beginning of the game.

And the price of all level 0 equipment, the unit price requires 5 points of divine power!

There are seven equipment parts.

On average, a set of equipment for the player is 35 points of divine power.

With the remaining 15 points of divine power, you can replenish some potions or something, just to make up for the early needs.

However, Zhang Yi is different.

As a beastmaster, he has to buy equipment for the beasts!

After buying a set of equipment for himself, Zhang Yi only had 15 points of divine power left. Obviously, there was no more divine power left for the Warcraft group to rectify.

at this time.

In front of Zhang Yi, a person came.

Holding two pieces of level 0 assassin professional equipment in his hand, he handed it to Zhang Yi: "I only know that you have an Assassin-type Warcraft, these two pieces of equipment should be used for your Warcraft, but there are only two, the extra , I can't afford it either"

Zhang Yi looked up, only to see that standing in front of him was a young warrior player numbered rl3348!

Although the information was hidden by the system, Zhang Yi still recognized the warrior youth at a glance.

He is the Yakult saved by Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo in the city of destruction this evening!

Zhang Yi glanced at Yakult and said, "The resources are given to me, what do you do yourself?"

"This is a team game." Yakult said: "And you are the strongest among us, so ensuring your development is the most important."

Zhang Yi nodded without being polite, and took the equipment from Yakult: "Thank you."

At this time, Yakult's girlfriend, Ledo, the archer girl with the number rl1690, also came over with two pieces of equipment and handed it to Zhang Yi.

Those are two pieces of knight equipment, which can be used by dragon blood knights.

She also spent 10 points of divine power in exchange for it.

And then, Yakult and Ledo resonated with everyone.

After purchasing a set of equipment for themselves, all the contestants in Liuguang City purchased a set of equipment for Zhang Yi's undead crossbowman, Dragon Blood Knight and Soul Reaper!

after purchase.

In the crowd, someone shouted: "Brothers, come on!"

"Come on! Liuguang City will win!"

As everyone knows, this scene has already been watched by tens of millions of players in Liuguang City.

Because of the battle of the gods, the system will broadcast live in major cities.

Since the moment the contestants entered the realm of the gods, they have not fought on their own behalf, but fought for tens of millions of players in the entire main city!

All secondary main cities can watch the activities of the contestants in their main cities through the live broadcast interface.

Of course, such privacy as sleeping, the system will not broadcast live.

After buying a set of equipment, Zhang Yi opened the status bar to take a look.

Under normal circumstances, a mage who gets a set of level 0 equipment bonus has only 10 points of attack power, 4 points of defense power and 200 blood.

And Zhang Yi's full-level blood skills, Dragon Emperor's might (+50% attack power), Dragon Emperor's body (+50% defense), and Dragon Emperor bloodline (+50% life) come into play.

This makes Zhang Yi initially have 15 points of attack power, 6 points of defense and 300 blood!

In addition, the speed of the Dragon King increases Zhang Yi's movement speed and attack speed by 50%.

In the case that all title bonuses and damage bonuses cannot take effect, and mounts cannot be used.

Zhang Yi is still a big step ahead of the other contestants!

Because Zhang Yi can also use the professional effect of the Dragon Soul Master to summon a giant dragon!

After these are ready.

Zhang Yi doesn't even need to buy potions.

Because in the battle of the gods, the player does not need to consume energy to use the skills, and the player has no energy bar attribute at all.

The average player only needs to buy the red potion.

And Zhang Yi has a master-level blood-devouring dragon soul, 90% blood-sucking, and can fully survive.

After saving 15 points of divine power, Zhang Yi plans to keep 100 points for upgrading.

Only when the God of War level is high can you upgrade your skills and use more advanced equipment.

After seven o'clock, night fell.

In the realm of the gods, more than 3,000 participating players from the three major races of human race, alien race, and demon race, a total of 34 secondary main cities, all wandered aimlessly in the city.

And these are all from the top masters of the major secondary main cities!

A breath of a strong man bloomed in the city.

Many strong players even fight against strong players in other main cities in the city in order to show their majesty and try to put pressure on their opponents before the game starts.

There were countless onlookers, shouting and shouting, and it was also very lively.

Zhang Yi and the others were unintentional.

"What's the benefit of PK in the city? If you have time to do PK, it's better to rest early, save some energy, and prepare for tomorrow's game."

With the war

Shi Tianxing's voice just fell.

Everyone together, ready to go to the restaurant to eat, and then go to sleep.

Just on the way to the restaurant.

In front of the street, a large group of players suddenly approached!

They are obviously from the same main city.

Because of the number displayed on the top of the head, the first two letters are the same yq.

Alien, Qingguang City!

As the saying goes, the brave who meet in a narrow way wins.

Both sides are the strongest players who represent their respective main cities, and there are tens of millions of players watching behind them.

At this time, the opposing yq player did not intend to give way.

In the confrontation, a middle-aged warrior man numbered yq1121 said contemptuously: "Seeing the strong division of our Qingguang City, why don't you quickly give way?"

Although the level equipment has been reset.

But the ordinary dress still can't hide the strong breath of this warrior man!

80% of him should be the most influential first powerhouse in Qingguang City!

And here, the warrior Tian Xing carried the big sword, and said disapprovingly: "Qingguang City, how old are you?"

At this time, the warrior of the alien Qingguang City glanced at Tianxing, and saw the identity of Qiyue Liuhuo and some people, all of them were alien players!

And their number r actually represents the human race!

The warrior man yq1121 couldn't help but snorted softly: "People of different races, go to serve the race? You really are a bunch of good dogs!"

The words of the warrior man instantly angered the players in the Tiange here.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

Among the 92 contestants in Liuguang City, more than a dozen foreign players from Tiange were fighting with each other, showing their fighting spirit.

In the confrontation, the contestants from the alien Qingguang City also moved their fellows.

"Just right, warm up before the game. Tens of millions of people on both sides are watching, I hope you don't get beaten too badly by us!" The warrior man numbered 1121 looked disdainful.

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