Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1319 The first battle: slaughtering demons

The realm of the gods.

On a street, the contestants from the alien Qingguang City confronted the contestants from the human race Liuguang City.

A strong smell of gunpowder exploded from the field!

At this time, countless players watching the battle in the main cities of the two sides also began to be inexplicably nervous and looking forward to it.

In Qingguang City, tens of millions of players who were watching the live broadcast encouraged them.

"Go! Teach them a lesson, dare to block the way of our Qingguang City, let them see the power of our Qingguang City powerhouse!"

"That's right! Use this opportunity to suppress them, so that when they meet our Qingguang City team in the next game, they must be in awe of three points!"

On the side of Liuguang City, more than 40 million spectators felt speechless.

"Who are you, so arrogant, the game hasn't started, what's the point of playing?"

"That's right, let God Yinuo give them some color to see, do you really think that our Liuguang City is easy to bully?"

in the realm of the gods.

As the smell of gunpowder spread on the field, the two sides were about to fight.

Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo suddenly walked towards a path on the right side of the street.

The others followed, thus avoiding the fight.

Seeing this, the contestants in Qingguang City sneered: "A bunch of cowards, I'm afraid,"

"Come on, it's really boring."

After all, they walked straight along the big path.

And is bypassing them, walking on a small road among the contestants in Liuguang City.

Warrior Tianxing was a little angry and said: "They are so arrogant, why don't you have a fight with them and teach them a lesson?"

"It's pointless." Qiyue Liuhuo said: "The game hasn't started yet, so there's no need to work hard with them, save your energy, and play the game well tomorrow. The final victory is the most important thing."

Fortunately, in addition to Zhang Yi, there is someone who understands Qiyue Liuhuo.

So, everyone came to a restaurant.

Surprisingly, I found that the restaurants in the realm of the gods are not only high-end and luxurious, but also the delicious food and wine are unheard of in the former secondary main city!

Even in the hall, there are sexy and beautiful npc girls dancing to the singing.

The moment you enter the restaurant, you only feel like you are in a fairyland!

"It is said that the realm of the gods is the place where the gods who once enlightened the world can come." Qiyue Liuhuo sighed: "When I see it now, it really lives up to its reputation."

After all, it is a holy land that only a few thousand people can reach with more than one billion players in the star country area around the world!

The high-level sense of the realm of the gods is beyond everyone's imagination.

And here, eating also needs to consume divine power.

However, one seat only needs to consume 1 point of divine power.

It is well worth spending 1 point of divine power to enjoy such delicious food.

This scene also made the tens of millions of players watching the live broadcast in Liuguang City envious:

"My God! This realm of the gods is really like a fairyland!"

"I've never seen such a high-end place before!"

"I rely on this delicious food and beauty! I knew that when I was in the audition, I worked hard and made it to the finals!"

"Hey! I'm so sorry!"

At this time, a certain girl in the crowd stomped her feet in a hurry. She hurriedly opened her friend list and sent a message to Yiqi Juechen: "You are not allowed to show me other girls! NPCs are not allowed either!"

In the realm of the gods, Yiqi Juechen, who was having a big meal in the restaurant, saw the news and couldn't help but smile.

Then, he replied to the original girl: "I didn't see it."

After everyone was satisfied, they went to the hotel to rest.

And the hotels in the realm of the gods are also very advanced.

On the roof top of the hotel, there is a huge hot spring pool.

There are also countless stargazing instruments.

The consumption of staying in a hotel is also 1 point of divine power by one person. If the divine power is insufficient, one can even owe the debt first, and then pay it back when the divine power is obtained in the game tomorrow.

As a result, all the contestants spent a comfortable night in this high-end hotel.

The game hasn't started yet.

The competition time is five days, and the specific competition time of each day is from 8:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the afternoon.

At the end of each day's competition, the contestants will be teleported to the realm of the gods to rest.

In other words, even if you just come to the realm of the gods to travel for five days, no matter whether you win or lose in the final game, that is what countless players yearn for!

At least, let people experience the life of heaven on earth for a few days!

At 7:20 in the morning the next day, a loud system announcement woke up all participating players in the realm of the gods.

"Ding~ Attention all participating players: the first game of the Battle of the Gods will start on time in 40 minutes, players please be prepared!"

Dropped by the system prompt.

A group of participating players woke up from their sleep and had breakfast.

At this time, the rules of the first game have also been announced.

The first game, the time is this morning from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The content is also relatively simple, there is no confrontation between players in the major cities, in order to allow the major participating teams to develop independently.

That is: after the start of the game, the system will be divided according to the main city, and the major participating teams will be sent to the divided cities.

on the same map.

By hunting monsters on the map, you can obtain divine power, and there is a chance to explode equipment.

Once killed by a monster in the middle, the deceased will not have any loss, and will be resurrected in place after one minute.

But it will reduce the value of divine power acquired by the team's overall historical accumulation by 10 points!

The rules of the first game are that simple.

But it is also extremely important and should not be underestimated.

Because today's game can be regarded as a day for the major teams to develop freely, and prepare for the collision later.

If you don't develop well today, it will definitely be detrimental to the game tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

The rules of the battle of the gods are to use five days of competition to count the comprehensive divine power accumulated by each team in history, and to settle the ranking.

So today there is one more task, which is to collect divine power!

With the arrival of eight in the morning.

All contestants, start to enter.

Under the call of the system, they all came to a huge arena in the realm of the gods!

More than 3,000 contestants from major second-tier main cities surrounded a huge seven-star matrix in the huge ring arena.

Both of them are full of curiosity and anticipation for the next game.

Some people even expressed disdain for the first round of the competition: "It's just killing monsters, it's so simple, there's no passion at all! Just like the audition, let us directly pk to decide the outcome, wouldn't it better reflect our strength?"

This side of Liuguang City.

Zhang Yi told the more than 90 teammates behind him: "Any game in the battle of the gods should not be taken lightly and try to avoid casualties."

Say it.

A system prompt came down from the sky—

"Ding ~ The first battle of the battle of the gods: the slaughter of demons has begun, and now all participants are sent to the competition venue!"

Whoa whoa whoa!

In the seven-star matrix in the center of the arena, countless streamers burst out, illuminating the surrounding contestants.

In a blink of an eye, all the contestants disappeared in the arena!

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