At this moment, the millions of viewers who witnessed the battle in the live broadcast room of Qingguang City were all stunned.

They don't understand: Why is a mere beastmaster so strong in combat!

You must know: Anyone who can participate in the battle of the gods is a top player in the city!

In this case, their ten-member team was actually destroyed by one of the other's beastmasters with the power of one person!

As a result, the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room of the Qingguang City contestants who had just been eliminated from the group fell into silence collectively.

On the Liuguang City side, the tens of millions of viewers from Zhang Yi's perspective were instantly boiling.

"Haha! I still want to kill people and sell more goods, but stealing chickens can't lose money, right?"

"Yinuo Allure is awesome!"

"Nuo God yyds!"

on the field.

In the Qingguang City ten-member team that was destroyed, everyone exploded a divine power scroll presented by the system.

In addition, in that treasure box, everyone also opened ten scrolls of divine power!

In this battle, Zhang Yi and the others have harvested 20 scrolls of divine power!

At this moment, together with a teammate in a team, they couldn't help but give Zhang Yi a thumbs up.

It turned out that Zhang Yi deliberately didn't take action when he fought Mosha before, because he found out that they had been targeted by people from Qingguang City!

The people in Qingguang City wanted to wait for Zhang Yi and the others to deal with the beasts before they came up to kill people.

On the other hand, Zhang Yi didn't want to reveal his strength, so as not to scare them away.

Therefore, he deliberately let his teammates kill Mosha, but Zhang Yi didn't do it himself, just to wait until the players in Qingguang City started to kill them!

Zhang Yi looked at the scroll in his hand.

Scroll of Divine Power (special item for Clash of the Gods).

Description: After use, it can accumulate 10 points of divine power for the entire participating team.

Remarks: You must have at least one divine scroll on your body before you can use the extra divine scroll. When the system detects that there are contestants in the team who do not have divine scrolls, the divine scrolls obtained by other contestants will be sent to the system first. In the hands of the godless scroller.

What they didn't expect was: Zhang Yi and the others just got 20 scrolls of divine power, and 6 of them were taken away by the system!

Apparently because: other teams in Liuguang City must have also been attacked by players in Qingguang City, and six people were killed in battle. The only initial scroll of divine power given by the system was exploded, and then Zhang Yi and the others had to be on their side. to make up for the loss of teammates.

This setting is to prevent someone from using this to get stuck in bugs.

That is: Concentrate all the scrolls of divine power on one person, and then the death of the others will not explode the scrolls of divine power.

Just like the setting that each contestant must keep at least one scroll of divine power, the meaning is the same.

So, Zhang Yi and the others used the remaining 14 scrolls of divine power.

Announcement from Liuguang City: "Ding ~ Player rl9526 uses the divine power scroll x14, and the accumulated divine power in Liuguang City x140!"

At the same time, the announcement is constantly broadcasting the gains of other teams:

"Ding~ Player rl3325 uses the scroll of divine power x6, and the accumulated divine power in the streamer city x60!"

"Ding~ Player rl4698 uses the scroll of divine power x9, and the accumulated divine power in Streamer City x90!"


Liuguang City and Qingguang City, the power pools of both sides are constantly rising.

The number of divine scrolls opened from the treasure chest is between 5-10.

And every treasure chest must be guarded by a level 8-9 monster.

In addition, the setting that killing the enemy contestant will definitely drop the divine power scroll also makes killing a key point for obtaining divine power in the second game.

As a result, players from both sides fought fiercely in the Killing Maze.

As long as you meet the opponent's contestant, shoot and kill!

The competition, or rather the battle, is heating up.

The time came to three o'clock in the afternoon, and there were still two hours before the end of the game.

At this time, according to the statistics of the system: Liuguang City accumulated 72500 divine power points.

And Qingguang City is even higher than Liuguang City, they have reached 80,000!

This result surprised Zhang Yi.

Because so far, he has killed a lot of Qingguang City contestants and opened a lot of treasure chests.

As long as the opposing contestant encounters Zhang Yi, he will surely die.

This can cause Liuguang City to be thrown down by Qingguang City, and the reason can only be found in other teams.

So, Zhang Yi sent a message to Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others through the friend function.

"What's going on with you?"

"They're too rude." Xing Tian replied, "Every time they meet, they don't confront us at all, they flee first, then sneak around in a roundabout way, kill a few of us and explode the scroll of divine power, and they don't entangle with us again. keep running."

The reply from Yiqi Juechen and Fatty was the same.

Zhang Yi can be said to have found the reason.

They're just playing tricks.

Moreover, they found out the details of Liuguang City.

Know who's easy to mess with and which ones aren't.

Facing Zhang Yi, Qiyue Liuhuo, Xing Tianyiqi Juechen and other top-level masters, they only moved their teammates, and they ran away after one set.

Therefore, according to the system statistics, the number of kills on both sides is not proportional at all!

The total number of kills in Qingguang City has reached 2325 times!

And the total number of kills here in Liuguang City is only 1500 times!

At this moment, tens of millions of viewers in the major live broadcast rooms of Qingguang City are cheering, as if for them, the ticket is already in hand!

There were only two hours left in the game.

A murderous look appeared in Zhang Yi's eyes.

"Do you like to play? Then I'll play with you."

Having said that, Zhang Yi sent a message to Qiyue Liuhuo: "Want to do something big?"

"What do you mean?" Qiyue Liuhuo replied.

Zhang Yi said: "Call your Four Heavenly Kings and report to me."

Qiyue Liuhuo seemed to understand Zhang Yi's meaning and said, "Are you sure? Doing this is not a small risk."

"Do you think they have a higher score than us because we can't beat them?" Zhang Yi's reply aroused Qi Yueliu's fighting spirit.

Qiyue Liuhuo no longer hesitated, and even reported his location coordinates to Zhang Yi.

At the same time, Zhang Yi also received reports from the Four Heavenly Kings of Tiange, Xingtian, Yiqi Juechen, and Fatty.

The next moment, when the mount function could not be used, Zhang Yi summoned the lord dragon through the power of the dragon soul master.

Straight away from the current teammates, riding a giant dragon and flying into the killing maze.

According to the report points, Qi Yue Liu Huo, August Wei Yang and the Four Heavenly Kings, Xing Tian, ​​Yi Qi Jue Chen, and Fatty took over.

Just made up a ten-person team and completed the illegal team formation!

Ten people, riding three-headed dragons, appeared above the maze.

This scene also attracted the attention of the contestants in the maze, as well as countless spectators outside the field.

"What do they want to do?"

When people are confused.

Zhang Yi and the others rode a giant dragon and began to search for prey on the map!

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