In terms of heads-up, looking at the entire Qingguang City, none of the 94 contestants was Zhang Yi's opponent.

But when they saw Zhang Yi, they avoided it and chose other opponents who were better to fight.

Moreover, the tactics are also very obscene, adopting sneak attack and run-and-run style of play, making the final score of their Qingguang City higher than that of Liuguang City.

So next, Zhang Yi and the others turned from defense to offense.

Gathered the strongest divisions of Liuguang City, riding the three-headed lord dragon, as long as they found the player team of Qingguang City on the map, they flew down and killed them!

This team is formed by Dragon Soul Master, Hell Mage, Thunder Knight, Ghost Swordsman, Judge, Four Heavenly Kings, and August Weiyang.

The combat power is on the table, it can be said to be invincible, no one can match!

Wherever they went, the players in Qingguang City were simply irresistible, and they were all killed!

As the participating teams of Qingguang City were killed one by one.

The situation on the field was reversed in an instant!

The score between the two sides, from Qingguang City higher than Liuguang City, to the fact that the two sides are even, and then to Liuguang City crushing Qingguang City!

The players in Qingguang City couldn't understand that in the first seven hours of the game, they had the advantage.

How could the situation have undergone such a big reversal in the last two hours!

Moreover, it was only because of the changes brought about by Zhang Yi and his team!

In this competition that is absolutely fair and impartial, and all the data, skills and equipment of all contestants have been reset, how could such a strong player still exist!

In the end, in order to defeat Zhang Yi, the beastmaster numbered rl9526, all 94 participants from Qingguang City gathered to form a team.

Never thought that their team was not Zhang Yi's opponent at all!

The adjudicator controls the field.

Thunder knights, dragon blood knights and ghost swordsmen charged into battle.

The Four Heavenly Kings assist the Dragon Soul Master and the Hell Mage to carry out explosive output.

There are also three lord dragons summoned by Zhang Yi running through the battlefield.

Directly in the form of crushing, completely defeated the team of Qingguang City!

Even if there are nearly a hundred of them, they are no match for the ten Zhang Yi people here!

In the end, Qingguang City failed miserably.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the game is over.

According to system statistics.

The total value of Qingguang City's divine power is 87,200, and the total value of Liuguang City's divine power is 98,050!

This result greatly disappointed the participating teams of Qingguang City.

The most unacceptable thing for them is that their entire team joined forces, but they lost to ten Zhang Yi and the others!

Therefore, after the game, the players in Qingguang City only felt that they had been humiliated.

Once again in the realm of the gods, when I met the contestants of Liuguang City, I completely lost the momentum when I first met them.

But they didn't admit it.

The warrior man with the number yq1121 said to the contestants in Liuguang City without showing weakness: "Don't be complacent, you are only leading temporarily, there are still three games to go, it is unknown who will die!"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly: "I look forward to your better performance."

At this point, the system begins to finalize.

In the second game of Liuguang City, the total divine power gain was 98050, while the first divine power gain was 71400.

Add up: 169,450 points!

What everyone didn't expect was that Liuguang City and Glimmering Movie City were tied for the first place!

Such a coincidence could not help shocking all the contestants and even the onlookers.

And Qingguang City, which was originally shot in third place, dropped directly to seventh place after this match!

With the end of the game, the system also began to evenly distribute the divine power for each participating team according to the magical power they accumulated in today's game.

Liuguang City, 98050 points of divine power, 92 people, each person gets an average of 1066 points!

According to the benchmark of 63 points of divine power required to upgrade a white skill to gold.

Zhang Yi, who is already level 7, has upgraded all the skills in the skill list to gold!

Next, the place where you can improve your strength is the level and equipment.

So, in the next third game to guard, and in the fourth game, Zhang Yi and the others played normally.

The guardian is to put the participating teams of the three main cities on the same map, and each team has a resident, and the crystal.

The task of the contestants is to protect their own crystals and destroy the enemy's crystals.

In this process, the divine power is calculated by killing the enemy contestants, destroying the opponent's crystals, and adding the degree of preservation of their own crystals at the end of the final game.

To compete, the thirty-four participating teams are divided into three groups and sent to three maps.

Teams belonging to the same map compete with each other to travel from different starting points to the same destination.

If you kill an enemy competitor on the way, you can directly send the killed person back to the starting point to start again.

All the contestants in the team reach the finish line successfully to win.

In the process, divine power is calculated by killing rival competitors and reaching the finish line.

In these two games, Zhang Yi and the others played very well.

For Zhang Yi.

In addition to raising his God of War level to the highest level of 10.

All skills

Department of gold.

It is a level 10 equipment!

All the places where strength can be improved have all been improved to the maximum extent!

The total rankings of the 34 participating teams were also recorded by the system in real time.

Currently, Liuguang City ranks first with a total divine power of 352,000.

Second place: Mozu Plundering Shadow City, with a total power of 350,000.

The third place: Xingyao City of Alien Race, with a total divine power of 328,000.

Fourth place: Human Race Overlord City, with a total power of 327,000

The last day before the finals.

In the evening, a group of contestants from Liuguang City gathered in a restaurant in the realm of the gods for dinner.

During the banquet, Qiyue Liuhuo, whose God of War level reached level 10, said, "The top three are basically stable, and the next step is the competition between Champions and Asia."

Pastor Tianming nodded: "This skimming city is chasing too tightly. In the finals tomorrow, we can't be sloppy, or we will be overtaken by them!"

At this time, August Weiyang asked: "Can only the champion team be qualified to enter the first-level main city in advance?"

"No." Zhang Yi said: "The top ten can get this qualification."

"Ah?" Everyone was shocked: "Then what's the point of us fighting for this first place? Lie down for a day tomorrow, and you can even enter the top ten with your eyes closed!"

Zhang Yi went on to say: "The point is that the higher the ranking, the earlier the time to enter the first-level main city."

"The champion team should be able to enter the first-level main city ten levels ahead of schedule." Zhang Yi explained to everyone based on the memory of his previous life: "It means that if we can win the championship of the Battle of the Gods, as long as the average player in Liuguang City has an average When the level reaches level 190, all players in the city can enter the first-level main city."

"The runner-up team is 9 levels ahead, and the average level of players in the city reaches level 191, and they can enter the first-level main city, and so on."

Everyone nodded: "Understood!"

"It seems that there is still a big gap!"

"Brothers, I wish we win the final tomorrow!"

All the contestants raised their cups one after another

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