Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1377 Ten times the rate of return!

Looking at the two B-level and A-level medicinal herbs Blood Leaf Flowers picked in his hands, Ye Jintianming, who has the C-level collection technique, is a little unbelievable: "Is this luck so good?"

Although the C-level collection technique is not impossible to collect medicinal materials that exceed the C-level.

According to the settings:

C-level collection technique, used on medicinal plants, 100% probability of obtaining C-level medicinal materials, 10% probability of B-level, 1% probability of A-level

But with two A-level and B-level shots, this luck is too good!

Just when Ye Jintianming had just finished picking two blood-leaf flowers, Zhang Yi suddenly raised the scepter and prepared for battle.

Everyone looked around, a little confused.

Because there are no monsters nearby.

Yet at this moment.


Two blood-red vines broke out from the place where Ye Jintianming had just picked the blood-leaf flowers.

The next moment, those two vines were like two tentacles, entangling Ye Jintianming's left and right legs!


The two vines pulled from side to side, causing Ye Jintianming to perform a 180-degree split for everyone in person.

In the rear, Xiaoqiang, who can't be killed by a 199-level soldier, gave Ye Jintianming a thumbs up: "Dude, you are awesome!"

"Your sister!" Ye Jintianming shouted, "Help!!"

Everyone started long-distance attacks against the position where the vines stretched out.

After a while, two huge red piranhas were blasted out from the ground!

The sudden appearance of two piranhas with big bloody mouths startled everyone.

On the top of its head, the id logo of "lv205 Piranha" shocked most of the dragons who had only been in contact with monsters of level 201-202.

At this time, the Dragon Clan Immortal, who was the vice-captain of the Dragon Clan, saw the death of the team members, and immediately drew his sword and stood up.

Others, Long Xingxia and King Glory Storm Angel, also locked on Piranha and launched an attack!

Boom boom boom!

Whoosh whoosh!

The first round of the mage shooter's long-range attack arrived first, and suddenly bombarded the piranha, causing 400-500 million damage on top of its head!

After all, it is the core group of the Dragon Clan.

The damage done by the King of Glory and Storm Angel is very good in this field below level 200.

At least it has surpassed the vast majority of players below level 200.

However, for the 205-level Piranha with more than 90 billion HP, it is not much of a threat.

As long as the dragon clan is immortal and the dragon travels the world, they rush over and attack the piranha at close range, and they can also deal four or five billion damage.

The two piranhas immediately launched a counterattack.

Clap clap clap!

The vines danced wildly, madly slapping the Dragon Clan Immortal and Long Xing Tianxia on them.

One by one, the damage is about one billion, and the dragon clan will not destroy their blood strips.

As a warrior below level 200, the more than 5 billion HP possessed by the Dragon Clan Immortal cannot resist the attack of the piranha.

Fortunately, at this time, Yue Sheng and several other priests behind him began to cast spells.

One by one, five or six billion, mixed with several billions of green restorations, stabilized the blood volume of the dragons and their immortals.

At this time, Zhang Yi stood behind and watched, deliberately not doing anything.

Even Xing Tianyiqi Juechen and the others who wanted to do something were stopped by Zhang Yi.

Xing Tian, ​​who was stopped, glanced at Zhang Yi, immediately understood what Zhang Yi meant, and backed away.

Zhang Yi's purpose is very simple, just to see if the Dragon Clan's current strength can handle this level 205 Piranha!

If so, then the Dragon Clan can fully march into this Monster Beast Mountain Range.

If not, then withdraw, and come back when the strength comes up.

Fortunately, the Dragon Clan is not destroyed and they are not disappointed by the other Zhang Yi.

Several people joined forces and spent some effort.

Although it was a little embarrassing and the process was a little thrilling, but in the end, two piranhas were successfully killed!

After the battle is over.

The Dragon Clan Immortal used the C-level corpse touch technique, and accidentally collected two B-level ingredients—cauliflower!

"Is the 10% probability so high??"

At this time, Yiqi Juechen seemed to have discovered something and asked Zhang Yi, "Is it true that the success rate of players' sub-professional skills has increased on this map?"

Zhang Yi glanced at Yiqi Juechen: "Smart."

"Players in the Monster Beast Mountains map will have a ten-fold increase in the success rate of using the corpse touching technique and the gathering technique."

"The original C-level collection technique has a 10% probability of collecting B-level medicinal materials, which is increased to 100%."

"The success rate of collecting Grade A medicinal materials is 10%."

This is why Ye Jintianming used the C-level collection technique to pick two A and B-level medicinal materials in a row!

It is equivalent to that on this map, the player's collection technique and corpse touching technique have been increased by 1 level!

C-level collection techniques and corpse touching techniques can exert B-level effects!

Moreover, in the Monster Beast Mountains, you can not only collect medicinal materials, but also kill monsters to collect ingredients, killing two birds with one stone!

This is an opportunity map.

In the last life, they were occupied by a high-end family in Dawn City. They brushed here day and night and harvested a lot of high-end medicines.

material and food.

Later, after this place was exposed, it was madly seized by countless clan families.

In order to snatch the resources of the Monster Beast Mountains, many wars broke out between the major families.

Invisibly, Zhang Yi, who was in the previous life, also knew about this treasure land where he could swipe advanced materials!

And the reason why Zhang Yi didn't share this treasure before, let the people from the Dragon Clan come to brush it.

It is also because the level of the Monster Beast Mountains is too high. With the previous level and strength of the Dragon Clan, it is impossible to deal with the level 205 Piranha in the Monster Beast Mountains. It is no use.

As for Zhang Yi himself, he had been busy fighting the Dragon Emperor Sky Pagoda and the City of Shadow Demons before, and he didn't have the time to brush this Monster Beast Mountain Range.

But now it seems that the dragon family already has the strength to fight the piranha!

So next, we can finally order the Dragon Clan to fully march into the Monster Beast Mountains!

Once the place is occupied, the problem of lack of resources will be solved.

At that time, with the large amount of high-level materials harvested in the Monster Beast Mountains.

Coupled with the cooking of the senior pharmacists and cooks of the dragon family.

High-grade potions and food can be produced in large quantities!

Wait until the store opens to put them all on the shelves.

The day of making a fortune is just around the corner!

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking so.

King Glory asked: "Brother Cheng, the refresh mechanism of these piranhas is a bit strange, how can they come out?"

Zhang Yi said: "If you pick those red flowers on the ground, it will refresh. Every time you pick a flower, you will refresh a piranha."

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the peak of the young master: "Boss, are you sure you are not joking?"

Looking at the prestige, I could only see that in front of him, Young Master Feng was holding a large number of blood-leaf flowers in his hands, staring at Zhang Yi in a daze.

next moment.

puff puff!

With a tremor.

More than a dozen red vines emerged from the ground around the peak of the emperor.

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