Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1378 Hiding place: Tianshu Pavilion

Monster Mountain.

In all directions, more than a dozen 205-level piranhas emerged from the ground. They opened their bloody pots and approached the peak emperor who picked up the blood-leaf flowers.

It turns out that collecting blood leaf flowers is the key to activating the piranha!

But now you know, it's too late.

Seeing more than a dozen piranhas approaching around, Young Master Feng Feng was so frightened that his legs went weak.

Just now, the Dragon Clan Immortal Dragon Xingxia and the others joined forces, and it took a lot of effort to kill the two piranhas.

There are so many piranhas right now, obviously once they get close, let alone the peak emperor, even if the dragon clan does not destroy them together, they will surely die!

At this moment, Zhang Yi started.

The staff swings.

Boom boom boom!

After being strengthened by the fire-bathing dragon soul, countless fire dragons charged towards those piranhas.

The piranhas that were swallowed by the fire dragon jumped up one after another with a huge amount of damage of about 14 billion!

The streamer is gone!

Undead Storm!

The art of fire!

Snow and ice!

Fire is burning!

Demons dance!

A large number of group attack skills went down, covering more than a dozen piranhas approaching around the peak of the emperor.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen piranhas were all killed by Zhang Yi!

The damage done by Zhang Yi only made the dragon clan immortal and they doubted their life.

Because before that, Zhang Yi had not acted with the Dragon Clan for a long time.

The Dragon Emperor Pagoda was built with Xingtian Yiqi Juechen and the others.

Shadow Demon City is a single-player game.

Therefore, it seems that since arriving in Dawn City, the people of the Dragon Clan have never seen Zhang Yi show his strength again.

In the impressions of most of them, Zhang Yi's damage seems to be still at the level of four or five billion when he first came to Dawn City.

Killing more than a dozen level 205 monsters in one wave is naturally no pressure for Zhang Yi, who has already penetrated the city of level 210 shadow demons.

As the battle was over, he looked at the shocking eyes around him.

Zhang Yi said: "When you reach level 200, you can also double your strength if you change to level 200 equipment."

After all, Zhang Yi personally stepped forward and touched the corpses of the man-eating flowers on the ground.

In the end, he also successfully obtained eight grades a-b ingredients: cauliflower.

There are also several forging drawings for 52-55 star, level 200 equipment.

At this time, the immortal dragon clan asked Zhang Yi for instructions: "Boss, shall I call all the brothers in the team?"

"Well." Zhang Yi said: "From today, all members of the Dragon Clan will march into the Monster Beast Mountains."

Following Zhang Yi's order.

Immortal Dragon Clan immediately issued an assembly order on the Dragon Clan team channel.

After about half an hour.

The 300,000 players of the Dragon Clan have all arrived at the Monster Beast Mountains!

The Monster Beast Mountains are vast.

It can accommodate 500,000 people at the same time, not to mention!

As a result, the Dragon Race players formed a team of five to form a raiding team and began to attack the Monster Beast Mountains in all directions!

Fortunately, under the leadership of Zhang Yi, the people of the Dragon Clan have a strong average strength.

Under normal circumstances, five level 200 rank eight players might be able to barely match a level 205 monster.

And the dragon clan only has 198-199 level people, and they are already able to deal with piranhas.

This is also the reason why Zhang Yi did not develop the Dragon Detachment for the time being and continued to expand his power.

There are few people, and the development is also fast.

There are too many people and resources are scarce, and what finally develops is only the advantage of numbers.

It is no exaggeration to say: Although the Dragon Clan has only 300,000 people, its overall strength is already comparable to that of other 500,000 people!

Next, it's time to pick up the dishes.

The Raiders team of the Dragon Race completes the collection after finding the Blood Leaf Flower, then activates the Piranha, kills the Piranha, and collects ingredients from the Piranha.

The map of the Monster Mountains does not clearly identify the characteristics of this place.

But it turns out: as Zhang Yi said, on this map, the success rate of the player's corpse touching and gathering techniques has been increased tenfold!

In this state, those players who generally possess the C-level corpse touch and C-level collection techniques have been able to easily harvest B-level, even very rare A-level materials!

As for the precious materials of S-level, it is not something that can be collected on a low-level map of level 205 such as the Monster Beast Mountains, and has nothing to do with the player's sub-professional skill level.

In this way, in one day, the dragon clan collected a large amount of high-grade ingredients and medicinal materials!

At night, driven by fatigue, everyone evacuated from the Monster Beast Mountains.

They each returned to Dawn City and began to refine medicine or cook by consuming their stamina.

On Zhang Yi's side, he spent a day alone in the Monster Beast Mountains and collected a lot of advanced materials.

His speed of spawning monsters is much faster than ordinary people.

The dragon clan is a team of five, and every time they pick a blood-leaf flower, they must be careful.

Zhang Yi picked it wherever he went, and when he saw there were blood-leaf flowers on the ground, he collected them without looking at the quantity at all.

Because the piranha flower that was activated after picking the blood leaf flower did not need Zhang Yi to solve it by himself.

The monster group and the four-headed dragon can easily solve the problem for Zhang Yi

Drop the piranha.

What Zhang Yi did was to collect and touch corpses.

You can also enjoy the experience brought by the monsters of the Warcraft group.

At the end of the day, I finally collected a large bag of materials!

Just after returning to the city, Zhang Yi was preparing to make medicine.

Suddenly, a message came from the scavenger.

"Brother, I have found the hiding place of the Tianmai Dragon Emperor!"

Seeing this news, Zhang Yi was suddenly shocked: "It's finally here!"

A week ago, the Tianmai Dragon Emperor dragged his weak body and escaped from the Dragon Emperor Tianta.

And the first stage of the mission of the God Chosen is to kill the Tianmai Dragon Emperor!

Only within 14 days, when the Tianmai Dragon Emperor is in a weak stage, is the best time to kill it!

At that time, the task of finding the Tianmai Dragon Emperor was handed over to the scavengers, but Zhang Yike never forgot that he still had this task!

Zhang Yi asked the scavenger, "Where is it now?"

"Tianshu Pavilion."

Through the scavenger's explanation, we learned that he followed the method taught by Zhang Yi to ask the residents of Dawn City.

Through their description and further exploration, I found this hiding place!

Zhang Yi opened the map and found that Tianshu Pavilion was a level 212 map.

However, the map shows: This area is black, the death area!

In other words, even the current Zhang Yi, can't cross the field?

Zhang Yi frowned slightly.

The scavenger went on to say: "Tianshu Pavilion is sheltered by the dark barrier, and you must find the key to break the barrier before you can enter."

Zhang Yi suddenly realized.

Therefore, the meaning of marking Tianshu Pavilion as a black death area on the map is not a dangerous area that Zhang Yi cannot reach with his current strength.

It was because Zhang Yi couldn't enter the Tianshu Pavilion!

If you find the key, you can specify this black area on Zhang Yi's map, and it will turn yellow or even white!

Zhang Yi then asked the scavenger, "Is there a way to find the key?"

"Yes!" said the scavenger: "It's just a hiding place for keys. There is a group of high-level black dragons stationed there. I have been there. Those black dragons are too powerful to beat."

Zhang Yi said happily: "Thank you for your hard work, brother. Give me the position, and leave the next thing to me."

After a while, the scavenger sent a location message—

lv210 Black Dragon's Lair!

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