Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1403 The undead knight strikes!

"Ding~ You killed the 206-level 57-star boss [Three-Headed Snake Demon], the experience value x 440 billion! Reputation x 30w!"

Dropped by the system prompt.

Under the incredible gaze of the surrounding Fengyun family players, the 57-star boss three snake monsters fell to the ground.

Zhang Yi eagerly came to the corpses of the three snake monsters, and he saw: in addition to some regular gold coins, equipment, skill books and other drops.

There is also a shrunken blood-red dragon armor!

Zhang Yi picked up the dragon armor immediately.

When I took it in my hand, I found that it was indeed a part of the Black Blood Dragon Armor!

Zhang Yi was instantly delighted.

Because this breastplate does record the burial locations of the other parts of the black-blooded dragon armor, and then as long as you follow the instructions of the breastplate, you will be able to find the rest of the parts, and then put together a complete set of the black-blooded dragon armor!

The most important thing is: Zhang Yi originally thought that the black blood dragon armor was just a prop that could be used to open the purgatory temple.

But by looking at its information, I found out that this is actually a special artifact equipment similar to [Sun Moon Astrology Disk] and [God Emperor Ring]!

Zhang Yi discovered a secret hidden in the black blood dragon armor...

However, there was no time to wait for Zhang Yi to take a closer look at the secrets on the Black Blood Dragon Armor.

Suddenly, the ground beneath his feet trembled violently.

In the sky, there were lightning and thunder, and the situation changed suddenly!

Zhang Yi realized that this was definitely not an accident, not a simple weather accident.

Looking up, a powerful dark force is about to emerge from the black cloud, making countless players on the land, including Zhang Yi, feel a powerful deterrent!

Immediately, the fighting in the River God Tomb ceased.

The two family players, Fengyun and Chi Yan, who were fighting fiercely, stopped fighting and looked up at the sky, each with a look of horror on their faces involuntarily.

"What's the matter? Do you feel the danger?"

"It shouldn't be an offense to the gods, and I will be punished by the gods!"

"Are you dreaming, brother?"

"I always feel that something is wrong, brothers, let's withdraw quickly!"

When people are talking.

In the dragon soul ring in Zhang Yi's hand, the voice of Viyana, who had been missing for a long time, suddenly came: "Leave here quickly!"

Zhang Yi hasn't reacted yet.

Boom boom boom!

More than a dozen huge red light beams shot down from the black clouds in the air and bombarded the map of the River God Tomb.

In all directions, many players who were unfortunately hit by the beam were blasted to ashes in an instant!

Immediately after.

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

With a roar.

Countless undead knights riding dark dead dragons leaped out of those red beams!

This scene made countless players on the land terrified.

All I can see is that it is a giant dragon with red light on its eyes, gray body, and about 20% blur.

And on their backs are riding a "human knight" who is wearing gray fully enclosed metal armor, and the body is also in a weak state!

The dragon and the knight exude a strong aura of death, as if they have been dead for a long time and suddenly come back to life! Κánδんu5.ζá

The players on the land suddenly became restless.

"What is this?"

"Dragon...Dragon Knight? This is not a dragon map, why does this kind of monster suddenly appear here?"

Only when the players were surprised by the sudden dark dragon knight.

Those who leaped from the beam, the data showed that the [Undead Knight] with a level of up to 225 has already locked the players to attack!

The dragon knights riding on the back of the dragon took off the undead longbow from their backs and pulled the bow to shoot at the players on the ground.

Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, arrows rained down.

Players hit by sharp arrows are all instantly killed by one hit.

On the field, no one can withstand the damage of this level 225 dragon monster!

In an instant, the players suffered heavy casualties!

Players from Fengyun and Blazing Clan were all attacked by the undead knights!

In addition to the knights, the dragons under them are also constantly attacking.

One after another, the gray breath of the undead sprayed out from the mouths of those giant dragons, covering the crowd.

Accompanied by screams.

Players have collapsed under a huge amount of damage as high as 30 billion to 40 billion!

The level of the level 225 monster itself is too high, and it is also a dragon monster. Its real strength is equivalent to an ordinary monster of about level 230!

At this stage, even Zhang Yi can't deal with a level 230 monster!

What's more, these ordinary players who are generally only level 200 on the field.

Unprecedented fear swept the crowd.

At the same time, it also makes players incredible: reading books

Why do these level 225 monsters suddenly run out to attack level 200 players?

Moreover, the River God Mound under their feet is just a level 205 map.

Why did the level 225 dragon monster suddenly appear here?

Doubt to Doubt

, the players did not dare to neglect at all.

After the counterattack was completely ineffective, the players began to flee in all directions, avoiding the attacks of the undead knights.

The sudden appearance of a large number of undead knights plunged the audience into chaos.

At this time, Zhang Yi on the field could not help frowning: "Where do these dragon knights come from?"

In his hand, the Dragon Soul Ring flickered.

Viana's voice came from it: "If there is no accident, they should be aimed at the black blood dragon armor in your hand."

Zhang Yi was suddenly shocked.

It seems to be the case. After Zhang Yi got the black blood dragon armor, they appeared!

Looking at the undead dragon knights flying out of the light beam, Zhang Yi immediately jumped into the sky on a minibus, without saying a word.

Lock on the surrounding dragon knights and attack!

Zhang Yi's attack, combined with the god-level slaughtering dragon soul and breaking the armor, is still very powerful even in the face of level 225 dragon monsters.

The injuries of more than 20 billion hit those dragon knights one by one, but they were painless. wǎp.

Because their blood bars are too thick!

After all, it's a level 225 dragon monster! It was 19 levels higher than Zhang Yi's level!

Moreover, their attacks are equally deadly to Zhang Yi.

Even under the 90% injury-free protection of the god-level guardian dragon soul, Zhang Yi would easily suffer more than 4 billion injuries when attacked by these undead knights!

Zhang Yi's more than 20 billion health bars were lost by one-sixth of the undead knight's touch.

If it wasn't for the blood-devouring dragon soul to continue sucking blood, and the guardian dragon soul to support it, Zhang Yi would have been killed in seconds!

But this is not the way to go.

Because there are too many undead knights around.

Once under siege, I am afraid that Zhang Yi will not even have a chance to suck blood, and he will be instantly killed!

Realizing this, Zhang Yi now has only one thought, and that is: avoid these undead knights, withdraw!

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