Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1404 The powerful dragoon regiment!

Hundreds of undead dragon knights leaped out of the beam.

They lock the player and kill.

On land, players from the Fengyun and Blazing Clan have been hit hard!

In the eyes of these players, every level 225 undead knight is almost as powerful as a [three-headed snake demon].

It is equivalent to hundreds of 57-star bosses appearing at the same time, who can withstand this?

Throughout the audience, screams were mixed with white light, one after another.

All are in disaster!

In the process of escaping, Fengyun Rising and several teammates were attacked by two undead knights and fell into a desperate situation.

When the situation is critical. kΑnshu Wu.ξà

Zhang Yi rode a minibus and descended from the sky.

Combined with the three-headed first-order dragon emperor, and sprayed dragon flames at the same time.

The four dragon flames combined to repel the two undead knights with great power.

But even under the continuous burning of the four-headed dragon, the blood bars of the two dragon knights dropped very slowly.

Facts have proved: even Zhang Yi, it is very difficult to deal with these undead dragon knights!

Taking advantage of the opportunity that the two undead knights were temporarily restrained, they escaped from the dead.

Around, Fengyun family players cooperated with Zhang Yi to attack the undead knight.

Zhang Yi is not entangled with this undead knight.

Riding a minibus, soaring into the air.

Unexpectedly, the group of dragon knights were all chasing Zhang Yi!

Obviously, they sensed that the black blood dragon armor was on Zhang Yi!

Seeing that hundreds of undead dragon knights all evacuated from the River God Tomb in an instant, they went after Zhang Yi.

On the land, I didn't know that these dragon knights were coming for the black blood dragon armor, and the players of the blazing family couldn't help but admire Zhang Yi.

"It was Yinuo Qingcheng who saved us, he led all the blame away!".Κanδhu5.iá

"God, I'm so touched!"

"Salute to the hero! The hero has a good journey!" Outside the River God Tomb, the players of the Blazing Clan were in awe...

In the air, Zhang Yi was flying away in an unknown direction.

Looking back, I was surprised to find that the hundred undead dragon knights who were chasing after him suddenly disappeared!

Throwing them away so easily?

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking so.

Ahead, a black vortex-like crack in time and space tore apart from the air.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of undead dragon knights leaped out of the crack and took Zhang Yi directly!

Zhang Yi hurriedly changed his course, and at the risk of dying, he passed the group of dragon knights who were flying straight in!

They even have the ability to transform space!

It seems that these dragon knights are very difficult to deal with. wAp.

With the god-level guardian dragon soul, Zhang Yi will be knocked out by the undead dragon knight for one-sixth of his blood.

Under such circumstances, how could Zhang Yi dare to fight with them?

Therefore, Zhang Yi could only run away.

Riding the minibus, flying around, trying to get rid of the group of undead dragon riders.

However, Zhang Yi underestimated their chasing ability.

Long Qun pursued Zhang Yi relentlessly, and constantly used space-time cracks to transform space to achieve the purpose of catching up with Zhang Yi in an instant.

No matter where Zhang Yi flies, he can't get rid of these dragon knights at all!

In a hurry, Zhang Yi lifted the Dragon Soul Ring and asked, "Nana, do you know how to get rid of them?"

"They are coming for the black blood dragon armor." The dragon soul ring flashed, and Viana's voice came from inside: "Throw away the dragon armor, and they will no longer pursue you."

Zhang Yi looked at the black blood dragon armor in his backpack, hesitated for a moment, and immediately closed the backpack.

The black blood dragon armor that he finally got, how could Zhang Yi give it away so easily?

Moreover, this is the key to opening the [Purgatory Temple]!

Zhang Yi must gather the complete black blood dragon armor and use it to open the barrier of the purgatory temple.

But with Zhang Yi's strength, he can't compete with this group of dragon knights now.

At a critical juncture, Zhang Yi suddenly had a plan!

Riding a minibus, he flew in the direction of Dawn City!

Dawn City has the protection of energy spar, not to mention the first-level main city as the highest holy land of mankind, these undead knights should not be able to enter Dawn City.

Although doing so may bring danger to Dawn City.

But other than that, there is no other way, Zhang Yi can only do this.

So, Zhang Yi summoned the three first-order dragon emperors and used them to contain the undead knights.

Then he quickly flew towards Dawn City.

The 206-level first-order dragon emperor, who inherited 150% of Zhang Yi's full attributes, is not the opponent of those 225-level undead dragon knights at all.

In less than 5 seconds, the three-headed Dragon Emperor was swallowed up.

The group of undead dragon knights chased Zhang Yi again.

Fortunately, their space conversion ability has a limited range of action.

The sacrifice of the three-headed dragon emperor brought Zhang Yi the opportunity to keep a safe distance from the undead knight.

Zhang Yi flew all the way to Dawn City.

Just entered the city for a while.

The group of undead dragon knights chased after them!

hoo hoo hoo!

accompanied by

Dragon chirping.

The sudden appearance of hundreds of giant dragons immediately attracted the attention of countless players in Dawn City.

Inside and outside the city, many players looked up at the group of giant dragons and were shocked.

Nobody knows what happened.

And the group of dragon knights saw Zhang Yi brought the dragon armor into the city, and they flew towards Dawn City without hesitation!

They tried to go over the walls and go straight into the city.

I never thought that before I got close to Dawn City, I was isolated by the protective wall of Dawn City.

They tried to force the card and slammed into the translucent protective wall.

next moment.


One after another thunder and lightning grew from the protective wall, pierced through several undead knights at close range, and exploded and ignited a raging fire, instantly burning them to ashes!

The defensive ability of the first-level main city is simply amazing.

Seeing this, the other undead knights did not dare to approach Dawn City.

They rode the gray dragon and flew away into a space-time crack that opened behind them.

The translucent protective wall, which only appeared when attacked, became completely transparent again.

The dragon knights also all evacuated.

Everything was calm again, as if nothing had happened.

Zhang Yi in the city couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Only he knew: these undead knights did not go far.

They must still be lurking outside at the moment.

If nothing else, as soon as Zhang Yi leaves the city, they will appear again!

Through the guidance of Viana just now, Zhang Yi realized a problem, that is: Viana seems to have some understanding of these undead knights!

So, Zhang Yi lifted the Dragon Soul Ring and asked Viana, "Nana, do you know something about the Black Blood Dragon Armor?"

"I don't know much about it, I just heard about it."

In the Dragon Soul Ring, Viana's crisp voice came:

"I once heard that a thousand years ago, the dark dragons used human blood to create a pair of dragon armors in order to fight against the gods, but they were defeated by the gods before they could cast the dragon armors."

"Later, the dragon armor was robbed by forces from all walks of life."

"This group of undead knights is one of the contenders. They have been staring at it for a thousand years, just waiting for the day when the dragon armor reappears."

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