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Chapter 1421 A beam of light in the dark

Death Dragon King: Cam stood in front of the Purgatory Temple and began to charge up.

The black blood dragon armor on his body gradually glowed with red light.

After gathering the powerful power of Dragon Armor.


With a deafening roar, Kam shot out a powerful red death light from the mouth of the blood basin!

The next moment, an invisible barrier blocked the death light.

That is the enchantment set by the God Realm in the Purgatory Temple a thousand years ago.

At that time, Zhang Yi was blocked by this barrier and could not get close to the temple.

Seeing Cayenne wearing the black blood dragon armor, the death light in his mouth was isolated by the enchantment.

Zhang Yi and Cayenne in the back began to get nervous for no reason.

Because the two entered the purgatory temple, they each had their own important tasks.

One is to find the flower of life and resurrect Mia.

One is to find energy spar and complete the mission of the Chosen One.

As time passed by every minute.

After half a minute, the barrier that enveloped the entire purgatory temple was finally shattered!

Whoa whoa whoa!

A sound like shattering glass rang out.

The barrier around the temple has finally disappeared!

Even a sixth-order golden dragon emperor, and after receiving the help of the black blood dragon armor, it would be so difficult to break this barrier.

One can imagine how strong the power of this [God Realm] is!

And at the same time that the enchantment was broken.

Coincidentally, Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen rushed over with a group of elite members of the Dragon Clan.

But even if the barrier of the God Realm is broken, Xingtian and their mortal bodies will not be able to step into the [Purgatory Temple], which is the main city of the dark dragon clan, at will!

So, under the attention of the dragon people.

Cayenne and Zhang Yi side by side, leading the Knights of the Undead, along the Dragon Gate, into the Temple of Purgatory.

After the battle, the players of the Dragon Race watched this scene and sighed one after another:

"The captain has always admired the Light Dragon Clan, and even the minibus is from the Light Dragon Clan, but now he can actually be with the Dark Dragon Clan members~"

"Don't kill everyone with a single stick. People from the dark dragon family can also be divided into good and bad. This Cayenne doesn't look like a bad person."

"If I can walk side by side with the dark dragon campers, I can reach the level of captain when I can!"

"Go to sleep, you have everything in your dreams!"

"The captain went in, what are we doing?"

"Go to the Monster Beast Mountains to get the materials." Xing Tian said, "The shop will be renovated soon, we have to speed up the progress."

So, everyone followed Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others to evacuate the Purgatory Temple and rushed to the Monster Beast Mountains.

lv220 Inside the Temple of Purgatory.

As soon as Zhang Yi and Cayenne entered the temple, they could clearly feel: a powerful breath of death swept from all directions!

It is hard to imagine that this once prosperous dark dragon capital has been lonely for a thousand years!

In the spacious street, looking at the dilapidated buildings on both sides.

Cayenne couldn't help but let out a sigh: "To be an enemy of the God Realm is not to seek death. Why bother?"

At this time, Zhang Yi said to Cayenne somewhat incredulously: "I didn't expect that you would really keep your promise."

Cayenne glanced at Zhang Yi and knew that what Zhang Yi said was: he promised to help Zhang Yi clean the Purgatory Temple, and now he really came.

Then he said lightly: "Of course, a gentleman's words are hard to chase after a horse." wΑp.

"Why did you join the Dark Dragon Clan?" Zhang Yi asked.

"In order to be strong." Cayenne said: "You should know that the strength of the light dragons is not as strong as the dark dragons."

According to the setting of the apocalypse world, this is indeed the case.

The light dragons are indeed slightly inferior to the dark dragons.

After a pause, Cayenne continued: "There is no essential difference between the dark dragons and the light dragons, just because they come from darkness, so the world thinks that the dark dragons are evil forces."

"But as long as the heart is right, it's the same everywhere."

Zhang Yi sighed: "Then you are a light in the darkness."

Cayenne suddenly laughed.

Then he said: "If I told you that I used to be a murderous demon, would you believe it?"

"Miya changed me."

Zhang Yi quietly listened to Cayenne's remarks: "A thousand years ago, I met Miya. She awakened the human consciousness in my body and made me understand that although I am in the dark dragon family, I am a human after all!"

"Miya is the love of my life. Without him, I would have no meaning to live."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi asked, "How did you plan to resurrect Miya?" Kanshula

"It is rumored that there is a flower of life in this world that can bring people back to life, called the Heart of Reincarnation." Cayenne said: "Find it and you can resurrect Miya. For this, I have been looking for a thousand years!"

"Wait..." Zhang Yi wondered, "Haven't you been looking for the black blood dragon armor for the past thousand years?"

Cayenne asked Zhang Yi in return, "Have you tried your best to search for the parts of the dragon armor and synthesize the black blood dragon armor, just to get the black blood dragon armor?"

For Zhang Yi, the dragon armor is just a tool to open the purgatory temple. .xiumb.

At this time, Zhang Yi also seemed to understand something: "You

The Flower of Life you mentioned is in the Temple of Purgatory? "

"The Flower of Life did not have the effect of bringing people back to life." Cayenne said: "It grew in the purgatory temple, only because the power of the gods rendered the purgatory temple a thousand years ago, and it gained the favor of the gods, thus possessing The power of resurrection."

Zhang Yi finally understood:

"So the rumors are all false. You are not fighting for the Black Blood Dragon Armor at all. You are fighting against the ethnic groups that are trying to snatch the Black Blood Dragon Armor, including the Seven Star Demon Emperor?"

Cayenne smiled lightly and said: "The black blood dragon armor is indeed the work of the gods of the dark dragon family, which can bring me endless power."

"But compared to Miya, in my eyes, it's just a pile of useless scrap metal."

After understanding the truth of the matter, Zhang Yi said thoughtfully: "So, you came to the Purgatory Temple not entirely to fulfill your promise, but because you wanted to find the heart of reincarnation."

Cayenne was silent and said, "We each take what we need. I hope this is our first and last cooperation."

"how do I say this?"

"Although my heart is right, the dark dragon clan and the light dragon clan have been incompatible since ancient times." Cayenne said to Zhang Yi: "Unless, you will join the dark dragon clan in the future."

Zhang Yi waved his hand: "That's the last time."

The voice just fell.

Cayenne suddenly stopped!

Zhang Yi, who was on the side, was stunned for a moment: "It's not that I don't agree to join your dark dragon clan, you want to kill people and silence them, so as to avoid future troubles?"

Under the black heavy metal dragon helmet, Cayenne looked fiery: "They are here."

After Cayenne's reminder, Zhang Yi suddenly realized something.

The next moment, the two picked up the guy at the same time, ready to fight.


A deep voice came from the ground—

"Descendants of the Dragon Clan! You are finally here!"

Boom boom boom!

A moment of restlessness.

Several undead bone dragons without a trace of flesh and blood broke out from the ground in front of them!

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