In front, three undead bone dragons with only bones in their bodies emerged from the ground!

The red id above their heads - lv220 Hell Bone Dragon (Physics/Ordinary Monster)!

A thousand years ago, the Purgatory Temple was sanctioned by the God Realm. Except for the [Seventh-Order Hell Dragon Emperor: Gula], which was sealed, all the giant dragons in the city were also killed!

And these hell bone dragons are giant dragons that were killed a thousand years ago.

For a thousand years, their flesh and blood have corroded, leaving only the bones.

Three hell bone dragons, standing on the ground in front, through the eyes of the skeleton, staring at Cayenne and Zhang Yi here.

In one of the bone dragons, a voice came out: "Death knight, are you here to save the emperor and the purgatory temple?"

It seems that the main body of the speech is not this bone dragon. kΑnshu Wu.ξà

But someone made a sound with the help of a bone dragon!

And the sound itself, if nothing else, should be [Hell Dragon King: Gula]!

In the face of the inquiry of the top dragon emperor of the dark dragon family, the death knight Cayenne directly ignored its question and asked: "Where is the heart of reincarnation?"

The bone dragon glanced at Zhang Yi, and then said to Cayenne: "This person next to you, the light of the Dragon Clan in his body is too strong, and he must be the puppet of the Light Dragon Clan in the future, too annoying!"

"You kill this human dragon soul master, and this emperor will tell you where the heart of reincarnation is!"

There was indeed such a moment when Zhang Yi thought that the banquet had compromised and really killed himself in exchange for the heart of reincarnation.

However, it turns out that Zhang Yi was overthinking it.

Cayenne didn't even think about it, and said, "If you don't tell me, I will find it myself!"

"Traitor of the Dark Dragon Clan!" In the mouth of the bone dragon, a roar roared: "Go to hell!"

After all, the three-skull dragon roared and charged towards Cayenne and Zhang Yi!

The level 220 dragon monster is only 5 levels lower than the level 225 undead dragon knight under Cayenne.

Zhang Yi, who had already seen the power of the undead dragon knight, did not dare to be careless.

Holding the fire scepter in his hand, he is preparing to fight.

Cayenne next to him suddenly launched a first attack at twice the speed of Zhang Yi!

The figure was like a phantom, and suddenly flashed in front of the three-headed dragon.


In his hand, the spear of death moved forward and hit a bone dragon in the middle.

The next moment, bursts of dark breath spread with the spear of death, swallowing the three-headed dragon.

The three bone dragons that were swallowed by the breath of darkness were as immobilized and unable to move.

Under the continuous erosion of the breath of darkness, the blood bar on the top of the head is even more violent!

In the blink of an eye, the three-skull dragon's blood strips were all beaten with only a trace left!

At this time, Cayenne said to Zhang Yi who was behind him: "I'll give it to you!"

Zhang Yi quickly cast the spell.

A fireball technique triggered multiple attacks, combined with the fire-bathing dragon soul, transformed into three fire dragons, and devoured the three skull dragons!

Three damages of 24 billion, clear the only trace of blood remaining on the top of the bone dragon's head, and kill them!

And Zhang Yi also gained a lot of experience points from three level 220 bone dragons!

Cayenne looked back at Zhang Yi, and said, "Help you brush the Purgatory Temple, and do what you say."

After that, Cayenne walked over the three-headed dragon's body and walked down the street.

Zhang Yi stepped forward, and after performing the touch corpse technique on the corpses of the bone dragons, he picked up the spoils, and then continued to move forward.

Next, there are constantly hell bone dragons coming out to attack Cayenne and Zhang Yi.

Most of them were directly crippled by Cayenne with super strength, and then handed over to Zhang Yi to harvest directly.

In the past, Zhang Yi always led others to brush monsters and pictures.

It was the first time I experienced Zhang Yi who was being brushed, and I just thought: This feeling is really cool!

After all, with the strength of the 220-level Hell Bone Dragon, if Zhang Yi single-played, it would take about half a minute to kill one.

And Cayenne, it only takes a few seconds to disable several bone dragons at the same time.

Then leave it to Zhang Yi to take the final blow and harvest the head!

Each bone dragon, turned into a lot of experience, was taken into the bag by Zhang Yi!

Because Zhang Yi didn't know the exact location of the Purgatory Temple's energy spar, and Cayenne didn't know the exact location of the Flower of Life: Heart of Reincarnation.

So the two of them can only wander around in the huge capital, with the attitude of a blind cat hitting a mouse to death, where they go...

Anyway, Zhang Yi is not at a loss.

The experience gained along the way made the experience bar soar!

After all, Zhang Yi is only level 206.

The level of this hell bone dragon is 14 levels higher than Zhang Yi!

If Zhang Yi kills the bone dragon, he can get an additional 110% experience bonus!

The level 220 dragon monster itself has high experience, and finally calculates 2.1 times the income, the experience brought to Zhang Yi is simply endless!

And Cayenne's battle has been consuming its own blood to strengthen the spear of death. .dfyxs.

After killing several batches of bone dragons, Cayenne, whose health had dropped to 90%, couldn't help but sigh, "If only Mira was here."

Apparently because, Dark Warlock Mira was able to give Cayenne a cure!

Zhang Yi asked, "Didn't she come?"

"she goes

Follow the trail of the Seven Star Demon Emperor. "Speaking of the Seven-Star Demon Emperor who killed Miya with his own hands a thousand years ago, Cayenne's eyes were full of anger: "Seven-Star Demon Emperor, let me see it again, I must smash it to pieces!" "

So next, with Cayenne around, Zhang Yi, the crit dealer, became an assistant.

Cayenne killed monsters in the front, Zhang Yi assisted him in the back, applied various dragon souls to him, and continued to use the blood-sucking dragon souls to return blood to him to make up for the consumption of the spear of death.

With Zhang Yi's assistance, Cayenne obviously felt that the battle became easier.

Then he said to Zhang Yi, "It feels good to work with you."

Zhang Yi said angrily: "each other."

Next, the two began to increase efficiency.

Cayenne directly ordered the undead Dragon Knights to join the battle.

Although they are all from the dark dragon family.

But the level 225 undead dragon knight is much stronger than the level 220 hell bone dragon!

The undead dragon knight can easily kill the hell bone dragon alone.

Under Cayenne's order, those dragon knights did not directly kill the bone dragon, but after crippling the hell bone dragon, they lured it to Zhang Yi's side, and then Zhang Yi killed it!

Zhang Yi stood there.

There were constantly bone dragons with residual blood brought by the undead dragon knights around, and then Zhang Yi only needed to wave his hand to take the final blow.

Then it is to touch the corpse, pick up things, and don't have to fight in person at all. reading book

For a while, Zhang Yi experienced the joy of family members like the moon in the hearts of everyone!

In the past, Zhang Yi has always looked down on those who get something for nothing.

Now Zhang Yi feels: This feeling of getting something for nothing is really cool!

In less than half a day, Zhang Yi has been upgraded from level 206 to level 207!

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