Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1456 The birth of an SSS-level employee!

Zhang Yi looked at the shimmering pink Lingzhu in his backpack.

If nothing else, the one who just transformed the group of mechanical pterosaurs into incompetent young dragons is this Spirit Orb!

Because the silver light was scattered at that time, it was very similar to the scene when NPC William was resurrected last time.

And when Zhang Yi got farther and farther away from those pterosaurs, they returned to normal.

Explanation: The casters have gone too far, making them out of control!

If it wasn't for the resurrection of Lianwei last time, maybe Zhang Yi wouldn't think of what happened just now to Lingzhu.

However, since there is even the ability to resurrect the dead, it is not surprising that this group transformation ability appears on Lingzhu.

Not only has the ability to bring back the dead, but also the ability to control such a large-scale group.

Zhang Yi felt more and more: This spiritual bead is not simple!

You must know that it was a group of 221-level monsters just now, and the number was as high as hundreds!

And what's inside this Spirit Orb is just a little baby!

The baby state can have such a powerful control. If the baby in the Lingzhu is officially born, then what?

What makes Zhang Yi most gratifying is that Lingzhu was helping Zhang Yi both times.

She seems to know how to repay.

Knowing that Zhang Yi traveled through mountains and rivers every day in order not to starve her, and went into the Dawn Valley to absorb spiritual energy for her.

So when Zhang Yi encounters difficulties, she will also help!

Zhang Yi reached out and stroked the Lingzhu lightly.

Unexpectedly, the Lingzhu actually emits a blue light that represents happiness!

She responded!

Zhang Yi froze for a moment, then showed a relieved smile: "Thank you, little guy."

in speech.

Just past the southern border.

Zhang Yi flew down and informed the guard captain Gore of the location of the alien base: the mechanical castle, the deployment of troops, and the fact that many npc humans were trapped there as hard labor for them.

Zhang Yi's task is to find Zhang Rui's younger brother Zhang Yi.

Raiding the mechanical castle and rescuing other NPCs is no longer within the scope of Zhang Yi's mission.

So it's enough to tell the guards of Dawn City about this.

Before that, Gore, the captain of the guard, also said: Just because I couldn't find where the base of this group of alien invaders was, I was always defending their attacks and couldn't take the initiative to attack.

Now Zhang Yi has informed all the situation of the enemy, and Gore has ordered: immediately return to the city to dispatch troops, and prepare to launch a full-scale attack on the mechanical castle tomorrow!


Several people evacuated the southern border and returned to Dawn City.

Zhang Yi came to the Dragon Clan Firm in Shuguang Street for the first time.

It was found that the store was still overcrowded, and the business was very hot.

Zhang Yi called out Zhang Rui, the manager who was managing the order.

When Zhang Rui, who didn't know the reason, came out of the store and saw the vicissitudes of life behind Zhang Yi, she couldn't help but ran over, hugging the young Zhang Yi and crying.

Although it is an npc.

But the emotion emanating from their sister and brother is not inferior to the real person.

After a long time, Zhang Rui just came to Zhang Yi and thanked Zhang Yi: "Thank you, boss, thank you for bringing my brother back safely!"

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "You're welcome. If you really want to thank me, you can work hard and help me manage my shop."

Zhang Rui immediately agreed: "Don't worry, boss, I will do my best to bring maximum benefits to the business!"

The voice just fell.

The system prompt came along with it——

"Ding~ Congratulations, you have completed the exclusive promotion task of employee Zhang Rui and received a reward: your employee Zhang Rui's grade has been improved, from ss level to sss level! The effect is improved: the tax reduction of 10% has been increased to a tax reduction of 20%! Good! Sensitivity +50! Daily salary increase: 80 million/day 120 million/day!"

In addition to the image and temperament has become better than before.

Above Zhang Rui's head, the original blue id has also become an extremely high-grade gold!

This is the exclusive name effect of sss-level servants!

Immediately after.

Another pleasant system prompt came to Zhang Yi's ears.

"Ding~ Congratulations on recruiting sss-level servants to your store. As the first boss in Dawning City to have sss-level servants, the system will soon release a city-wide announcement. Please choose to reveal/hide your id?"

This is a good opportunity to increase the visibility of the store.

Zhang Yi naturally chose to go public.

The next moment, a loud system-wide announcement came down from the sky——

The city-wide announcement: "Ding~ Congratulations to the player Yinuo Qingcheng for recruiting sss-level servants for the store Dragon Clan Firm! As the first shop owner with sss-level servants in Dawn City, complete the achievement of the best boss and get rewards: all stores under your name The daily tax is reduced by 30%! The work efficiency of all store employees under the name is increased by 30%! The effect lasts for three days! Get a reward: promotion order x2!"

As soon as this announcement came out, perhaps for most players who have never opened a store, they still don't know what it means.

But for those boss-level players who already have their own shops in Dawn City, it is enough to make them doubt their lives.

In the chat area of ​​the main city, the questions and exclamations of the bosses from all sides also came immediately.

"Sss-level? How did you get it? Isn't the talent market only able to recruit A-level employees?"

"This buff award is too perverted! It will last for three days?"

"Remember that the Dragon Clan Firm didn't open until this morning? It's not easy to get SSSS-level employees so quickly! It seems that this store is really not easy!"

"Yinuo Qingcheng, boss, where did you recruit your sss-level employees? Can you tell me the way, I'm willing to spend 10 billion gold coins to buy this information!"

"Yinuo Qingcheng, brother, can you sublease the sss-level employees in your store to us? I will hire you directly and give you ten times the employment cost every day, and you can get 90% of the employment cost in vain. !"

This variety of news really makes many casual players who join in the fun feel unbearable.

10 billion gold coins to buy a message!

This business is simply dead.

And the girl at the back, Aite Zhang Yi, said: Tenfold employment.

After upgrading to the SSSS level, Zhang Rui's daily employment cost has reached 120 million.

If the girl is hired ten times, it is 1.2 billion a day, which is 1.08 billion of which Zhang Yineng gets in vain!

The daily gain of 1.08 billion gold coins is something they can't even imagine for ordinary players who earn one or two hundred W a day.

But in Zhang Yi's view.

Compared with the free income of 1.08 billion per day, he would rather let Zhang Rui work for the Dragon Clan Firm.

According to the current situation, the business will probably have to pay tens of billions of dollars in taxes all day long.

If Zhang Rui reduced it by 20%, Zhang Yi would be able to pay billions in taxes.

Isn't that more comfortable than that one billion a day income?

I ignored the shouts of the bosses in the chat area.

After successfully promoting a manager to sss level with a promotion order.

Zhang Yi began to focus on the next promotion order.

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