Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1457 Dawn Camp, Dungeon Raiders

[The task of saving the team has rewarded Zhang Yi with three promotion orders.

And just when the citywide announcement was triggered, Zhang Yi received two more promotion orders!

Now Zhang Yi has four promotion orders in his bag!

Salespeople don't need to think about it for the time being.

Because of their large number, there are as many as 15 salesmen.

The problem of low single-unit work efficiency can also be solved by the advantage of the number of people.

Therefore, Zhang Yi's four promotion orders still intend to apply to the manager and the cashier.

A promotion order can only be used to upgrade one level.

Except for Zhang Rui.

Another manager in Zhang Yi's store is S-class.

There are also three cashiers, also two of them are SS and one is S.

The two SS-level cashiers can each use a promotion order to be promoted to SSSS-level.

It is the remaining S-level manager and S-level cashier, which is more difficult to deal with.

If you want to upgrade the s-level to the sss-level, you need two promotion orders and complete the two promotion tasks!

It's better to upgrade the manager first, so that the store tax reduction is the most important!

After such a plan, only when Zhang Yi is ready to move on to the next promotion task.

Yiqi Juechen suddenly came to Zhang Yi and said to Zhang Yi, "Leave the promotion task to us, you can do your thing."

Zhang Yi glanced at Yiqi Juechen, but before he could speak, he heard Yiqi Juechen continue: "The dungeon of the Dawning Camp is about to open. You said before that this dungeon is very difficult and must be in the top three. Only those who clear the sss rating can get the reward of the territory certificate, you should prepare for it.”

Zhang Yi really needs to prepare for the Dawning Camp.

But the promotion task must be completed as soon as possible, because in this way, the sooner the store's efficiency and income can be higher!

At this time, Yi Ye Guzhou thought of another question: "However, this task of the senior can only be performed by the owner himself, and we can't replace him to complete it."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone fell silent.

Zhang Yi said: "It's not execution, it's receiving."

"It is true that only the store owner can activate the task, but there is no restriction on who can complete the task after receiving it."

Zhang Yi said: "Just like the mission just now, you have also helped me. Even without me, as long as you can bring back that NPC safely, the mission can be completed."

Yiqi Juechen nodded: "In this case, the next task here is handed over to us, and you can do what you need to do."

Zhang Yi glanced at Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen and said, "Every task that follows is not difficult."

"Don't worry." Xing Tian, ​​who has always been steady as a mountain, assured him, "We can handle it."

"If four hidden professionals join forces and can't handle a promotion task, it would be too poor."

Zhang Yi nodded: "Okay, I'll leave it to you here."

After all, Zhang Yi opened the shop interface, selected James, the SS-level cashier, and used the promotion order to activate the promotion task.

Then from James himself, I learned the details of the mission.

Probably the same thing: Jaime has an elderly mother in the city, and her legs are inconvenient.

He wanted to find metal ore in a mine on the outskirts of North City, and forge a pair of gold mining canes for his elderly mother.

Just as Zhang Yi expected: The difficulty level of the promotion task is really determined by the 10-level increase in the executor's level!

This goldstone mine map, like the southern border, is also a level 221 map.

The task of going to the Jinshi Mine to find metal ore was handed over to Xing Tian, ​​Yiqi Juechen, Yiye Guzhou and Fatty.

On Zhang Yi's side, he started to prepare for the Dawn Camp dungeon!

According to the trend of the growth rate of the number of people in Dawn City, it is estimated that tomorrow night at the latest, the level 210 dungeon Dawn Camp will officially open!

There is not much time left for Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi must hurry up and start preparing.

For this dungeon's territory certificate reward, Zhang Yi must get it!

Because, once you miss this opportunity, you don't know when the next opportunity will be.

Clearing the Dawn Camp dungeon is no problem for Zhang Yi.

After all, Zhang Yi's level has even exceeded the dungeon level.

But if you want to get the sss level clearance score, it is too difficult!

And the dungeon has a more perverted setting, that is, after the dungeon is opened, the top three people who have cleared the dungeon at the sss level within a week can get the certificate of territory reward.

In one week, the top three, sss level clearance.

These three conditions are indispensable!

Of course, that's not to say that a replica is only open for a week and then shuts down.

This is only a limitation on the reward of the territory proof.

If the above three conditions are not met to clear the dungeon, the dungeon reward will still be settled as usual, but there is no territory to prove this reward.

I remember in the last life, after the level 210 dungeon in Dawn City was opened, no one got the territory certificate in it.

The birth of the first territorial proof of Dawn City was in other event dungeons that the system opened later.

In the last life, let alone sss level clearance.

In the early days of the dungeon, looking at Dawn City, which has 200 million players, there are not many raiding teams that have cleared the level A!

It was not until later that some players discovered the effective strategy of the dungeon. After the strategy was born, s and ss level clearers gradually appeared.

And the excavation time of the Raiders of the previous world dungeon was too late.

Not to mention that the dungeon was opened for a week, it was not discovered by players until more than a month later.

However, in this life, Zhang Yi already had foresight and was able to discover strategies in advance!

The so-called strategy is really effective for the Dawn Camp dungeon!

At present, the system has not released any detailed introduction and layout of the Dawning Camp dungeon.

Except for Zhang Yi, no player knows:

The monsters in the Dawn Camp dungeon all have a light bite effect.

Their attacks can put players into a state of light bite.

Once the player in the light bite state is exposed to the sun, he will suffer a large amount of irreversible burning damage!

It also affects the player's movement speed and attack speed.

As the name suggests, you can imagine what kind of place the Dawning Camp is.

There is no night in the Dawn Camp dungeon, it will always be day, because there are nine suns in the camp!

So don't think about raiding the dungeon at night, you can avoid being affected by the light bite.

In the last life, there were many smart little cuties who teamed up to play dungeons at night, but they were burned in the dungeon at night.

Light bite is the key to affecting the dungeon rating!

And the strategy that players discovered later in the last life is to effectively counteract this light bite effect!

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