The resurgence of the situation and the discoloration of the situation, Fengyun Apocalypse and several other elites of the team entered the night light city together.

Inside the city, I saw a four-leaf clover, a female beastmaster, with her daughter!

At this moment, a large group of Blazing Clan players were facing her with swords beside the four-leaf clover.

And the younger daughter, who is still in the infant, is also held in her arms by a female archer from the Blazing Clan.

See the situation rises again and rush.

The four-leaf clover cried and shouted: "I'm sorry, the wind! I'm dragging you down"

Seeing that his wife and children are in the hands of the enemy.

Feeling anxious again, he pointed his sword at the blazing ashes at the head of the crowd: "Let them go!"

The blazing flames were not in a hurry, and Yuzai asked: "Why don't you ask me, how did you catch them?"

Before he could speak again, Blazing Fire shook his head and sighed: "To be honest, if I had a stupid wife like you, I would have kicked her a long time ago!"

"That is, you can stay until now, and you still have a child with such a stupid woman. I think this child will be just like her mother in the future. It's a fool!"

In front of so many people, his wife and daughter were humiliated.

Who can bear this?

But right now, the situation can't bear it again.

The blazing flames don't care whether the situation rises again or not, he just spends his time here, and said unhurriedly: "I'll just ask someone to change to your situation's id, pretend to be your person, and tell your wife. After saying that you had an accident outside the city, she really came out with the baby in her arms!"

"Are you saying that such a woman is stupid? She has no brains at all!"

Fengyun clenched his fists again, his eyes were full of hatred for blazing flames, but he didn't complain about his wife at all.

Because he knows: his wife is not stupid, but cares about himself too much!

When I heard something happened to me, my first reaction was to come out to visit.

She didn't think much about it, the only thing she thought of was to hurry up and see her husband!

Fengyun Rising gritted his teeth, tried his best to hold back the hatred in his heart, and said to the blazing fire, "How can you let people go?"

"If you have a seed, come to me! One person does things and one person is responsible. Yesterday, I led someone to do it to you. It has nothing to do with my wife and daughter. What kind of skill is it to attack a woman?"

Do not dare to act rashly.

Because, even if the four-leaf clover has five chances to be resurrected, his daughter has no chance to be resurrected.

Because she didn't even activate the data at all!

If the data is not activated, there is no chance of resurrection and no attributes.

As long as you suffer fatal injuries, you will die directly and permanently!

Obviously, the members of the blazing family took advantage of this to make a comeback.

The blazing fire circled around the four-leaf clover, and then said to the situation again: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to seek revenge on you today."

"Why don't we make a deal?"

Blazing Flames watched the resurgence of the situation with interest, and said, "You help me deal with the Dragon Clan, and I will let your wife and children go."

"Impossible!" Fengyun Rising said without hesitation: "I will never betray the Dragon Clan!"

"The Dragon Clan is your father? Do you need to protect him like this?"

The blazing flames turned into anger, pinched the four-leaf clover's chin tightly, and shouted again at Fengyun: "You can think about it for me! Your wife has a good chance of being resurrected, but your daughter, I just need to squeeze lightly, Make her disappear forever!"

"For the sake of a dragon clan, you lose your one-month-old daughter. Do you think it's worth it or not?"

A little bit at a loss for what to do again.

Blazing Flames went on to say: "My enemy is not your situation, but the Dragon Clan, who is a promise!"

"I know that you are allied with the Dragon Clan, and Yinuo Qingcheng also trusts you very much."

"So, I just need you to help me seduce Yinuo Qingcheng, find an opportunity, choose a suitable place, I will kill him permanently, and I can promise you that you will not be exposed afterwards."

"At that time, the people of the dragon family will not know that you did it, and no one will blame your situation."

The blazing flames have completely grasped the mentality of the comeback: "How about you exchange your daughter's life for your daughter's life, is it worth it?"

Fengyun clenched his fists again, and for a while, he didn't know what to do.

All he knew was that if he didn't agree, his daughter would definitely die immediately.

If agreed, there are still some opportunities to deal with it.

So, Fengyun came back and said, "Okay, I promise you."

"Let my wife and daughter go, and I will help you deal with Yinuo Qingcheng."

The blazing bathing fire laughed: "Do you think I'm as stupid as your wife?"

"Your wife can return it to you first. Your daughter is a bargaining chip. After you help me deal with Yinuo Qingcheng, I will return your daughter to you."

In this regard, the resurgence of the situation can only agree with gritted teeth.

The blazing man really let go of the four-leaf clover.

After all, the wife is back, but the daughter is still in their hands!

The blazing bathing fire waved his hand at the situation again: "You can get out first! I will contact you when I need it."

Four-leaf clover and the resurgence of the wind and clouds, looking at her daughter reluctantly.

At this time, the blazing bath fire looked at him and hugged him.

The flaming family archer girl of our daughter, said to them:

"Don't worry, this is our first nurse. With enough milk, you can't starve your daughter with her here."

Blazing Flames looked at the archer girl with a wretched gaze, squinted and smiled: "Don't ask me how I know, just taste it!"

The archer girl blazing flames: the enchantress immediately blushed and said: "hate"

Before leaving, Fengyun Rerise said to the blazing flames word by word: "If you dare to touch my daughter, I will make you all blazing, pay the price!"

After finishing speaking, Fengyun Rising led the people of Fengyun family to evacuate Yeguang City.

Just got out of town.

Knight Fengyun Tianqi asked: "Captain, do you really want to sell a promise to the city?"

It was silent for a while in the resurgence of the situation, and then he said: "For Yueyue, there is no other way."

As everyone knows.

Outside Yeguang City, in the darkness, there is a pair of eyes staring at their every move!

These eyes are from the assassin scavengers!

He turned on invisibility, lurking in the dark.

From start to finish, no one noticed him.

Originally, the purpose of the scavengers was to track the blazing people, and they followed them all the way to Yeguang City to see what they were going to do.

People who never thought about the situation rushed over, and the subsequent scenes of their negotiation with Chi Yan were also watched by the scavengers.

Just wait for the wind and clouds to evacuate.

The scavenger immediately sent a friend message to Zhang Yi: "Brother, the flaming people have tied up the daughter of the Rise of the Storm and used her daughter as a hostage to threaten the Rise of the Storm."

"Fengyun Rising has promised blazing flames to help them deal with you with underhand tricks! What should I do next? Do you want to deal with the traitor Fengyun Rising first, and give them a long memory?"

ding dong~

After a while, Zhang Yi replied:

"Need not."

"Wait and watch."

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