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Chapter 1473 The good show is about to begin!

Dawn City.

within a restaurant.

Zhang Yi and Xing Tian, ​​Yiqi Juechen, are having dinner in the restaurant.

Yi Ye Guzhou, who was sitting next to Zhang Yi, happened to accidentally see the message sent by the scavenger to Zhang Yi and Zhang Yi's reply.

Then he said thoughtfully: "Senior, are you trying to give that situation another chance?"

"After all, Fengyun is also a big family. It's really not good to have a quarrel with them."

The voice just fell.

One of the people who knew Zhang Yi the most, Yiqi Juechen, said, "I really want to give Fengyun a chance, but it's not the kind of chance you imagined."

"If the resurgence of the wind and the cloud really helps Chi Yan, then they will be the enemies of our dragon clan in the future. If he takes the initiative to tell us about this, we can find a way to help him save his daughter." I have to say, staying together After a long time, even Xingtian began to slowly understand Zhang Yi.

This is Zhang Yi's idea!

It's not what Yi Ye Guzhou said: I'm afraid of losing such a big ally.

All Zhang Yi thought was to see how he would make a decision when the situation resurfaced.

Hard to say.

This decision of Fengyun Rising will directly determine the future life and death of their Fengyun family!

If Fengyun betrays the Dragon Clan, he betrays Zhang Yi.

After destroying the flames, the second thing Zhang Yi wants to destroy is Fengyun!

At this time, Zhang Yi took a cup of tea unhurriedly, took a sip, put down the cup, and said lightly, "The show is about to begin."

the next day.

Zhang Yi's mission is still the same as yesterday.

For the remaining two promotion orders, Zhang Yi intends to use them on the manager Wu Shan.

Wu Shan's current level is S-level.

Two promotion orders that can upgrade two SS-level employees to sss-level are used up before Wu Shan can be promoted to sss.

Although a bit wasteful.

But no matter how many promotion orders hit the manager, it's worth it!

S-level managers only get a 7% tax deduction.

20% discount for sss level!

The difference between the two is 13%!

If it is calculated according to the income of the Dragon Clan Firm yesterday.

This 13% has already brought Zhang Yi a tax reduction of 1.04 billion gold coins!

Therefore, the promotion task was still handed over to Xingtian and the others.

Zhang Yi, on the other hand, went to the Kunlun Mountains and was ready to continue his mission to find the Kunlun Mirror!

Originally, Zhang Yi had to think of a plan, how to deal with Chi Yan.

Now, you don't need to worry about this problem at all.

Because Fengyun has solved this problem!

The blazing bathing fire wants to use the hand of the wind and cloud to deal with the dragon clan.

Next, Zhang Yi just needs to wait for the news of the comeback.

Whether it is really promised to bathe in the flames, help him deal with Zhang Yi.

Still confessed to Zhang Yi.

When the situation rises again, you must send a message to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi has already made plans.

If the situation rises again and confesses to Zhang Yi, then Zhang Yi will formulate a plan to fight back against the flames.

If he colluded with Blazing Flame, then simply take this opportunity to solve Blazing Flame and Fengyun together!

After all, if the blazing fire wants to permanently obliterate Zhang Yi, he can only use the resurgence of the situation to find a way to lure Zhang Yi to a map with a death-place resurrection mechanism.

Then they set up an ambush there in advance to ambush Zhang Yi.

And this is what Zhang Yixin thought.

Just on that map, you can permanently obliterate the blazing fire!

Think of this.

Zhang Yi feels that the layout can already be started in advance!

So, opening the friend list, Zhang Yi sent a message to the immortal dragon clan

Before going to the Kunlun Mountains.

Zhang Yi came to Dawn Valley.

I didn't feed Lingzhu all day yesterday, the little guy was starving.

With more and more shuttles, Zhang Yi has gradually developed antibodies to the ice and fire in the Dawn Valley.

It became easier and easier to pass through the ice, and the fire area, almost without frowning, and reached the deepest part of the valley.

From the bag, she took out the spirit bead with a red shimmer and let her absorb the aura to the fullest.

After the end, Zhang Yi left the Dawn Valley.

Riding a minibus, rushed to the Kunlun Mountains.

Because of getting up early.

When we arrived at the Kunlun Mountains, the time was fixed at eight in the morning.

Today's task is to find three more descendants of the Kunlun faction.

In this case, the remaining five successors can be completed within the next two days.

Otherwise, the longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for Zhang Yi.

The time for the opening of the Dawn Camp dungeon is imminent!

As soon as he entered the Kunlun Mountains, Zhang Yi began to look for traces of the descendants of the Kunlun School in the snow.

During this process, Zhang Yi did not dare to ride the dragon, so he could only walk.

Because the entire Kunlun Mountains, the ground is white.

Flying in the sky, it is easy to miss points.

Even if the descendants of the Kunlun faction were below, it would be difficult for Zhang Yi to spot them.

It can only be: first ride the dragon to cross the area that has been found yesterday.

Then walk through the remaining unexplored areas.

Along the way, once again encounter all kinds of 225-level demon monsters.

Zhang Yi killed monsters all the way and found people all the way.

The good thing is: the two Kunlun sect descendants found yesterday have used their true power to relieve Zhang Yi of the influence of the 10% Kunlun tribulation.

Now, Zhang Yi is only 20% affected by the Kunlun Tribulation.

That is, reduce the speed and damage by 20%.

Compared to yesterday, Zhang Yi's monster killing efficiency has improved a lot.

Over time.

At about 12:30 noon, Zhang Yi finally found another descendant of the Kunlun School!

Through the transmission of infuriating energy from the descendants of the Kunlun faction, Zhang Yi eliminated 5% of the influence of the Kunlun Tribulation!

Following the same steps, he escorted the disciple to the hall, and gave them enough food to settle in the hall.

Then, Zhang Yi continued to look for the next target.

However, time waits for no one.

It should come, it will come when the time comes, it will not wait until you are fully prepared.

In the afternoon, Zhang Yi was still killing monsters in the snow.

Suddenly, a loud system prompt came down from the sky——

Dawning City Announcement: "Ding ~ All players affiliated with Dawning City, please pay attention: Since the total number of players in Dawning City has reached 200 million, the 210-level dungeon Dawning Camp has been opened! All players above level 200 can enter through the teleportation array. copy!"

"This dungeon will give birth to a super god-level treasure territory certificate, and the final reward will be determined according to the dungeon clearance rating!"


Dawn Camp is finally open.

Even, it came a little later than Zhang Yi imagined.

Unfortunately, Zhang Yi still failed to find the Kunlun Mirror before that.

With system announcements falling across the city.


A huge and dazzling golden beam scatters somewhere in the south of Dawn City.

That is the teleportation array of the lv210 Dawn Camp dungeon!

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