As long as the Kunlun Mountains and the stone statue on the side of the church are successfully restored, the Kunlun Sect disciples will inform Zhang Yi through the Kunlun Mirror.

For this reason, Zhang Yi also guarded the Kunlun Mirror for many days.

Today, Kunlun Mirror finally made a move, Zhang Yi didn't say a word, and immediately started preparations with Xingtian and the others!

Because according to what Mo Wu said, there is also a demon general Xiang Wu in the temple.

The three guardians under his seat are all level 228 lord monsters.

This general should be a big boss around level 230!

Therefore, going to the Kunlun Mountains this time, must experience a fierce battle.

After preparing a lot of high-level potions in the pharmacy, and fetching a lot of high-level potions and food from the team warehouse, Zhang Yi and Xing Tian, ​​Yiqi Juechen, Fatty, called on Ye Guzhou, and formed a team of five. Set off to prepare for the Kunlun Mountains.

Riding a giant dragon, we arrived at the Kunlun Mountains after more than ten minutes.

Sitting in the snow, several people walked in the direction of the church.

On the way, Yi Ye Guzhou looked at the time and said, "It's half past eight. By two o'clock this afternoon, seven days have passed since the dungeon was opened, and there are five and a half hours left."

"The copy is reserved for two hours, and there are only three and a half hours left. Can we have time?"

"Our goal is the Kunlun Mirror." Zhang Yi said: "After going in for a while, the purpose should be clear. After getting at least four Kunlun Mirrors, we will withdraw immediately!"

While speaking, several people had already come to the outside of the church without noticing.

However, when Zhang Yi and the others came here, they were stunned by the sight in front of them!

I can only see: it is covered with ice and snow, leaving only one door outside the church hall.

The snow has been dyed bright red, the ground is scattered, and there are several NPC human corpses lying on the ground!

And those corpses are the disciples of the Kunlun faction!

"how so?"

A Lonely Boat ran over, his face full of incredulity.

Zhang Yi was also very surprised, because just ten minutes ago, Mo Wu still contacted him through the Kunlun mirror. Why did they all die in the blink of an eye?

Take out the Kunlun mirror from the bag and find that the mirror no longer flickers.

It seems that they really just died!

On the bodies of those Kunlun Sect disciples, many scars can be seen as if they were pierced by a sharp sword and then burned.

It was like being wounded by a flaming sword!

Xing Tian speculated: "They were attacked by werewolf warriors."

"No." Zhang Yi denied: "Ordinary werewolf warriors can't hurt them, and the scars are wrong. If it weren't for the two remaining guardians, then only the general Xiangwu did it."

Looking at Xiang Wu's body lying on the ground, unable to rest, Yi Ye Guzhou blamed himself: "If only we came earlier, it would be fine."

At this time, Zhang Yi discovered that the stone statues on both sides of the church hall have been repaired!

It is very likely that it was because they repaired the stone statue that they caused the death!

Recalling that before, the way Mo Wu turned on the light was to put his hand into the mouth of the stone lion.

Therefore, Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen, one left and one right, put their hands into the mouth of the stone statue at the same time.

After a while, in the dark temple ahead, there was indeed light!

So, Zhang Yi and the others entered the church hall.

Compared to the last time, it was endless and the visibility was less than ten meters in darkness.

This time, after the lights in all directions were turned on, at least within a radius of 100 meters, they could see very clearly.

The illusion has really disappeared!

There is not much time left for Zhang Yi and the others.

After entering the church, the five immediately started searching!

After a while, a werewolf warrior appeared in the darkness, trying to stop Zhang Yi and the others, but they were all beheaded without exception.

After slaughtering dozens of werewolves in a row, a powerful hostile aura swept in from the front right.

Looking around, I saw a hell mage burning with flames, with a skeleton staff, walking towards this side!

God-level exploration display: lv228 Flame Protector (Magic Department/Lord Monster)! .xiumb.

"The second guardian has appeared." Zhang Yi looked directly at the flame guardian in front of him and said, "Everyone be careful."

Xing Tian "rushes" and draws his sword: "Old rules, quick battles."

After all, Xing Tian held a long sword and rushed towards the flaming guardian!

Yiqi Juechen followed closely behind.

Zhang Yi's group of monsters, along with Yiye Guzhou's black blood king snake, biochemical tyrannosaurus, and the new monster [Fallen Angel] (priest type), went into battle together.

hoo hoo hoo!

Along with a burst of dragon cries, Zhang Yi's dragon group also joined the battle.

Because time is limited, we can't waste too much time in the Kunlun Mountains, so this time, everyone present is full of firepower! .kanδhu five.lá

The Flame Protector was at the same level of strength as the Dark Protector who had been killed by Zhang Yi and the others.

Moreover, the flame protector, which mainly focuses on spell attacks, is not as perverted as the dark shadow protector.

Its characteristic is that the damage of spell skills is particularly high!

The dark protector that was so difficult to deal with before has been solved, and this time, facing this flame protector, it is naturally no problem.

The five joined forces, and it took a few minutes to take down the flame protector!

On the body of the flame protector, Zhang Yi found a Kunlun mirror again!

The Kunlun mirror was handed over to Yiqi Juechen, and then they continued to look for the next target.

In the temple, it is impossible for ordinary monsters to have Kunlun mirrors.

Kunlun mirrors are also not randomly placed in any obvious place. .Κanδhu5.iá

What is certain is that each of the three guardians must have a Kunlun mirror.

If you win the three guardians, you can get three Kunlun mirrors.

The remaining two should be available from the General!

So, Zhang Yi and the others killed the little monsters that appeared along the way, while looking for traces of guardians or generals everywhere.

After a while, the third guardian finally appeared!

lv228 Lord Monster: Furious Guardian!

This is a physical monster that uses a broadsword as a weapon, and possesses powerful defensive capabilities.

On its chest, there is also a Kunlun mirror inlaid!

After the third guardian appeared, Zhang Yi and the others didn't say much, and went straight to work!

With the biggest offensive, the berserk Dharma Protector was defeated, and the blood bar dropped rapidly!

It didn't take long for the violent protector to be knocked out half of his blood.

However, when it still had half of its blood left, it suddenly avoided the battle and chose to escape!

How could Zhang Yi and the others let the duck that reached his mouth fly away, and immediately pursued the victory.

The violent guardian escaped quite quickly.

After a while, it ran into a secret passage and disappeared!

Zhang Yi and the others chased the violent guardian and came to a dark and secret entrance on the stone wall.

Xing Tian looked at the mysterious entrance and said, "It seems to be a trap, it is deliberately luring us in."

"Then what to do?" Yi Ye Guzhou frowned slightly: "Aren't we going in?"

"Enter!" Zhang Yi said without hesitation: "Even if it is a trap, enter!"

"There is no time."

With that said, Zhang Yi took the lead, and the five entered along the entrance.

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