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Chapter 1497 Demon General: Xiang Wu!

Following the interior of the church, there was a dark passage on the wall, Zhang Yi and the others came to another place that seemed to no longer belong to the Kunlun Mountains!

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Yi and the others came to a dark cemetery.

Surrounded by an aura of death.

On the ground, human skeletons can be seen everywhere.

And in the center of the cemetery, there is a dark black coffin!

Five large red characters are engraved on the side of the coffin—

General's Tomb!

good guy!

It seems that this should be the location of the ultimate boss of the Kunlun Mountains map!

According to Apocalypse World's settings for the map of Kunlun Mountains:

Two thousand years ago, humans created the Kunlun faction to fight the monsters that were about to awaken.

And a group of monsters awakened in advance, under the command of the general Xiangwu, began to resist and invaded the Kunlun Mountains.

The head of the Kunlun faction and the general Xiangwu fought for life and death, and finally activated the power of the Kunlun mirror to destroy the barrier of the Kunlun Mountains, sealing the entire Kunlun faction and all the monsters in the Kunlun Mountains!

The final boss, General Xiang Wu, has appeared, and Zhang Yi and the others did not dare to be careless, and immediately prepared to fight at any time.

Approaching the coffin.

At this moment, the violent protector who had escaped before burst out from the darkness behind the coffin, swung a big knife in his hand, and slashed towards Zhang Yi and the others!


Fatty's eyes are quick and his hands are quick, and he quickly casts the law to stop the violent protector.

Zhang Yi, Yi Ye Guzhou, and the others locked on the berserk protector and attacked with a fierce focus attack, and in an instant they took down the berserk protector with less than half of their health!

I haven't had time to go forward to pick up the Kunlun Mirror on the Furious Dharma Protector.

At this moment, a shrill cry came from the coffin—

"Who dares to disturb this general's purity!"


With an explosion, the coffin lid was suddenly blown away in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, a monster wearing golden armor, disheveled hair and a face as dry as a ghost crawled out of the coffin!

On the top of the monster's head, there is a line of blood-red id:

lv230 Demon General: Xiang Wu (Physics Department, 66-star boss)!

"66 stars!"

The moment they saw the general's rank, everyone on the field was shocked.

There was only Zhang Yi, who looked a little calmer.

Because before that, Zhang Yi had already fought against the 72-star Jin-named boss, the Seven-star Demon Emperor, and used the power of Cayenne to kill it.

Compared with the 72-star golden boss and the seven-star Demon Emperor, this mere 66-star boss is far inferior!

What makes Zhang Yi more excited is that several Kunlun mirrors are inlaid on the armor of this great general Xiangwu!

That is to say, as long as this general is killed, Zhang Yi and the others will be able to get enough Kunlun mirrors to enter the Dawning Camp!

Without further ado, let's go to war...

the other side.

The dungeon of the Dawn Camp starts on the seventh day.

There are more and more players accompanying the clearance copy.

The major families in Dawn City, those raiding teams that have not yet completed the dungeon, are still frantically attacking the dungeon.

So far, the number of players who have cleared the dungeon has exceeded 100,000.

Among them, 85% of the people passed the level D, 13% passed the level C, 1.9% passed the level B, and only 0.1% passed the level A!

The further back, the higher the clearance rating record is, also because as more and more people attack the dungeon, the layout and characteristics of the Dawn Camp are more and more clearly displayed in front of the players.

Even those players who remember all the layouts will know where and what kind of monsters and challenges they can encounter as long as they enter the Dawning Camp.

At this time, no matter inside or outside the city, the streets and alleys of Dawn City, the wandering pedestrians are discussing things about the dungeon...

"Why is this dungeon so difficult? It's been open for a week. There are 200 million people in the city, and only 110,000 people have cleared the customs? It's outrageous!"

"The main reason is that the light bite buff is too disgusting. If there is a way to eliminate the light bite, I will definitely be able to pass it!" .xiumb.

"But the dungeon rewards are really high! It is said that the A-level customs clearance rewards already contain a full set of 65-star shining suits!"

"Only a few people in the whole city passed the A-level customs? Too few!"

"I just want to be able to clear the customs, I don't want to clear the customs with a high score, oh my god! Please let me clear the Dawn Camp!" Κánδんu5.ζá

"Hey, it is estimated that the highest level is A, no one can go to S."

"There is no territorial proof reward for sss-level customs clearance! I don't know why the dragon captain, Yinuo, has not entered the dungeon yet?"

"How do you know that they didn't enter, in case they have entered many times, and they have been brushed down!"

"Impossible, Yinuo Qingcheng is the No. 1 god in the Dawn City Sky Ranking. There is no reason why he can't pass. I suspect that he is holding back his big moves and wants to clear the sss level, so he has never played before! After all, he can only get one pass. award."

"The dungeon will end in a few hours for the ultimate sss rating award, and he won't have a chance if he doesn't play again."

"I really want to know what the sss level customs clearance rewards are..."

"Who knows, just wait for the great god Yinuo Qingcheng to enter the book and see if you can get an S-rank.

Score the record! "

at the same time.

Kunlun Mountains...

A battle against the 66-star boss is going on fiercely.

The 230-level 66-star boss is almost invincible in front of ordinary players at this stage.

Under normal circumstances, even a group of 10,000 people would not be able to handle the general Xiangwu.

Because a few days ago, there was a post about a 65-star boss group destroying an 8th-level team of 10,000 people, and it was searched on the Dawn City Forum.

However, in front of Zhang Yi and the three dragon gods, plus a full-level dragon blood, the great general's divine might is not worth mentioning at all.

It took less than ten minutes for the general Xiangwu to appear on the stage. Under the coordinated attack of the strongest five-member group in Dawn City, the blood bar gradually fell to the 20% position at an extremely fast speed!

The battle is still going on.

Yiqi Juechen and the Dragonblood Knight are in the front to contain them, and the rest of them are deployed in different positions around the area.

Everything is in order.

According to this situation, it will take no more than three minutes to completely end the battle!

Seeing that the boss's blood volume is getting less and less.

Yiqi Juechen, who was restraining the boss in the front line, suddenly turned around and said to a few teammates around him, "Do you think this picture is a little too easy?"

After taking over the words of Yiqi Juechen, Xing Tian said, "Try another group of people to make sure that you won't even get here and see the boss."

"Strength is one reason." Yiqi Juechen said: "But I still think it's too easy, I feel something is wrong, but I can't tell."

In fact, Zhang Yi has the same concerns as Yiqi Juechen.

Because of so many experiences before, it was not easy to enter the church hall.

After the results came in, it was really too smooth to solve the ultimate boss so easily.

According to Zhang Yi's understanding of the world of Apocalypse.

Maps with unique plots like the Kunlun Mountains should be far more difficult to navigate than ordinary maps of the same level.

Moreover, the nine Kunlun sect disciples who died outside the church were not weak, and they did not look like magic beasts at the guardian level could kill them.

And when Zhang Yi and the others came, General Xiang Wu had just come out of the coffin, obviously it wasn't his job. .Κanδhu5.iá

So, how did those Kunlun disciples die?

Right now, Zhang Yi didn't worry so much.

The main thing is to win the boss, and prepare to launch the final offensive against the general with residual blood.

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