After successfully clearing the Dawn Camp with sss rating.

Invisibly, Zhang Yi also advertised for the Dragon Clan and the Dragon Clan Business.

After the announcement of the system, the name of Yinuo Qingcheng, the first god of Dawning City, has become a household name.

In the chat area of ​​the main city, there are many such messages——

"Yinuo Qingcheng, great god, can I join your dragon clan?"

"Don't think about the people upstairs, their dragon clan has never been recruiting people. There have always been 300,000 people, and no one can get in!"

"I am so envious of those who can stay in the Dragon Clan, and I really want to enter the Dragon Clan."

"Let's go to the Dragon Clan Business, the store opened by the Great God, the items in it are all top-quality, go to the Great God's store to buy things, and feel the spirit of the Great God!"

It was in the afternoon, and countless players rushed into the dragon business on the Dawn Street.

Not long after, there was a message from the Dragon Clan Immortal side: "Boss, it looks like our Dragon Clan Business will have to open a branch!"

The branch does have this plan.

But for the time being, Zhang Yi doesn't have the energy to do this.

There are still many other tasks at the moment, and we will talk about the more important things first.

Zhang Yi rationalized his thoughts.

After clearing the Dawning Camp, the next thing is to continue to complete the test task of the alchemist.

At that time, this mission was stuck because Zhang Yi's strength was unable to conquer the level 237 Moon Temple, and he couldn't defeat the level 237 monster inside, the Moon Keeper.

But now, with the Guangyao suit, Zhang Yi's strength has already skyrocketed, and it shouldn't be a big problem to conquer the Moon Temple.

After that, it is to enter the Medicine King Valley and obtain the Medicine King profession.

Then, complete the third-stage mission of the God of the Chosen, and get something that can effectively fight the seventh-order dark dragon emperor.

With such a plan, Zhang Yi opened the attribute interface of the God Emperor Ring.

This piece of equipment can extract equipment skills, save them for permanent use, and have up to five skill bars.

At present, multi-attack (single attack attacking three targets at the same time), soul eater (killing the enemy to gain temporary damage bonus), beast-guarding (opening an additional beast slot), defying the sky and changing fate (ignoring 5 equipment levels) Demand), Cooldown Reduction (reduces the cooldown of all skills by 5 seconds) for these five skills.

Without hesitation, Zhang Yi used the skill of the Tianmai suit to hunt the sky, covering Soul Eater!

In contrast, the cost-effectiveness of Hunting Heaven is much higher than that of Soul Eater!

As a beastmaster, Zhang Yi can't just focus on his own development.

Opened the prestige mall, spent all the prestige, and bought a 200-level 70-star dazzling suit for each of the three little ones.

In the high-level prestige mall, as long as the equipment the owner has acquired, it can be purchased in the mall by consuming prestige.

Then, Zhang Yi used the star-rising stone again, and the super god appraiser gave these three sets of shining suits, from 70 stars to 79 stars.

The 2-star bonus of shadow cannot be arranged, because the star effect of fashion shadow can only take effect on the wearer himself.

For the full-level reinforcement arrangement, replace the three little ones.

Immediately, the combat effectiveness of the entire Warcraft team has been greatly improved!

On the data panel, their data has obviously increased significantly!

With this strength now, there must be no problem in going to the Moon Temple to deal with those moon watchers!

Thinking like this, Zhang Yi decided to go to the Moon Temple again tonight.

Because the map of the Temple of the Moon will only be activated during the moonlit night, it is useless to go during the day.

And the alchemist's test task must be repeated gradually.

If the 237-level Moon Temple has not been won, it is temporarily impossible to go to the next 240-level Dome of the Sky!

Look at the time: two o'clock in the afternoon.

Then take a rest in the afternoon, reserve some physical strength, and strive for one night tonight to take down the Temple of the Moon!

So Zhang Yi rested in a hotel in the city.

When I woke up, it was already six in the evening.

With the recovery of the five-star hotel, Zhang Yi's fatigue level has reached 100%.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the moon was about to appear.

It's time to enter the Moon Temple!

Of course, before that, Zhang Yi can't forget a very important thing, that is, go to the Dawn Valley to feed the spirit beads with spiritual energy!

Today at Dawning Camp, but thanks to Lingzhu, Fatty was resurrected using her ability!

Otherwise, Zhang Yi and the others would not be able to clear the SSSS level at all.

Being able to have the current achievements and being able to get the territorial certificate is all because of the Spirit Orb!

Zhang Yi hadn't even thanked Lingzhu properly.

But then again.

Thinking of Lingzhu, Zhang Yi suddenly realized: She seems to have settled down a lot since she came back in the afternoon!

In the past, she didn't like to be bored in the cloth pocket for too long, and always liked being held by Zhang Yi.

Especially when sleeping, Zhang Yi must be held in the palm of his hand to be safe.

But now, there is no movement in the cloth bag!

Zhang Yi opened the cloth pocket, and was stunned to find that the spirit bead inside had become bleak!

How is this going?

Zhang Yi took out the spirit bead and took a closer look, the little baby inside didn't seem to have any vitality.

Zhang Yi was a little anxious.

Because the last time this happened, Lingzhu was using her

After the spiritual power resurrected William.

And this time, the breath on the spirit bead is obviously weaker than the last time!

It must be because of the resurrection of Fatty, which caused too much spiritual energy in Lingzhu's body to be consumed, and entered a weak state.

Realizing this, Zhang Yi hurriedly rode a dragon to leave Dawn City and rushed to Dawn Valley.

At the fastest speed, go through the ice and fire and reach the deepest part of the Dawn Valley.

Take out the Spirit Orb and place it in the Spiritual Qi.

But this time, no matter how long it has passed, the Spirit Orb will no longer absorb any spiritual energy!

And Zhang Yi can feel that the breath of Lingzhu is getting weaker and weaker, and she is almost unable to feel her breath!

At this time, the dragon soul ring flickered, and Viana's voice came from inside: "Resurrection from the dead is an act against the sky."

"You must pay a price for disobeying the destiny. She used her life as the price to resurrect your friend."

Zhang Yi was shocked.

He didn't know what Weiana said at all. If he knew that Lingzhu was using his life to resurrect Fatty, Zhang Yi would definitely not let her resurrect Fatty at the Dawning Camp!

Because Fatty still has a chance to be resurrected, he died, at most he couldn't get the sss level clearance.

Zhang Yi didn't want to use the method of sacrificing Lingzhu to achieve his goal.

Zhang Yi hurriedly asked Weiyana: "Nana, do you know how to save her?"

Viana was silent for a long time before replying: "There is a way, but it will take a little time and you will need to pay a certain price. Moreover, I can't guarantee that this way will work."

"At all costs." Zhang Yi looked at the Lingzhu in his hand and said with guilt: "As long as I can save her."

"it is good."

Viana said: "You go to the mountain now, and we will meet there."

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