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Chapter 1507 Perception of divine power

After finishing the conversation with Viana, Zhang Yi opened the map, searched for the mountain, and immediately rode the minibus and rushed over.

According to the description on the map, Shenshan is a level 220 place.

It is still far from Dawn City.

It took half an hour to travel before Zhang Yi arrived at the mountain.

This is an iceberg sitting in the middle of the sea!

It is really difficult for ordinary people to reach this place.

Zhang Yi sat down on the top of the mountain.

At this time, the empty top of the mountain was empty, and it was obvious that Viana had not arrived yet.

After a while, there was a sound of dragon chirping.

In the far sky, a huge golden feathered dragon leaped towards this side!

Zhang Yi looked up and saw Yulong carrying two people, sitting down from the air.

One of the two, wearing a blue robe, is a beautiful woman, and it is Zhang Yi's mentor: a 220-level grandmaster-level dragon soul master, Viyana!

And what followed her was also an old acquaintance Zhang Yi knew: a 230-level god-level dragon warrior, Jon!

The Yulong the two of them sat on was Jon's exclusive mount.

Level 230 Level 6 Dawn Dragon Emperor: Yuan!

I remember that a long time ago, Zhang Yi also cooperated with Jon the Dragon Warrior, and went to his Dragon City with Viana to find his help.

I didn't expect to see you again!

Zhang Yi stepped forward and greeted the two of them: "Teacher, how are you!"

"Long time no see." Wei Yana looked at Zhang Yi and sighed: "I remember the last time I saw you, you seemed to be only an intermediate dragon soul master."

"I didn't expect you to become a god-level dragon soul master in a blink of an eye. Your rank is higher than mine. I'm really ashamed of myself."

"Teacher Nana, don't say that." Zhang Yi said modestly: "Without you, I wouldn't be where I am now."

At this time, the god-level dragon warrior Jon, wearing dragon armor with extraordinary momentum, opened his mouth and said to Zhang Yi: "Your mentor, you are very caring for your apprentice!"

"As soon as you hear that you are in trouble, you have to drag me here."

Viana glanced at Jon: "It's obviously you who have to follow me!"

Jon shrugged, then said to Zhang Yi, "Do you know where this field is under your feet?"

"Sacred Mountain, a place that Tianqi's main city once visited a thousand years ago." Before arriving at the sacred mountain, Zhang Yi already had a certain understanding of the place in the sacred mountain through the description on the map.

Jon said: "Yes, Lord God, but the existence that you and I admire."

"The sacred mountain he has been to contains a lot of divine power, capable of repairing everything in the world."

"Listen to Nana, you have a spiritual bead that contains life in your hand. It is in danger. Take it out and see. Maybe you can use the divine power on this sacred mountain to repair her."

So Zhang Yi took out the spirit bead from the cloth pocket around his waist.

The moment the Lingzhu came into view, Jon immediately drew his sword with a "squeak", with a fierce look on his face: "The evil seed of the dark dragon clan?!"

With that said, Jon pointed his sword to the Lingzhu in Zhang Yi's hand and questioned Zhang Yi, "I thought you were advocating for our Bright Dragon Clan, so if you have any requests, I will help."

"What do you want to do with a dark dragon clan on your body?"

Before Zhang Yi could speak, Viana pressed Jon's sword down.

"She is a descendant of the dark dragons, but she is kind-hearted." Viana said: "Besides, you can't be prejudiced against all the dark dragons just because you are prejudiced against the dark dragons. The light dragons and the dark dragons, There is no good or bad, there are evil people in our light dragon family. There are also good people in the dark dragon family."

At this time, Zhang Yi held the Spirit Orb in his hand and said in a deep voice, "Her father, Cayenne, the death knight of the dark dragon race, sacrificed himself in order to protect his human wife."

"The life in this spirit bead was born by humans."

"Dark dragons, and descendants of humans?" Jon was stunned for a moment before putting down his shuriken.

Zhang Yi looked at the Lingzhu and said, "Moreover, she has already helped me save two human beings. This time, it was precisely because of the excessive use of spiritual power to save people that her own life was in danger."

Jon hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, then it seems that she is indeed kind."

Zhang Yi looked at Wei Yana: "Nana, how can I use the divine power on this sacred mountain to save her?"

"We want to find the most powerful place on this mountain."

Viana said: "Her injuries are too severe and require a lot of divine power to recover."

Taking Viana's words, Jon said: "However, we can't perceive where the power is the strongest, so we can only slowly explore."

"Let's split up."

With that said, Jon turned to leave.

Viana is also going to look in another direction.

At this moment, Zhang Yi suddenly said, "I seem to be able to tell where the power is the strongest."

The voice just fell.

Jon and Viana turned their heads at the same time, casting suspicious glances at Zhang Yi.

I saw Zhang Yi closed his eyes and sensed it for a while, and then he walked slowly in the direction behind!

Jon and Viana glanced at each other, each with a dubious attitude, followed Zhang Yi.

After a while, Zhang Yi stopped under a big tree full of green leaves.

"right here

. "

Jon walked under the big tree with suspicion, reached out and touched the tree, and suddenly felt incredible: "The divine power here is really powerful!"

With that said, Jon looked at Zhang Yi and said in surprise, "How did you perceive it?"

"Could it be, what relationship do you have with the Protoss?"

Zhang Yi did not hide the fact that these two members of the Bright Dragon Clan had come all the way to help him: "I have the identity of a god-caller, and in the future, as a Dragon Clan member, I will be able to complete the trials of the God Clan. Get the seat of the gods."

As soon as this word comes out.

Jon and Viana looked at Zhang Yi with incredible eyes at the same time: "Your divine caller?!"

Wei Yana came to Zhang Yi and said with surprise and joy: "You are actually the caller of the gods!"

Jon, who was on the side, didn't take it seriously: "It's just the caller of the gods, and he hasn't become a god yet."

"It's not that easy to become a god."

Zhang Yi brought the topic back to the right track: "As long as she is here, she can be restored, right?"

With that said, Zhang Yi brought the Lingzhu closer to the tree.

Sure enough, bursts of golden starlight continued to flow into the Spirit Orb!

The spirit beads that were originally dull and dull, really exudes vitality again!

At this time, Jon came over, glanced at the Lingzhu, and sighed: "This little guy has paid for you without reservation! With such a strong divine power, he can't directly restore her."

"This is difficult."

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