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Chapter 1508 Fight the Moon Watcher again!

Jon's words made Zhang Yi, who had finally felt a glimmer of hope, fall into anxiety.

"Then is there any way to make her recover?"

Zhang Yi said, "No matter what the price is!"

It doesn't matter whether the little guy in the Lingzhu is the descendant of the Dark Dragon faction or whatever.

She became like this to help Zhang Yi.

Take Jon's words: She gave unreservedly to help Zhang Yi.

At this time, Zhang Yi will naturally go all out to save her!

At this time, Viana said: "The divine power on the divine tree has been consumed by her. Every day, the divine tree is watered with divine water, so that it can re-release divine power and be absorbed by the spirit beads. Slowly, it should be Let her recover."

Zhang Yi nodded: "That divine water"

"As long as the main god, or the waters where the hundreds of gods under him have reached, can extract the divine water."

Viana said: "I originally considered this. This process may be very complicated and tortuous. Finding waters with divine power is a problem."

"But since you are a divine caller and can sense divine power, then this matter should not be difficult for you."

Zhang Yi nodded again: "Thank you for the guidance of the mentor and the dragon warrior master!"

At this time, Jon patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder and said, "Being a god is hard as hell, but I cheer for you."

"Where there is a will, it is accomplished. Come on, you will succeed!"

"Definitely!" A certain look appeared in Zhang Yi's eyes.

At this time, Jon reminded Zhang Yi: "But you must remember: You must water the divine tree with divine water every day so that it can give birth to divine power, and in the process, don't take the spiritual beads away from this divine mountain."

"Although the spiritual energy on the mountain is weak, it can keep the spiritual bead alive. Before she fully recovers, she must be kept on the mountain."

"Okay, I see."

After finishing speaking, Jon took Viana and rode the Dragon King of Dawn to leave first.

Zhang Yi was alone, standing under the tree.

Put the Orb on the tree.

Just as he was about to leave, the Lingzhu suddenly emitted bursts of purple light!

Purple represents reluctance and sadness.

And Zhang Yi took a step forward and approached the Lingzhu, and her purple light immediately turned into a blue light representing joy!

Obviously, she was reluctant to part with Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi said to Lingzhu: "It's okay, you will stay here quietly for a few days. From now on, I will come to see you every day."

After speaking, Zhang Yi also rode the minibus with a hint of nostalgia and left.

Only the spiritual beads on the tree are left, flashing more and more intense purple light

The time is fixed at eight o'clock in the evening.

Just now, the Lingzhu has absorbed the divine power from the divine tree, so today there is no need to search for divine water to water the divine tree.

From tomorrow onwards, once a day thereafter.

So tonight, Zhang Yi can still carry out his tasks as usual.

Just after leaving the mountain, Zhang Yi felt a sense of emptiness.

Without the Lingzhu by my side, I always felt that something very important was missing!

It turned out that Zhang Yi only knew that during this time, Lingzhu had become dependent on him.

But I never noticed that I also had a special feeling for Lingzhu.

Zhang Yi tried to sense the surroundings like he was on the mountain just now.

After a while, I really sensed the location of Shenshui's existence!

Since it can sense the divine water, it is no problem.

All you need to do is to extract the divine water tomorrow, and then go to the divine mountain to water it!

So, after leaving the mountain, Zhang Yi came to the lv237 Moon Temple.

The task of the alchemist's assessment requires picking ten sss-level medicinal materials from three places: the ice and snow, the temple of the moon, and the top of the sky.

At the Moon Temple last night, Zhang Yi, who was about to pick the Divine Moon Grass, was defeated because he couldn't beat the Moon Watcher.

This time, Zhang Yi, who is wearing an 81 star shining suit, hopes to break the situation last night.

Zhang Yi did not notify Xingtian and the others, and came to the Moon Temple alone.

Enter the Moon Temple.

Under the moonlight, just like last night, the Moon Temple has become a bustling alien city!

Zhang Yi was just sitting in the Moon Temple.


A light yellow streamer descended from the sky and shot on the street ahead, transforming into an alien knight wearing metal armor, holding a lightsaber, and riding a jet aircraft under the seat!

lv237 The Moon Keeper has appeared!

Moon Watcher (Physics/Normal):

Level: 237

Talent: Moon Watcher (Epic, Moon Watcher in the moonlit night, increases damage by 55%).

Physical attack power: 16.2 billion

Physical Defense: 600 million

Magic Defense: 570 million

Health: 2.33 trillion.

Description: Guardians of the Moon Temple, they have guarded the Moon Temple for generations and do not allow any outsiders to step into the Moon Temple

After I came last night, I started playing directly, and I didn't have time to check the properties.

This Moon Keeper attribute is so high!

No wonder they couldn't beat Zhang Yi last night.

As soon as the moon watcher came out, he rode the jet and approached Zhang Yi!

On the other hand, Zhang Yi quickly entered the fighting state.

Holding the fire scepter, activate the skill Hunting Sky, and start attacking!

Boom boom boom!

Fireball, Freeze, Aurora, World Destruction!

Skills transform into fire dragons and devour the moon watchers.

Above its head, a series of blood-red damage exploded——

-77.49 billion!

-75.84 billion!

-154.8 billion crit!

-154.1 billion crit

Compared with Zhang Yi before, after changing into the Guangyao suit, the damage is directly doubled!

That's the difference between the 81-star and 71-star suits.

Even though the Tianmai suit he used before was a quasi-artifact, this radiant suit was just an ordinary piece of equipment.

The star difference of 10 stars is enough to make up the gap between the quasi-artifact and the ordinary equipment.

Moreover, this is the damage dealt when the set skills are not activated!

Mage's radiant suit skill, radiance: serious injury, can make the attacked person take 200% more damage from the attacker under the sunlight!

It's night time, and there's no sunlight, so this effect doesn't play out.

Otherwise, Zhang Yi's damage can at least reach around 90 billion!

This damage is too high! !

Before the Moon Watcher came close, Zhang Yi's four skills went down and one-fifth of his blood was knocked out.

At the same time, the Imprint of Hunting Heaven exploded.

Huge damage of 462.23 billion, once again destroying one-fifth of the blood of the Moon Keeper!

The next moment, Zhang Yi summoned a giant dragon and a group of monsters at the same time.

Dragon blood knights, undead crossbowmen, and soul reapers wearing 79 starlight suits, each riding a 216-level first-order dragon emperor, made a strong debut!

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