With this equipment evolution function, you can obtain artifacts anytime, anywhere.

Of course, only for the rich.

People who have no money can't even afford the materials they devour.

Zhang Yi now has no materials to use for evolution, and the evolution of equipment can be left to later when he returns to Dawn City.

On the contrary, this full server announcement was like a warning to Zhang Yi.

The Lord of the Underworld is constantly striving for strength, and is getting stronger and stronger step by step.

He was one step ahead of ordinary players and unlocked domain skills in advance, which is really not easy to deal with.

Now there is the first original god-level equipment in the whole server, the hell dragon slayer.

The original god-level equipment plus domain skills.

It seems that it is not easy to deal with him.

You must know that when the Lord of the Underworld in the previous world later led the Underworld to enter Dawn City, even the Captain of Tiange, the first title of the God of War in the post-apocalyptic Star Country Region, Qiyue Liuhuo, was not an opponent of the Lord of the Underworld from the beginning!

It was not until later that he reached level 230, and Qiyue Liuhuo also obtained the domain skills in the forbidden area, and then defeated the Lord of the Underworld.

Because this space conversion skill of the Lord of the Underworld is too tricky!

The heart of memory in Zhang Yi's hands can only copy other people's talents, but not skills.

Otherwise, it would be good to copy the domain skills of the Lord of the Underworld~

When it's time to face the underworld, let's talk about it.

At that time, Zhang Yi was probably already a member of the Bright Dragon Clan.

In front of the dragon campers, domain skills are not worth mentioning.

Zhang Yi's attention returned to the present moment.

Continue to hunt the Moon Keepers and look for the Divine Moon Grass.

It's half past five in the morning.

Just as the night was about to fade away and the early morning sun was about to fall on the earth, Zhang Yi finally collected the tenth Divine Moon Grass!

At the same time, a pleasant reminder sound fell from the sky.

"Ding~ Congratulations, you have advanced to a god-level dragon soul master (second-order)! It takes 12 million experience points to upgrade to the third-order!"

Did you finally upgrade?

Zhang Yi, who had already become a first-order god-level dragon soul master, felt a little relieved.

After reaching the level of a god-level dragon soul master, Zhang Yi knew that he could continue to upgrade in the future.

From the first rank to the fifth rank, you can be promoted to a super god-level dragon soul master!

The condition for upgrading is the same as the previous upgrade, that is, by using the dragon soul to consume the dragon soul value, so as to obtain the experience value.

Open the career interface and take a look.

After rising from the first rank to the second rank, Zhang Yi's occupation bonus and dragon soul effect were also strengthened.

First of all, the professional effect has been upgraded from +50 stars to all attributes to +80 stars to all attributes.

This is also a big improvement for Zhang Yi's all-round attributes.

Secondly, the seven dragon souls under his control were all promoted to the second-order god level.

The final damage bonus effect of the Fire-baked Dragon Soul has been changed from 100% to 110%.

For the rest of the dragon souls, the effect on teammates has been improved.

For example, the blood-sucking of the blood-devouring dragon soul, the injury-free protection of the dragon soul, and the control-free rate of the tyrannical dragon soul.

Originally, it only had 50% effect on teammates. After upgrading to Tier 2, this effect was increased to 55%.

It means: If you continue to upgrade, after reaching a certain level, Zhang Yi's dragon soul will act on his teammates, and he will get the same effect as his own use, and will not be weakened!

Then, the summoned first-order Dragon Emperor can inherit 155% of Zhang Yi's attributes, and the damage coefficient of the Dragon Flame skill reaches 155%, so he can enjoy all of Zhang Yi's damage bonus effects.

A maximum of three heads can be summoned, and each dragon emperor consumes 120 dragon soul points, and then consumes 10 dragon soul points per second.

Higher-level dragon soul masters consume more and more dragon soul points.

The 10,000 points of dragon soul received through the dragon soul ring every day are not enough at all. Zhang Yi obtains dragon soul points by killing monsters.

A god-level second-order dragon soul master will gain 40 dragon soul points for every ordinary monster whose level is not lower than himself.

And now, Zhang Yi still has a total of 800,000 dragon soul points left in his body!

The next goal is to reach the third rank.

Try harder.

At this time, the morning sun shines on the earth.

The Moon Temple at the foot of Zhang Yi turned into a ruined city filled with gunpowder smoke.

This is what the Moon Temple looks like during the day.

The Moon Temple is done here.

Next, there is one last place left: the top of the sky!

The Tianshan snow lotus on the top of the sky is the last material Zhang Yi is looking for.

But now, after an all-nighter, Zhang Yi, whose remaining fatigue level is less than 50%, really doesn't have much energy to go directly to the top of the sky.

Still planning to go back to the city to rest.

After all, the top of the sky is a higher level than the Moon Temple, and its level has reached level 240!

Zhang Yi had to go back and get ready.

After returning to the city, Zhang Yi slept.

When I woke up, the time was fixed at eleven o'clock in the morning.

After lunch, I came to the system equipment store.

I plan to buy some equipment as materials to evolve the shining suit.

In this 60 star gear rampage, some two

The era when the first-line players all used around 70 star equipment.

50-star equipment that can be used to evolve equipment can be said to be garbage.

Here you can directly buy low-star equipment of around 50 stars, which is very convenient.

In the system mall, a piece of equipment with a level of 200 and 50 stars is priced at 500,000 gold coins.

And the growth rate of equipment swallowing upgrade is level x0.01, plus star x0.02.

That is to say: a piece of equipment with a level of 200 and 50 stars can be converted into 3 points of growth!

For a piece of ordinary equipment to evolve from level 0 to level 1, it takes 100 points to grow.

Zhang Yi spent 25 million gold coins to buy 50 pieces of 50-star equipment first, devoured 34 of them to the Guangyao Staff, and successfully upgraded to Tier 1!

1% bonus to equipment attributes.

To reach the second order, you need 200 into the length, the third order is 300, and so on

Calculated, if an ordinary piece of equipment successfully evolves into a semi-artifact, the total length should be 5,500.

Zhang Yi spent 917 million gold coins to buy enough 1834 pieces of equipment, all of which were swallowed by the Guangyao Staff.

"Ding ~ congratulations on the evolution of your equipment radiant staff (210 level 81 stars) to the second level, attribute +1%!"

"Ding ~ congratulations on the evolution of your equipment radiant staff to Tier 3"


"Ding~Congratulations on the evolution of your equipment Guangyao Staff to the tenth order, the evolution was successful, and the quality was upgraded to a semi-artifact!"

The semi-artifact itself has 10% more attributes than ordinary equipment of the same level, that's right.

Although the 10% bonus is not high, it is also an improvement that cannot be ignored for Zhang Yi, who is pursuing the ultimate!

Then, Zhang Yi followed the same method and devoured the rest of the equipment to evolve it to a semi-artifact level!

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