When the group of npc soldiers arrived at the gate of hell.

I can only see: Within the light curtain exuding purple light, a steady stream of dark aura is overflowing!

Moreover, Zhang Yi, who has dragon blood, can clearly perceive that a powerful dark dragon breath exists around this gate of hell!

Here, is the place where the Dark Dragon Race Seventh-Order Hell Dragon Emperor came!

At this time, the soldier captain Nig pointed to the gate of hell and said to Zhang Yi: "We have tried every means, but we cannot close this gate from the outside world."

"I'm afraid the only way is to go in and close it internally."

"Okay, then we'll go in." Zhang Yi said to Nigge, "Thank you for bringing me here. Just leave the next thing to us."

"No!" Nig said: "It is my duty to guard Dawn City!"

Seeing that Nigel's attitude was firm, Zhang Yi didn't say anything: "Okay, let's go in together."

After all, the group passed through the light curtain and entered the gate of hell.

Look around.

Zhang Yi seems to have really come to hell!

Human bones are everywhere on the ground, and a steady stream of death breath seeps out from the ground.

And under the huge cracks that can be seen everywhere, there is hot molten lava.

The sky above was scarlet.

Boom boom boom!

The bursts of thunder and lightning continued to overflow.

The breath of death surrounds him.

In order to find the stone of hell, after entering the gate of hell, Zhang Yi and the others immediately began to act.

At this moment, there was a sound of hoofs.

In front of the line of sight, several hell death riders are driving skeleton horses and approaching!

The captain of the soldiers, Nige, held a long sword and quickly stepped forward: "Brothers, this time, we must destroy the gate of hell, so that these evil things can never threaten Dawn City!"


Accompanied by a burst of cheers.

In the rear, more than 20 NPC soldiers of level 220, with their swords in hand, rushed towards the hell death knight that was charging forward!

At the same time, Xing Tian also held a long sword and walked slowly forward with a murderous aura.

At present, there are only six hell death knights.

You don't even need Zhang Yi to do it himself.

Xingtian cooperated with those soldiers, and under Fatty's full control, he easily took down those hell death knights!

Just killed a group of hell dead knights.

Immediately, another team of dead horses rushed over with their war horses!

At this time, Zhang Yi held the trial by fire, rode a minibus, and joined the battle.


The sound of the dragon roared through hell, and Zhang Yi rode a giant dragon and leaped over the head of the group of hell dead horses.

Scepter waving.

Boom boom boom!

One after another skills fell towards the ground, bombarding among those hell death knights.

A large area of ​​damage as high as 160-180 billion, combined with the attack of the Warcraft group, directly destroyed a team of Hell Knights in an instant!

Xing Tian, ​​who hadn't even had time to start, looked at the corpses of the Hell Death Knight in the surrounding area.

He looked up and glanced at Zhang Yi, who was riding a giant dragon flying in the air, and couldn't help but sighed, "It's stronger again."

A level 225 monster is not challenging at all for Zhang Yi.

With his damage, three attacks can knock out half of the blood of the Hell Death Knight.

Just after that, the Hunting Mark was triggered, and half of the blood was emptied directly!

In Zhang Yi's hands, these hell death knights seemed so vulnerable.

At this time, Zhang Yi was also thankful that he was not in a hurry to perform this task immediately.

Otherwise, with the damage of 30 billion to 40 billion at that time, I am afraid it will be enough to deal with these hell death knights.

And now, directly crushing the hell death knight with absolute damage, this kind of battle should not be too easy!

And those hell death knights, killing endless.

No matter how many kills, there will always be more Death Knights.

However, Zhang Yi found a feature, that is: these hell death knights are all coming from the same direction!

Their starting point may be the place where the Hell Stone is hidden!

Thinking like this, Zhang Yi handed over to Xingtian and the others.

He rode a minibus and leaped directly into the darkness ahead.

Soon, Zhang Yi reached the deepest part of this hell.

I can only see: in a huge blood pool, there is a stone pillar six or seven meters high.

Above the stone pillar, there is a stone emitting red light!

At the same time, in the blood pool below the stone pillar, skeleton monsters covered in blood kept standing up!

They climbed out of the blood pool, then rode the skeleton horse, and rushed forward.

And the direction they are heading is exactly the way Zhang Yi came here!

Here, it really is the birthplace of the Hell Death Knight.

Zhang Yi's gaze was on the stone above the stone pillar.

This should be the Hell Stone!

Zhang Yi, who finally found the Hell Stone, couldn't help being a little excited.

Just when I was about to ride a minibus to get the Hell Stone.

A roar suddenly sounded in the ear——

"The mortal

Dare to trespass the gate of hell, you are courting death! "

Immediately afterwards, there was a wave of shaking.

In the blood pool below, a super skeleton man three or four times bigger than the ordinary hell death knight suddenly climbed out!

The skeleton man had a crown on his head and looked like a leader.

The red id that appeared above his head also caught Zhang Yi's eyes: lv225 Lord of Hell (Physics Department, 72-star boss)!

Good guy, it's a big boss!

With the appearance of the Lord of Hell.

A protective shield also appeared around the stone pillar.

It seems that if you want to get the Hell Stone, you have to kill this boss first!

Don't wait for Zhang Yi to do it.


Received a message from Xing Tian: "The movement just now, is the guard boss refreshed? You wait, Fatty and I will kill you soon."

"It's okay." Zhang Yi said, "I can handle it alone."

The 225-level 72-star boss is certainly powerful.

But Zhang Yi is someone who can even kill a 235-level 75-star boss, Gu Emperor!

This mere 225-level 72-star boss naturally doesn't need to be taken seriously.

After closing the dialog box, Zhang Yi turned his gaze to the lord of hell, and a killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"You're out of luck when you meet me."

After all, jump down on the minibus and enter the effective range, lock on the lord of hell, and launch an attack!

at the same time.

On the other side, Xing Tian, ​​Fatty, and the twenty or so NPC soldiers were still beheading the Hell Death Knight while advancing.

During the process, the fat man looked anxious and worried.

Taking advantage of the end of the first round of battle, he said to Xing Tian: "Let's hurry up, this time the boss is definitely not small, Brother Zhang Yi can't stop him alone, we have to help quickly, or Brother Zhang Yi will be in danger!"

Xing Tian, ​​who had just swallowed a bottle of blue potion and returned the blue bar, agreed, "Okay."

ten minutes later.

It was only when Xing Tian and Fatty killed that blood pond.

Surprised to discover: a huge Skeleton King, the 72-star boss hell lord, with only a trace of residual blood left on the top of his head, was trampled by the fire-bathing dragon emperor Babu, lingering on.

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