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Chapter 1524 The Heaven-defying Knights are coming!

The sight in front of him could not help but stunned the fat man who was worried about Zhang Yi's safety all the way.

Xing Tian was calm, and asked Zhang Yi, who was riding on the dragon's back, "Why didn't you kill it?"

"Wait for you." Zhang Yi said lightly, "You are too slow!"

"There are good things to share, let's make an assist."

So, it was only after Xing Tian and Fatty got assists on the Lord of Hell.

Zhang Yi ordered the minibus, and a mouthful of dragon flames engulfed the bloody hell lord under his feet.


The lord of hell was burned by dragon flames, no longer struggling, and died on the spot.

The 225-level 72-star boss was killed across more than a dozen levels.

The boss itself has rich experience, plus a super high cross-level experience bonus.

After making the hell lord hang up, the experience bar of the three people soared a lot!

For other players, encountering a big boss may be a disaster.

They need to consume a huge amount of manpower and material resources to win the boss, and it is even possible that the entire army can be wiped out without killing the boss.

For Zhang Yi, the boss is a welfare, and he is afraid that he will not meet the boss.

After killing the hell gate guard boss hell lord.

On the ground, those hell death knights turned into blood and sprinkled on the ground.

In the center of the blood pool, the protective shield around the stone pillar also disappeared.

Zhang Yi rode a minibus close to the stone pillar, and successfully captured the red stone at the top of the stone pillar!

Look at the stone in your hand.

Hell Stone (special item).

Description: The key that can be used to open the Heaven's Gate

This Hell Stone was obtained a little too smoothly, and it felt that it was not difficult at all.

Of course, this is also related to Zhang Yi's powerful strength!

I remember that when I first started to contact the Chosen One, I almost stumped Zhang Yi in the first stage.

The second stage was barely completed with the help of the god-level death knight Cayenne.

Instead, the third stage, which should have been the most difficult, has become so easy now!

Only when Zhang Yi just got the Hell Stone.

The ground suddenly trembled violently!

A system prompt fell from the sky.

Map announcement: "Ding ~ The gate of hell is about to close, please evacuate the gate of hell as soon as possible!"

"This place is going to be shut down!" shouted the soldier captain Nigge: "Everyone, get out of here quickly, run!"

With that said, a group of soldiers started frantically running towards the exit of the Gate of Hell.

At this time.


With the sound of a dragon, the three-headed dragon descended from the sky and sat in front of the group of soldiers.

Zhang Yi sat down on a minibus, and after arranging Xing Tian and Fatty to come up, he said to the soldiers, "Come up and let them take you out."

Facing the noble Dragon King, those NPC soldiers were also excited.

So, everyone rode the dragon and quickly reached the exit.

Leap over the light curtain and leave the gate of hell!

Just before everyone left the gate of hell.

In the next second, the gate of hell closed and disappeared!

Soldier Captain Nig couldn't help but sighed: "Great! The gate of hell has finally closed, and finally there will be no more hell dead horses coming out to harm Dawn City!"

At this time, another soldier asked: "Captain, can we also leave this ghost place and return to Dawn City?"

"Yes, we don't have to be stationed here anymore!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone cheered: "Wuhu! That's great!"

Nig jumped off the dragon's back and said to Zhang Yi and the others, "This time, thanks to the help of the three warriors, we can close the gate of hell!"

"We are also part of Dawning City, and defending Dawning City is what we should do."


Under the watch of the group of NPC soldiers, Zhang Yi and the others rode the minibus and flew away from the abyss of hell.

Got the Hell Stone.

The next step is to go to the Tianmen, use the Hell Stone to open the Tianmen, and then find the dragon feather, the lost treasure of the dragon race, in the Tianmen, so that the task can be completed!

Zhang Yi can't wait to end this quest, get the items rewarded by the hidden quest of the super god-level dragon clan, which can be used to effectively deal with the high-level dragon emperor of the dark dragon clan, and then use it to kill the seventh-order dragon emperor and bring Xiaoya back!

According to the map, the level of Tianmen is 230.

It is also acceptable.

After all, Zhang Yi is someone who has even been to the top of the sky on the level 240 map.

A level 230 dragon map is at best equivalent to an ordinary map of about level 235.

So, after leaving the gate of hell, Zhang Yi and the others rushed directly to the gate of heaven!

According to the guidelines on the map, after half an hour, you will arrive at the location of Tianmen.

The location where Tianmen is located is in the middle of a sea.

Right above the center of the sea, a floating gate like a mirage stands in the air.

Ordinary people, I am afraid that they can't even enter the gate of heaven!

Zhang Yi and the others were sitting outside Tianmen on a minibus.

Below the Tianmen is a cloud wall.

The three of Zhang Yi could just stand on the cloud wall.

I can only see: in the middle of this door, there is a

a groove.

So, Zhang Yi took out the Hell Stone he just got from his bag and put the Hell Stone into the groove.

next moment.


Heaven is open!

Just about to enter the gate of heaven.

There was a sudden movement in my ears!

"What sound?" Xing Tian was keenly aware of the movement in the distance.

At this moment, a system prompt suddenly fell to the ears of the three:

"Ding~ Please note: Since you have opened the Heavenly Gate of the Dragon Sealed Map, the breath of the Bright Dragons' treasure, Long Yu, has spread, and the Dark Dragons' Heaven-Defying Knights are about to strike. Please guard the Heavenly Gate and prevent the Heaven-defying Knights from entering the Heavenly Gate!"

Dropped by the system prompt.

Looking into the sky, I saw a large group of purple dragons leaping from the sea and sky towards this side!

Zhang Yi, who was the executor of the Chosen One mission, also got a new system prompt at this time.

It turned out: Long Feather, the treasure of the bright dragon family was lost behind the Tianmen a thousand years ago. This treasure of the dragon family, which can enable the descendants of the dragon family to gain powerful power, has been coveted by countless dark dragon campers.

Heaven Defying Knight: Eggers is one of Long Yu's pretenders.

Until later, the Hell Dragon Emperor: Gula used the Hell Stone to seal the Tianmen, so that Long Yu's breath disappeared since then, and no one could inquire about Long Yu's location.

Therefore, Zhang Yi reopened the Heavenly Gate, so that the breath of the treasure Long Yu buried in the Heavenly Gate spread, and the Heaven Defying Knights sensed the breath of Long Yu, so he dispatched his subordinates, the Heaven Defying Knights, to snatch Long Yu!

Realizing this, Zhang Yi looked at the group of giant dragons approaching in the sky, and said solemnly, "You can't let them in."


Xing Tian stood up with his sword drawn, looked at Long Qun indifferently, and said to Zhang Yi, "You go in, I will guard."

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