
Accompanied by a violent dragon roar, a large black shadow quickly approached in the distance!

According to the description on the map, it can be known that the group of black shadows is the sky-defying knights from the dark dragon family!

Xing Tian was stationed in front of the Heaven's Gate, holding a long sword in his hand, looking at the Dragon Knights approaching from a distance. Under the black fully enclosed heavy metal helmet, his eyes exuded a strong killing intent.

Turning to the side, staring at Zhang Yi behind him from the corner of his eye, Xing Tian said, "Come in, there's me outside."

Zhang Yi patted Xing Tian on the shoulder and just said, "Brother!"

Then, he turned around and entered the gate of heaven.

With Zhang Yi's front foot just entering the gate of heaven.

next moment.


With a deafening and violent roar, the 216-level fifth-order Fire-bathing Dragon Emperor Babu leaped down from the air and stopped above the heads of Xing Tian and Fatty.

Looking up at the minibus, Xing Tian said, "Are you going to fight side by side with me?"

"Come on then!"

Naturally, the minibus was deliberately left by Zhang Yi.

There are so many anti-sky dragon knights in the sky, I am afraid that the level will not be lower than 220-230.

Xing Tian and Fatty alone wouldn't last long, so with the addition of a minibus, they would have the ability to fight.

After all, with an independent life system, Babu, who is a 216-level fifth-order signed Dragon Emperor, has very high attributes at present.

If nothing else, 1200000000000000000000000000 worth of HP alone is enough to resist the attack of those black dragons!

Looking at the sky-defying dragon cavalry regiment that was gradually approaching in the sky, Xing Tian and Fatty were both ready to fight.

at the same time.

the other side.

After Zhang Yi passed through Tianmen, he arrived at a Dragon Valley.

In all directions, surrounded by mountains.

On the ground, the remains of giant dragons can be seen everywhere.

The last item required in the last stage of the mission: Dragon Feather, which is in this Dragon Valley!

Knowing that Xing Tian and Fatty, even with a minibus, would not be able to withstand the Heaven-Defying Knights for too long without any battery life, Zhang Yi did not dare to neglect and immediately started a search.

Once the seventh-order hell dragon emperor: the place where Gula visited, this Dragon Valley is also filled with a strong dark dragon breath.

Just when Zhang Yi just walked past a giant dragon skeleton.

The pile of huge keels moved impressively!



After a while, the pile of keels quickly spliced ​​into a huge bone dragon, which appeared in front of Zhang Yi and let out a roar.

Without further ado, the bone dragon directly locked onto Zhang Yi and launched an attack!


Accumulating energy, a lavender energy wave spit out from his mouth and blasted towards Zhang Yi.


Zhang Yi flashed quickly, avoided the attack, and distanced himself from the bone dragon.

Looking up, the giant bone dragon with a height of seven or eight meters was also presented in front of Zhang Yi's eyes: lv230 Tianmai bone dragon!

Fortunately, level 230 is still within the scope of Zhang Yi's response, and even with Zhang Yi's strength, he can directly crush monsters of this level, even dragon monsters!

Just when Zhang Yi was about to start.

In the body of the bone dragon that day, a deep voice suddenly came out——

"After a thousand years, someone finally found this place!"

This voice was obviously not made by the ordinary bone dragon himself.

Zhang Yi frowned slightly and said thoughtfully, "Dragon Emperor of Hell?"

"As expected of the descendants of the dragon race with the blood of the dragon race!" The bone dragon continued: "Have eyesight!"

After learning that this voice really came from the Hell Dragon Emperor: Gula, one of the top nine dragon emperors of the dark dragon family, Zhang Yi did not feel any fear.

Because he knew that as early as a thousand years ago, the Hell Dragon Emperor was sealed by the Lord God for violating the Heavenly Rule, and now he is just using the body of this skull dragon to convey the news.

Its body, I don't know where it is sealed!

Thinking that it was this hell dragon emperor who hid Long Yu at the beginning.

Zhang Yi was also unambiguous, and asked directly, "Where is Long Yu?"

"A thousand years ago, this emperor hid the dragon feathers in the Tianmen, hoping that one day, the descendants of my dark dragon clan could find here and get the dragon feathers."

Through this skull dragon, the Hell Dragon Emperor continued: "You have not established a camp yet. If you can join my dark dragon camp in the future, I will give this dragon feather directly to you."

"If you want to invite me to join the Dark Dragon Clan," Zhang Yi said, "Then what did you mean by attacking me just now? Are you polite?"

Zhang Yi's words really made the hell dragon emperor emo.

"I'm sorry, the emperor apologizes to you."

This hell dragon emperor can bend and stretch, without the shelf of the seventh-order dragon emperor.

Of course, Zhang Yi also knew that the other party wanted something from him.

The Hell Dragon Emperor said: "When you join the dark dragon camp, and find a way for the emperor to break the seal of the Lord God, and release the emperor, the emperor will definitely assist you and make you the overlord of the human race in the world of Apocalypse!"

"Okay!" Zhang Yi didn't even think about it, so he agreed: "But can you tell me where Long Yu is first? When I get Long Yu and go out, I will enter the black.

Dark Dragon camp. "

Zhang Yi's words were just casual, and he never thought that the Hell Dragon Emperor would take it seriously.

What Zhang Yi didn't expect was that the Hell Dragon Emperor actually believed it!

"A word is settled." The Hell Dragon Emperor said to Zhang Yi through the Heavenly Veined Bone Dragon, "Follow it and you can find Long Yu."

The voice just fell.

The Tianmai Bone Dragon in front of him spread out his ribs like wings and soared from the ground.

Zhang Yi was stunned for a moment.

I thought to myself: This should be a trap of the Hell Dragon Emperor!

But even if it is a trap, Zhang Yi has nothing to be afraid of.

It's just a level 230 map after all.

Even if the Hell Dragon Emperor wanted to lure Zhang Yi to a place full of bone dragons ambush, he planned to attack Zhang Yi.

As long as the deity of the Hell Dragon Emperor cannot show up and act, Zhang Yi has nothing to fear.

With his strength, he can completely sweep the entire Tianmen map!

So, Zhang Yi summoned a first-order dragon emperor, rode on the dragon, and kept up with the celestial bone dragon in front.

I jumped over this Dragon Valley for a while.

That day, the bone dragon really brought Zhang Yi into a valley where the ground was full of corpses of giant dragons!

Zhang Yi was still thinking, how could the dignified seventh-order hell dragon emperor be so easy to deceive, and he was really willing to give Long Yu to himself in advance.

This is indeed a trap!

So, while following the Tianmai Bone Dragon towards the valley, Zhang Yi quietly brought up the trial by fire, with a killing intent in his eyes.

Since it is a trap, let it know the consequences of setting a trap to ambush Zhang Yi!

However, when Zhang Yi followed the Tianmai Bone Dragon into the valley, the remains of the giant dragons on the ground did not recover!

Moreover, the Tianmai Bone Dragon really brought Zhang Yi to the treasure of the Bright Dragon Clan, the hiding place of Long Yu!

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