Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1529 Super God-level Magic Scroll: Fulong Seal!

[The Chosen One (Golden/Super God Title):

Title Attribute: Maximum HP +200%.

Description: A symbol of honor for those who have completed the tasks of the chosen ones. Those who have this title have been recognized by the Bright Dragon Clan for their strength.

This is the first super god-level title that Zhang Yi has won in this life.

In addition, Zhang Yi had previously obtained the highest titles, namely two god-level titles: Killer and King of Warcraft.

The font is still golden, but the super god level is more noble than the god level!

And the additional attributes of the title, the gap is also very large.

After obtaining the 100% HP attribute added by the title of the Chosen One, Zhang Yi's upper limit of HP suddenly soared from 750 to 500 million!

Because this 200% attribute bonus effect is not the final bonus, but is calculated within the factor of Zhang Yi's original 280% additional life bonus.

Equivalent to Zhang Yi's current health attribute, the basic life attribute has been increased by an additional 4.8 times!

The 110 billion blood is already a blood cow.

Normally, a level 210 rank eight knight, including equipment, titles and other bonuses, is estimated to have only five or sixty billion blood.

The other is the choice suit.

This is directly a set of 80-90 star dragon super artifact suit, a full set!

Occupation is optional, and the level can also be optional between 220-230.

After a series of star upgrades by Zhang Yi, the highest star rating of this suit can break through 100 stars!

Baixing Dragon Super Artifact Set, what is the concept?

In this set, Zhang Yi's attributes are estimated to be improved several times!

The star rating of this suit corresponds to the level.

There are three options: 80-star 220-level set, 85-star 225-level set, and 90-star 230-level set.

If Zhang Yi chooses a level 220 suit, combined with the skill of changing his life against the sky, Zhang Yi at level 217 can wear it directly.

But this is not the result Zhang Yi wanted.

Naturally, it still has to be level 230 and 90 stars!

Because this is the highest value!

It is nothing more than that the level has not been reached, and it will take a while to equip it.

And for now, Zhang Yi's 81-star Guangyao suit has just been replaced, and it's still enough.

Therefore, Zhang Yi chose a 230-level 90-star magician Tianmai suit and put it in his bag.

Don't worry, use it again when you reach level 225.

In addition, there is a color skill scrap.

Two colored skill scraps can be combined into a colored skill book.

The level of color is one level higher than gold, and it is a more powerful existence!

It is also the pursuit of countless strong players in the world of Apocalypse in the last life.

Put this in the bag first.

For Zhang Yi, the most important thing is that super god-level magic scroll, Fulongyin.

Fulong Seal (Super God Grade Magic Scroll):

Description: When used on the player himself, for 24 hours, all hostile targets within a radius of 300 meters of the user will reduce the final output by 50% and increase the final damage by 50%.

Remarks: This effect is increased by 90% to the enemy of the dragon family

This is the super god-level magic scroll!

It is also only the hidden quest of the dragon race of super god level or above, which can be specially used to deal with the high-level dragon emperor of the dark dragon race!

And it's not a single target, it's a group!

There is no specified target and quantity. When the Fulong Seal is in effect, anyone who is close to Zhang Yi will be affected by the Tianxuan Seal!

The influence range reaches a radius of 300 meters!

You must know that the longest range of long-range professional players in Apocalypse World is only 50 meters!

This is a good teamfighter.

In the past and future generations, when the national war started, Zhang Yi once saw a strong player in the cloud country who used the Fulong Seal. Using just such a scroll, he led 10,000 people to defeat the 100,000 siege army of the Kingdom of Heaven and defended them. The main city of the cloud country, became famous in one battle!

And this scroll is used to fight the enemy dragons, the effect is increased to 90%, the output is reduced, and the damage is increased by 90%. Such a powerful buff, can't help Zhang Yi win the seventh-order dark dragon emperor, Yigunuo?

At this time, Zhang Yi already had full confidence and certainty to fight against the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno.

Even the seventh-order Dragon Emperor, the highest leader of the Apocalypse Dragon Clan, has reached the full level of 255. With this Fulong Seal and the professional assistance of a god-level dragon soul master, Zhang Yi is confident!

Looking at the Fulong Seal in his hand, Zhang Yi's eyes became firm: "Xiaoya, I will be able to bring you back soon."

At this point, the mission of the Chosen One has finally been completed, and Zhang Yi has finally obtained the Fulong Seal.

I can finally hunt and kill the Dark Dragon King Iguno!

However, in addition to needing Tianxuan Yin, Zhang Yi had to do some other preparations.

After all, he is about to face the 255-level top seventh-order Dragon Emperor. If he can't take advantage of this time and win it in one fell swoop, after the Tianxuan Seal becomes invalid, it will be difficult to deal with Yiguo next time!

Before that, Zhang Yi also had one more thing to do.

That is to find the divine water!

It's already three o'clock in the afternoon.

So far today, for

To perform the mission of the Chosen One, Zhang Yi has not yet gone to find the divine water, but went to the divine mountain to water the divine tree and feed the spiritual beads!

Therefore, Xing Tian and Fatty had completed their tasks, so they used the City Return Scroll and went back to the city directly.

On the other hand, Zhang Yi, relying on his identity as a divine caller, sensed the breath of the Lord God just like yesterday.

After a while, Zhang Yi sensed a position.

So, Zhang Yi rode the minibus, followed this position, and rushed over.

When Zhang Yi obtained the divine water, it was already past six o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Yi did not stop, and immediately went to the mountain.

Go under the divine tree and use divine water to water the divine tree.

Seeing that the Lingzhu absorbed the divine power born from the divine tree, Zhang Yi was relieved.

I don't know how long it will last like this, and the Lingzhu will completely return to normal.

However, as long as the Lingzhu fails to recover, Zhang Yi will not give up for a day.

Because he always remembered that it was because of himself that the Lingzhu became what it is now.

After resolving this matter.

While returning to the city, Zhang Yi contacted the scavengers through his friends.

"Huangzi, has that person been found?"

After a while, the scavenger responded with a message:

"No brother, are you sure that the person you are talking about is a demon beastmaster, and he stutters, is he still wretched?"

"Well, sure." Zhang Yi answered with great certainty.

At this time, the scavenger replied: "You said, according to the characteristics you gave, this person should be easy to find, right? But I have exhausted all means and have not found him!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi frowned slightly.

I thought to myself: There is another possibility for the reason that cannot be found.

That is: before he obtained the profession of Medicine Emperor in Dawn City in the previous life, the Demon Race Beast Master was not on Dawn City's side at all.

He is from another main city, but later moved to Dawn City? !

At this time, the scavenger continued: "Brother, give me two more days, and I will look for it again."

"Okay, hard work."

Just ended a conversation with the scavenger.

The Dragon Clan Immortal side just sent a message: "Boss, I found the prosperous people who dug our walls in the wild!"

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