Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1530 The prosperous family

The news from the immortal dragon clan made Zhang Yi a little excited.

He asked, "Where are they?"

Immortal Dragon Clan immediately replied: "I also found out that some core members of their captain and deputy team gathered in the blood city to kill a boss."

"I, the deputy team of Yiqi Juechen, and a group of brothers in the team are on the way."

"Okay." Zhang Yi replied: "The third team in the sky, the core members are not weak, don't act rashly for the time being, wait for me in the past."


End the conversation.

Zhang Yi immediately opened the map and searched for the blood city.

It was found that it was a level 212 map located in the east of Dawn City.

So, Zhang Yi directly rode the minibus to change direction and flew to the blood city.

After all, they dare to come to the dragon clan to dig people, Zhang Yi, the captain of the dragon clan, must not show them a little color?

At six o'clock in the evening, the night gradually fell.

East of Dawn City, in the wild, lv212 Blood City.

In the deserted city with blood flowing on the ground, hundreds of players are hunting a level 212 66 star-blood skeleton boss with orderly cooperation.

The 66-star boss, for ordinary players at this stage, still has a lot of challenge difficulty.

However, for the core players of the Shengshi family, who ranked third in the Dawn City team list, it was not that difficult.

The prosperous family, a level 10 team with a total of 300,000 members, currently ranks third in the Dawn City team list based on the average combat power of the team members, second only to the Dragon Clan and the Resurrect.

It is a top-level team that is stronger than the Fengyun family!

Its captain, Shengshi Longcheng, is a top player who ranks seventh in the Dawn City's total combat power rankings!

The four vice-captains are all well-known experts on the Dawning City Sky List!

At this time, the rank 210 rank eight archer Shengshi Longcheng, together with Shengshi Meiyan and several vice-captains of Shengshi Mingmen, was leading a group of brothers to hunt down the blood skeleton boss.

"At three o'clock, the archers blocked the attack! At seven o'clock, the soldiers pressed in, sealed the position, restricted the boss's position, and don't let it retreat!"

"Mage Corps, fire suppression!"

"Brothers, one wave!"

Boom boom boom!


Under the command of the captain Shengshi Longcheng, the team finally killed the blood skeleton boss.

When the battle was over, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the vice-captain, the rank 208 assassin Shengshi Meiyan walked over to the boss's body to clean up the spoils, and smiled proudly: "The 100-member regiment can easily kill the 66-star boss, I wonder what other family in Dawn City can do besides our Shengshi. arrive?"

"I'm afraid it's the dragon family, and they don't have the ability!"

The voice just fell.

Another rank 208 rank eight warrior with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, the vice-captain Sheng Shi Mingmen said, "Speaking of which, how are people digging on the Dragon Clan side?"

"I can't dig it." The surrounding younger brother complained: "The people of their dragon family are so loyal for some reason. I said that we will give them a salary of 5 million gold coins per day in the future, but none of them come here alone!"

"Yeah, numb, it's okay if one or two people are so loyal, but the problem is that they all seem to be like this.

In the voice, the leader of the Shengshi family, Shengshi Longcheng said: "Don't engage in these crooked methods, no one will go to the dragon clan to dig people without my order in the future, forget how the flame family disappeared some time ago? "

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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As Shengshi Longcheng finished speaking, Shengshi Meiyan didn't care: "That's because Blazing Flame is too weak. After all, how can the seventh team compare with our third team?"

"Our prosperous family is in Dawn City, but we still have several allies. No matter how strong he is, he will never dare to fight with us!"

Shengshi Longcheng didn't say much.

Soon, the loot was cleaned up.

Just when the players of the Shengshi family were about to evacuate the blood city.

As the captain, Shengshi Longcheng, relying on the keen insight of the seventh master of the Dawn City Sky Ranking, suddenly noticed that a threat was approaching nearby!

The bow and arrow that had just rested on his back was immediately taken off, and he said to the surrounding teammates: "Everyone, be careful, there are enemies!"

Everyone was arguing and getting ready for battle.

Look around.

In the darkness, there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes staring at them.

At this moment, everyone on the field began to feel inexplicably nervous and fearful.

Gradually, night fell completely.

Outside the city of dawn, there is darkness everywhere.

At this moment, Yiqi Juechen and the dragon clan did not destroy them, and they were leading a group of dragon clan elites on their way to the blood city.

Just when he was about to reach the blood city.

Floating in the air, there was a loud dragon roar of "roar"!

When I looked up, I saw that Zhang Yi was riding Babu, rushing over!

As a result, Yiqi Juechen and the others speeded up, just outside the blood city, to complete the confluence with Zhang Yi.

"I only heard that their prosperous family only dispatched a hundred people, so we didn't bring many people here." Long clan immortal pointed to the two or three hundred dragon clan players who followed behind him, and said to Zhang Yi: "So A lot of people, shouldn't that be enough?"

Zhang Yi said lightly, "You overestimate them."

At this time, Yiqi Juechen raised his spear and said, "Go straight in."

After all, everyone copied the guy and poured into the blood city.

Inside the huge city, there was silence.

It was so quiet that the sound of feet stepping on blood was clearly audible.

"It's so quiet, why do you feel like there's no one in here?" The dragon clan said suspiciously: "Boss, was it because you were so loud when you came just now that you scared them away?"

Zhang Yi said: "If they really want to be so cowardly, they will not dare to come to our dragon clan to dig people."

Taking Zhang Yi's words, King Glory tightened the bow and arrow in his hand with a serious face: "If you say that, they are likely to be ambushed inside!"

"Everyone be careful!"

With that said, everyone kept their formation and moved forward.

After a while, on the open space in front, a bloody blood was found.

The corpse of the skeleton boss!

Moreover, in addition to the corpse of the blood skeleton, what is even more shocking are the corpses of players lying all over the place near the corpse of the blood skeleton!

The immortality of the dragon clan and Long Xingtian were stunned for a while: "What's going on here?"

"Are they players or NPCs?"

"Obviously it's an npc. If the player dies, it will refresh!"

At this moment, Yiqi Juechen approached a corpse, squatted down and checked it out.

Then, got up and said: "They are players, and they are in a state of death and not resurrection."

"If nothing else, kill them,"

"It should be a ghost."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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