
When they heard the name, everyone on the field was stunned.

Everyone's first reaction was: "Why did the ghosts appear at this time?"

Even Zhang Yi was incredible.

Because according to the setting of the Apocalypse World, before the arrival of the thousand-year seal, the ghost clan would only appear in the seventh and a half months of each year, which is the Ghost Festival.

However, it is only the beginning of March, and there are still more than four months before the Ghost Festival!

And the death methods of these people on the ground are indeed from the ghost clan!

Because, the player killed by the ghosts will enter the "standby" state no matter how many chances of resurrection there are.

In this state, the corpse will not be refreshed, and will drop life orbs.

If no other players bring the Life Orb to the resurrection spring to resurrect the dead within 24 hours, then after 24 hours, the player will directly transform into a ghost servant!

Right now, next to the corpses of the players of the prosperous family, there are all life beads.

"How could this be, where did this ghost clan come from?"

Take over the words of the immortal dragon race.

Yiqi Juechen said thoughtfully: "And the power of the ghost clan that appeared this time is not weak."

"All of those killed were the core members of the Shengshi family, even including several of their vice-captains and the elites of the team."

Long Xingtian was shocked and said: "These are all top-level experts in the Dawning City Sky List! All of them were killed, at least a ghost at the level of a ghost king can do it!"

When people are talking.

Xiao Qiang, who was looking around at the corpses, suddenly found a question: "Why didn't they find their captain?"

Zhang Yi directly turned on the God-level exploration technique and scanned all the corpses on the ground. Sure enough, he did not find the captain of the Shengshi family: Shengshi Longcheng!

Just at this moment, a scream came from not far away!

Zhang Yi immediately said to the Dragon Clan Immortal and them: "You guys stay here!"

After speaking, Zhang Yi immediately rushed towards the source of the sound.

Yiqi Juechen also followed.

After a while, he followed the sound and arrived at an empty square in the blood city.

Impressively seeing the huge square, bursts of black energy lingered, and a strong ghost clan aura enveloped the entire square!

Those who can exude such a powerful aura are at least a ghost above the level of a ghost king.

Zhang Yi immediately took out the trial by fire and was ready to fight at any time. Then, together with Yiqi Juechen, they dived into the black fog that was still screaming!

As the screams got closer.

In the sight, there are several more corpses, and they are still players from the prosperous family!

In front, there is a rank 8 archer man in silver chain armor, whose level has reached 210. The leader of the Shengshi family: Shengshi Longcheng, was strangled by a human-shaped black mist, hanging in the air, struggling desperately !

As the top expert ranked seventh in the Dawn City's combat power rankings, this prosperous Dragon City has no power to fight back in front of this group of shadows!

This scene also shocked Zhang Yi and Yiqi Juechen who had just arrived.

"What a strong aura!" Yiqi Juechen sighed with eyes like torches, "It seems that this ghost king is not low in quality."

"Indeed." Zhang Yi can also clearly perceive: "The breath of this ghost king has surpassed the five-star ghost king that appeared before, the blood banquet."

At this time, only one-third of the blood bar of Shengshi Longcheng was left, and it had entered a precarious situation.

This shadow is obviously the initiator!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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When he met the ghost clan, Zhang Yi immediately released a strong killing intent!

Bring up the trial by fire and lock the shadow.


Bursts of energy overflowed on the scepter.


Under Zhang Yi's spellcasting, a fire dragon leaped out of the barrier opened in front of the staff and charged towards the shadow at high speed.

However, at the moment when it was about to hit, the black shadow evaded the attack with astonishingly sharp power, and then fled into the darkness behind.

The Shengshi Longcheng, which escaped from death, fell to the ground.

Zhang Yi said to Yiqi Juechen, who was beside him, "Look at him, I'll go after him."

Having said that, Zhang Yi launched eight shifts, moved towards the disappearing direction of the shadow, and chased away with extreme speed!

On the other hand, Yiqi Juechen was staring at Shengshi Longcheng.

When Zhang Yi chased the shadow and came to the corner of the blood city, the shadow suddenly disappeared.

Zhang Yi was in a small alley, surrounded by silence.

But Zhang Yi could clearly perceive that the other party did not leave, but was nearby!

Therefore, the trial of ashes in his hand is also ready to fight at any time.

Before that, Zhang Yi had encountered the highest-ranking one in this life, that is, the Five-Star Ghost King: Blood Feast.

And it was in the second-level main city at that time, with the help of the god-level dragon warrior Jon, the blood feast that was able to be killed.

Even Zhang Yi at that time was no match for the Ghost King Blood Banquet!

At that time, it was only in the secondary main city.

The level of the ghost king is linked to the level of the main city.

The higher the level of the main city, the higher the level of the ghost kings that are sealed around.

There are generally some one to three-star ghost kings around the third-level main city.

The second-level main city can reach four to five stars.

On the side of the first-level main city, there is a high probability that there will be a six-star, or even the top super seven-star ghost king! !

And now, Zhang Yi can clearly perceive the breath of this ghost king, which is stronger than the five-star ghost king blood banquet!

At least, a six-star ghost king!

In the face of such a powerful enemy, even Zhang Yi, whose strength has reached the level of being able to fight against a level 235 75 star boss, would not dare to be careless.

Because he knew very well that no matter how strong the boss he encountered at this stage was, there was no comparison between him and the ghost king of the ghost clan.

If it is really a six-star ghost king, it can kill the 235-level 75-star boss Gu emperor more easily than Zhang Yi!

From the fact that so many core members of the Shengshi family were all killed, and that Shengshi Longcheng, the seventh top expert in the Dawn City Sky Ranking, had no power to tie the chicken in front of him, it can be seen that this ghost king The strength, how strong!

I am afraid that with Zhang Yi's current strength,

An incomparable existence.

Around, the ghost king's breath became stronger and stronger!

It is approaching Zhang Yi!

Zhang Yi immediately turned on all the boosting skills, held the judgment of the ashes, and stared at the direction of the alley.

All I could see: the dark aura that was like a thick fog was coming from the outside towards the alley at a slow speed.

And just when Zhang Yi was staring at the approaching black fog outside.

In the depths of the alley behind Zhang Yi, a black barrier like a vortex quietly tore apart.

The next moment, the group of black shadows that disappeared quietly came out of the barrier, approaching Zhang Yi from behind!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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