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Chapter 1532 The six-star king recovers!

Zhang Yi faced the entrance of the alley, staring directly at the black mist that kept pouring in from outside.

And behind him, a group of black shadows has already walked out of the barrier, and is slowly approaching Zhang Yi!

Although he looked ahead, Zhang Yi seemed to have noticed something.

With his back facing the shadow approaching behind him, the trial by fire in Zhang Yi's hands released bursts of energy.

At this moment, there was a chance to sneak attack on Zhang Yi's shadow, but he did not attack Zhang Yi.

A very deep voice came from behind: "Your enemies, this king has helped you eradicate them, should you thank this king?"

Zhang Yi turned around and faced the shadow.

With a distance of less than ten meters between each other, Zhang Yi could already clearly feel the strong sense of oppression coming from the black shadow in front of him!

"What did you say?" Zhang Yi asked in confusion, "Help me?"

"You killed the Shengshi family to help me?"

"Aren't they your enemies?" A deep voice came from within the shadows again.

Zhang Yi asked curiously, "Then why are you helping me?"

"Because it was you who lifted the millennium seal of the Lord God and released this king from the Mushen Lake."

Mushen Lake!

Hearing this name, Zhang Yi seemed to suddenly remember something.

A soft cry: "Ghost King Luo Jia!"

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

In front of the black shadow, the black mist on his body gradually dissipated and began to become clear.

Until all the black fog disappeared and completely transformed into a human form.

What appeared in Zhang Yi's line of sight was a ghost warrior wearing purple armor, a silver crown, a dry face like a thousand-year-old mummy, and an ice-blue cold light in his eyes!

An unprecedentedly powerful aura continued to spread out from this ghost clan soldier.

And on top of its head, a line of blood-red id is marked——

lv250 Six-star Ghost King: Luo Jia!

Of course it's Roja!

Zhang Yi was stunned.

Just two days ago, in order to help Lingzhu find Shenshui, he went to a place where the Lord God once visited: Mushen Lake.

When he arrived at Mushen Lake, Zhang Yi had already learned the story there through the description above the map.

Learned: A thousand years ago, the ghost race was the most rampant, intending to dominate the world of Apocalypse.

Luo Jia, the six-star ghost king, leads the ghost soldiers and ghost generals to expedition to human territory and hunt the clan recklessly.

Later, he was defeated by the Lord God of Apocalypse and sealed under the Mushen Lake.

According to the setting of the apocalypse world.

991 years ago, all the ghosts were sealed, and most of them were directly sealed in the main city of their ghosts.

There are also a small number of ghosts who are sealed in other places.

And as long as the thousand-year seal passes, all the ghosts will directly break through the seal and come to the Apocalypse Continent again.

Before that, they could only appear temporarily during the annual Ghost Festival when the ghosts are strong.

Therefore, it should be Zhang Yi who extracted the divine power in the Mushen Lake, and inadvertently broke the seal of the Lord God, thus releasing the six-star ghost king Luo Jia!

In that case, Zhang Yi really released this ghost king!

Mainly because Zhang Yi did not expect that after extracting the divine power of Mushen Lake, a ghost king would be released.

Otherwise, Zhang Yi would definitely change his place, and he would not be able to extract divine power in Mushen Lake!

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking so.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The ghost king Luo Jia said to Zhang Yi, "This king has revenge for revenge, and kindness for his kindness."

"You have saved this king's life, so this king should repay you. In the future, anyone who does harm to you will be eliminated by this king."

Zhang Yi didn't reason with the ghost king, but nodded thoughtfully and asked, "Are you really looking for me just to repay your kindness and protect me?"

"one of them."

The ghost king Luo Jia finally said its true purpose:

"You can easily remove the seal of the Lord God, but on you, this king has not noticed the real aura of the gods. Your identity should be the caller of the gods."

Good guy, even the ghost king knows the caller of the gods!

And Zhang Yi never imagined that one day, he would be able to negotiate with a six-star ghost king so calmly

So Zhang Yi said, "So what?"

The ghost king Luo Jia took a step closer to Zhang Yi, his eyes glowing with icy blue cold light, stared straight at Zhang Yi, and said in an extremely low voice that penetrated the power: "This king wants revenge."

"A thousand years ago, the Lord God sealed this king, and even the entire Lord God. This king must kill the Lord God and avenge the ghost race!"

good guy!

Even dared to fight the Lord God's idea, Zhang Yi was really shocked by the courage of this ghost king Luo Jia.

However, Zhang Yi did not refute Luo Jia, but followed his words and asked, "How do you want me to help you?"

The ghost king Luo Jia walked around Zhang Yi, making Zhang Yi feel an unprecedented sense of oppression from the 250-level six-star ghost king.

"You are the caller of the gods. If you can become a god one day, you can easily approach the main god."

With that said, Luo Jia returned to the front of Zhang Yi and raised his left hand.


Bursts of dark breaths condensed into a red light with clear lines in Luo Jia's hands, like a bow and arrow as sharp as a long snake!

Luo Jia stared at the bow and arrow in his hand, with hatred, and said in a deep voice: "When you become a god, this king wants you to help me and fight against the main god!"

At this moment, Zhang Yi suddenly had an idea, as if he suddenly thought of something.

Immediately pretended to be a little distressed and said: "But, I just agreed to join the dark dragon camp, I'm afraid I won't be able to serve your ghosts."

"Dark Dragon Race?"

"Yes." Zhang Yi sighed intentionally, showing a helpless look on his face, and said: "It's just these two days, I met the Hell Dragon Emperor of the Dark Dragon Clan: Gula, he threatened my life and wanted to After I joined the Dark Dragons camp, I helped him lift the seal of the Lord God and released him, if I didn't agree to him, he would send the Dark Dragons to kill me."


Luo Jia let out a horrific cry, and then said in a deep voice: "The mere dark dragon clan, dare to rob people with my ghost clan? Looking for death!"

With that said, Luo Jia looked at Zhang Yi with cold eyes and said, "Don't compromise with him. If he really dares to trouble you, this king will protect you and kill him!"

"Gula, the Hell Dragon King, is the seventh-order Dragon King of the Dark Dragon Clan." Zhang Yi showed concern for Luo Jia: "I'm afraid, Lord Luo Jia, you are not his opponent."

Zhang Yi's respectful performance really aroused Luo Jia's desire for protection as if he treated his subordinates, and said: "The mere dark dragon clan, in the eyes of my ghost clan, is not worth mentioning at all!"

"If it weren't for the ghosts being sealed by the Lord God a thousand years ago, there would have been no place for the dragons in this world!"

"Ghost race is the strongest race unmatched in Tianqi Continent!"

After speaking, the ghost king Luo Jia turned to look at Zhang Yi, and then said: "The dragon clan has a seventh-order dragon emperor, and my ghost clan also has a seven-star ghost king!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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