Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1533 I'm here to kill you

I heard the ghost king Luo Jia mention the seven-star ghost king.

Zhang Yi was a little surprised and asked: "Break through the seal with you and come out of Mushen Lake, is there another seven-star ghost king?"


Luo Jia's answer immediately dispelled Zhang Yi's concerns: "This king means that the seven-star ghost king of my ghost clan can handle the seventh-order Dragon King with only one hand, and the ghost clan is the strongest race in the world of Apocalypse! "

"What's more, with the strength of this king, it is more than enough to deal with the seventh-order Dragon Emperor!"

Luo Jia looked at Zhang Yi and said, "Before you become a god, this king can help you remove all obstacles and kill all roadblocks. How about you, do you want to cooperate with this king?"

Zhang Yi hesitated for a moment, then resolutely said: "It is my honor to be able to form an alliance with the ghost clan."

It was precisely this scene that Yiqi Juechen, who just followed the sound, saw it in his eyes!

Yiqi Juechen stopped at the entrance of the alley, leaned back against the wall, and did not rush into the alley directly.

And in the alley.

Hearing Zhang Yi's answer, the ghost king Luo Jia was also delighted, "giggling" and said with a smile: "As expected of a human being that this king likes, you have great potential, waiting for you to help this king kill the main god, release the ghost clan, and wait for the ghost. When the clan dominates the world, you will have the supreme right to rule the entire human race and become the overlord of the human race!"

good guy!

This sentence, how does it feel a bit familiar.

It seems that at the Tianmen side, Zhang Yi promised to help the Hell Dragon Emperor: Gula lifted the seal and let it out, the Hell Dragon Emperor proposed to Zhang Yi exactly the same conditions!

So, Zhang Yi said his purpose: "Okay. In that case, if I am targeted by the Dark Dragon Clan Dragon King, I think Lord Luo Jia will also help me deal with the Dark Dragon King, right?"

"Yes." Lorgar said, "Anyone who stands in the way must die!"

With that said, Luo Jia took out a black token from his waist and handed it to Zhang Yi: "When you need it, use this token and this king will appear."

Zhang Yi took the token and said, "I have one more request."

"Before I become a god and help you fight against the Lord God, you must not do anything to the human race in Dawn City. Because there are my friends in this city."

The ghost king Luo Jia smiled "giggling": "One day you will understand that real power will make your so-called friends become a burden!"

"Okay, this king promises you."

After a pause, the ghost king Luo Jia continued: "I hope you can also keep your promise. After you become a god, you must assist this king, kill the main god, and release the ghost clan!"

Saying that, Luo Jia gradually approached Zhang Yi, and his blue eyes became more and more sharp: "Otherwise, this king will make you pay a price ten times heavier than death!"

As soon as the words were finished, the ghost king Luo Jia turned around and entered the barrier, and disappeared together with the barrier.

And as the ghost king Luo Jia just left, Zhang Yi couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "It's dangerous!"

At this moment, Yiqi Juechen walked in from outside the alley.

"I heard it right, you actually took refuge in the ghost clan?"

Hearing Yiqi Juechen's voice, Zhang Yi turned to look at Yiqi Juechen.

Disapprovingly, he said, "I have even joined the Dark Dragon Clan, so what does it matter if I join another Ghost Clan."

"You look like a hot treasure."

I had heard about Zhang Yi's experience in Tianmen before, and could not help but sigh: "Dark dragons and ghosts are rushing for you!"

Just in case the ghost king Luo Jia had not gone far, Zhang Yi and Yiqi Juechen left the alley first.

While rushing back towards the location of the rest of the dragon race.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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On the way, Yiqi Juechen said suspiciously: "I just heard it say that it will help you remove all obstacles. As a ghost king, will it really help the human race?"

Zhang Yi said lightly: "What kind of bad thoughts can a little ghost king have?"

"Advanced irony?" Yiqi Juechen asked, "Why didn't you kill it just now?"

"I can't beat it!" Zhang Yi glanced at Yiqi Juechen in disbelief and said, "Don't you see how high its level is?"

"How many levels?" Yiqi Juechen said: "I really didn't pay attention to how many levels it was, I only knew that it should be a six-star ghost king."

"Level 250 six-star ghost king!" Zhang Yi said, "I can't even see its data, but I can feel that its strength is definitely higher than you and me. If we fight with it just now, we will surely die."

Yiqi Juechen said in surprise: "You can't even see its data with your god-level exploration technique?"

"The effective detection range of the god-level exploration technique is level 30." Zhang Yi said: "It is already level 33 beyond me, so I can't see it."

"The level is too high, and the suppression is too great. Even if Fatty and Xing Tian are called, the four of us will not be its opponents."

Yiqi Juechen is incredible: "Is it really that strong?"

"Don't underestimate the strength of a six-star ghost king."

Zhang Yi said: "Unless the four of us join forces, plus Fulongyin, it is estimated that we will be able to fight together."

It's just that the Fulong Seal is reserved to deal with the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno, and it is not worth it to use it on Luo Jia at this time.

At this time, Yiqi Juechen seemed to understand a truth: "So, are you planning to use the ghost king Luojia to help you deal with the dark dragon emperor Yigunuo?"

Zhang Yi showed a knowing smile: "Those who know me, Mo Ruojuechen."

After obtaining the Fulong Seal, Zhang Yi's original plan for the next step was to prepare to deal with the Dark Dragon Emperor: Yigunuo, one of the nine top Dragon Emperors of the Dark Dragon family.

It's just that the ghost king Luojia was accidentally implicated.

So just now, Zhang Yi, who knew that he was no match for the ghost king Luo Jia, suddenly thought that he could pretend to promise the ghost king Luo Jia first and help him deal with the main god.

For this reason, let Luo Jia help him deal with Iguno first!

Fu Longyin, plus this 250-level six-star ghost king, if you win Iguno, it will be stable!

So just now, Zhang Yi deliberately moved out of the dark dragon clan in front of Luo Jia.

Unexpectedly, this Luo Jia is really willing to assist Zhang Yi to deal with the dark dragons!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi took out the token that Luo Jia had just given from his bag, and said to himself, "Dark Dragon Emperor, I'm here to find you!"

While they were talking, the two returned to the place where the rest of the Dragon Race were.

There are still the corpses of prosperous family players everywhere, and there are also scattered

Earth's Pearl.

There is only one prosperous dragon city, who survived by chance, and now he is being surrounded by the immortal dragon clan.

After all, the purpose of Zhang Yi's trip tonight was to avenge the Shengshi family, not to save them.

Shengshi Longcheng is a sensible person, knowing that thanks to Zhang Yi and the others arriving in time tonight, they were able to survive the disaster.

Otherwise, these people will die here, and no one will find out. By this time tomorrow night, they will become ghost servants and become a member of the ghost clan!

Seeing Zhang Yi, Shengshi Longcheng said gratefully, "Thank you!"

"Thank me for what?"

Zhang Yi said disapprovingly, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to save you."

"I'm here to kill you."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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