Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1535 We will fight with you in this battle!

More than 1700 billion gold coins!

Although this is the result of everyone's efforts to get from the dungeon, Zhang Yi did not ask the team members to apply the rewards to the team's funds after getting the dungeon rewards.

But basically everyone clears the dungeon and the first thing to get a reward is to submit most of the resources they get to the team.

Then keep a small part of each for their own development.

So these more than 1,700 billion gold coins are actually the value of these people who have cleared the customs. After removing some of the resources they need for their daily needs, they will pool the extra resources.

Having said this, Ye Jintianming suddenly sighed: "To be honest, what I admire most about your dragon race is unity!"

"When I used to work on the Night Marching Army, it felt like a group of people gathered together to live together, and there was no friendship at all. The captain only used the relationship with the team members. Everyone brushed good things in the wild, and never did it. Meeting teams, or sharing with others, is all for yourself.”

"And none of your dragon clan is selfish!"

As soon as the words fell, Longxingtianxia looked at Ye Jintianming and said, "This is too outrageous! What do you call your dragon clan? Are you not from the dragon clan?"

"Uh" Ye Jintianming hurriedly explained: "I just want to change the angle to highlight the characteristics of our dragon family."

In the voice, Zhang Yi said: "Only by helping each other and uniting can we create a stronger dragon clan."

At this time, the Dragon Clan Immortal made a statistic and said, "At present, this is only the resources that one-sixth of the people get."

"At the current speed and income, it would take two or three days to complete the dungeon day and night before everyone can finish the dungeon."

"The final total income should exceed ten trillion gold coins!"

Ten trillion!

This number stunned everyone on the field.

Immortal Dragon Clan asked Zhang Yi excitedly: "Boss, this money should be enough to build the main city, right?"

"Not enough." Zhang Yi's answer was incredible.

"Ten trillion is not enough days!"

Everyone sighed: "This main city, shouldn't it be a bottomless pit?!"

"Ten trillion is enough to build a one-star town that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people." Zhang Yi said: "But our goal is naturally not a small town."

"At least, it has to be a five-star or above city with tens of millions of people."

Zhang Yi opened the shop panel and counted the income of the Dragon Clan Firm today.

It is found that this amount is increasing day by day.

So far today, the total revenue of the store has reached 102.5 billion gold coins!

It is estimated that before twelve o'clock in the evening, the total revenue will exceed 120 billion!

Zhang Yi thought that when the Dragon Clan Firm was completely stabilized, he would start developing branches!

Money is not too much.

The more money you have, the better resources you can enjoy in the Apocalypse World!

Only when Zhang Yi and the others returned to Dawn City, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Came to a restaurant for dinner.

It didn't take long for messages from the Shengshi family to appear in the chat area of ​​Dawn City.

Shengshi Longcheng (lv210 8-turn archer, Shengshi/captain): "I swear in the name of the leader of the Shengshi family: within the next year, I will voluntarily donate 10% of the resources of the Shengshi family to the dragons every month, and the contract is today. Effective!"

Shengshi Meiyan (lv208 rank eight assassin, Shengshi/vice captain): "As the deputy captain of the Shengshi family, I hereby publicly apologize to the dragons, and thank the dragons for their life-saving grace. Sincerely, salute."

Prosperity Famous Gate (lv208 Rank 8 Warrior, Prosperity/Deputy Captain): "Go upstairs, I'm sorry, thank you"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law


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(All members of the Shengshi family): "We were wrong, I beg the brothers of the Dragon Clan to forgive"

The news released by the players of the Shengshi family in the chat area immediately attracted the attention of players in the whole city.

"What's wrong with Shengshi? Why did you suddenly publicly apologize to the Dragon Clan? And all the officials were dispatched, good guy!"

"I heard that I didn't dig people in the Dragon Clan two days ago, and then got revenge by the Dragon Clan captain Yinuo Qingcheng?"

"It really deserves it, who is Yinuo Qingcheng? Dare to dig people in the Dragon Clan, I'm really shooting myself in the foot! If I were Yinuo Qingcheng, I would directly take their officials above the elite level and disband them. !"

"That can only mean that Yinuo Qingcheng has a big heart, a lot of adults, and doesn't care about villains~"

the other side.

The dragon people who were eating in the restaurant saw the news.

King Glory couldn't help but sigh with a smile: "Hey! I can't see it, their apology is so sincere!"

"The captain's card of convincing people with virtue is a good game!" Storm Angel said: "It not only made the people of the prosperous world realize their mistakes, but also set up a sign for all the family forces in Dawn City, so that they will not be able to do so in the future. People dare to offend our dragon clan again!"

And for Zhang Yi.

The purpose of revenge on the Shengshi family has been achieved.

There is nothing else to do. The most important thing next is to find the Dark Dragon Emperor: Iguno, combine the power of the ghost king Luojia, and kill it!

At this time, King Glory sitting around the table, after learning about Zhang Yi's next goal, couldn't help but worry: "Brother Cheng, with our current strength, are you sure of the top seventh-order Dragon Emperor in the world of Apocalypse?"

"This is not a question of uncertainty." Zhang Yi looked at the Dragon Soul Ring in his hand and said, "This battle must be fought."

The voice just fell.

Xing Tian on the side took a sip of the wine, glanced at Zhang Yi, and said, "I will accompany you in this battle!"

Zhang Yi showed a relieved smile: "Thanks, brother."

Xingtian once also gave up half his life to save his deceased wife.

So he knows how powerful this belief in fighting for his lover is for Zhang Yi!

At this time, the rest of the people sitting around the table also agreed: "We will fight with you too!"

Zhang Yi nodded, but did not speak.

it is more than words.

With the brothers of the Dragon Clan, this battle will be won no matter what!

in speech.

After hearing about Zhang Yi's overall plan, Longxingtian asked suspiciously, "Boss, do we really want to join forces with the ghost clan?"

"There is no other way." Zhang Yi said: "Using the ghost king Luo Jia, after solving Iguno, we will find a way to kill Luo Jia."

"Dark dragons and ghosts will eventually be our enemies."

Zhang Yi's words also made everyone feel relieved.

"That's good! I thought you, Captain, would not be able to withstand the temptation of the dark dragon clan and the ghost clan!"

At this time, the storm angel suddenly thought of a very important question: "How to deal with the dark dragon emperor Yigunuo, we can discuss again, but the problem is"

"Where are we going to find it?"

Similar to the alien kings, the human war gods, the demon gods, and the dragon emperors, the top powerhouses of these races are usually erratic and will not easily appear in the sight of players.

If you really want to take the initiative to find them, there is really no way to start!

Just when everyone fell silent and could do nothing.

Zhang Yi suddenly said, "I know where it is."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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