In the last life, Zhang Yi, Mu Chen, Ruoxi, and a group of senior players from his team fought together against the nine top dragon emperors of the dark dragon race in the world of Apocalypse, and finally won them all.

This process can be described as extremely difficult.

In order to win the Nine Dragon Emperors, Zhang Yi and the others also paid an endless price.

And this life, with the lessons learned from the past, if you embark on the journey of fighting the nine dragon emperors of the dark dragon race, it will definitely be easier than the previous life.

At least, for the location of the nine dragon emperors, there is no need to spend so much effort and painstaking efforts to find it.

Since the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno was the last of the nine-headed dragon emperors hunted by Zhang Yi in the previous life, Zhang Yi's impression of Iguno's hiding place was particularly clear.

"Dark Empire."

With Zhang Yi blurted out such a name.

The others at the table immediately started searching.

In the end, I really found the place Zhang Yi said.

That is an absolute domain that surpasses the three major races of the Apocalypse World, the Demon Race, the Alien Race, and the Human Race, and the six first-level main cities. The map in the Dragon Domain - lv255 Dark Empire!

"Damn it! Full level map"

When they saw the level of this map, everyone on the field was stunned.

But in fact, it makes sense.

After all, the nine top dragon emperors of the dark dragon clan must all be at the full level of 255. Even players who have reached the full level would not dare to covet their existence!

At this time, Yiqi Juechen said, "We will go to the dark imperial capital immediately and win Iguno."

"No." Zhang Yi said, "If we do this, we will definitely lose."

"The most powerful part of the Dark Dragon Emperor lies in the three major lifelines."

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell, the Dragon Clan Immortal asked: "Three major lifelines? What are those?"

Zhang Yi, who has already killed the Dark Dragon Emperor once, has a clear grasp of the characteristics of the Dark Dragon Emperor.

"Three lifelines, the soul of darkness, the blood of darkness, and the heart of darkness." Zhang Yi said: "In any case, the Dark Dragon Sovereign can use the three lifelines at any time to recover itself, if it is not cut off first. Lifeline, when it really duels with the Dark Dragon Emperor, it will have a steady stream of battery life."

Zhang Yi in the previous life suffered a great loss because he did not know the characteristics of the Dark Dragon Emperor.

During the decisive battle of the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno in the Dark Empire, Iguno continued to return blood through the lifeline, and even the three major lifelines had the ability to bring Iguno back to life!

After finally killing Iguno once, combined with the power of lifeline, Iguno was resurrected again.

In the end, this stinky and long battle lasted intermittently for half a month!

At the cost of huge casualties, Zhang Yi and the others completely killed Iguno.

Therefore, if you cut off its lifeline this time, then it will be easier to deal with it next!

At this time, the Dragon Clan Immortal asked Zhang Yi: "How to cut off its lifeline?"

"Shouldn't the lifeline be on Iguno's body?"

Zhang Yi denied it: "If the lifeline is on the body, it is not safe."

"In order to ensure the safety of the lifeline, Iguno blocked the three lifelines in three different places. We need to find the three lifelines and break them."

"Also, the three major lifelines must be broken at the same time." Zhang Yi continued: "Otherwise, one of the lifelines will be broken first, and Yiguno will perceive the danger through the lifeline, and it will be difficult to break the other two lifelines."

Hearing this, Xing Tian said: "You, me, Juechen, we are divided into three divisions. At the same time, we will break down the three lifelines, and then we will break through the dark imperial capital in one fell swoop."

"it is good."

Zhang Yi nodded, and then said the place where the three major lifelines of the Dark Dragon Emperor were blocked.

Dark Valley, Dark Abyss, Dark Graveyard.

The reason why I know the location of the three major lifelines is because in the process of killing the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno in the last life, Zhang Yi once chased it, went to the places where the three major lifelines were blocked, and watched it take back the lifelines in turn. , and then gather the power of lifeline to be reborn after the first death!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Therefore, Zhang Yi also knows: "The three major lifelines are all stationed by the dark army under the Dark Dragon Emperor. When entering these three places, you must be careful."

At this time, I noticed that the three places Zhang Yi mentioned are only the top of the 220-230 level map, and said, "As long as it is not a full-level map like the Dark Empire, it shouldn't be a problem."

"Where the Dark Dragon Emperor hides his lifeline, why is the level so low?" Ye Jintianming found a problem and said ponderingly.

"This is not something that Igono can decide." Zhang Yi said: "These three places have a strong natural dark atmosphere, which can always provide sufficient supply of lifeline to maintain life."

"I see!"

For Zhang Yi, the unpredictable prophet's ability, it is not surprising that this group of people from the Dragon Clan also sees it.

"When will the action start?"

Zhang Yi looked at the time: eight o'clock in the evening.

Then he said, "Take action tomorrow."

Zhang Yi instructed Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen, "Tomorrow's battle will be a tough one. You are responsible for the two places of the Dark Valley and Dark Abyss. I will go to the Dark Cemetery."

"In addition, be sure to bring some more people from the team, make a quick decision, and break the lifeline as soon as possible."

as shown on the map.

The two places, Dark Valley and Dark Abyss, have reached levels 220 and 222 respectively.

And the dark cemetery is as high as level 230!

Therefore, Zhang Yi handed over the two lower ranks to Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others.

With Zhang Yi's strength, he should be able to take down the level 230 dark cemetery without any problems.

So, the meeting ended.

In order to prepare for tomorrow's battle, everyone began to rest.

After replenishing a lot of advanced potions in the pharmacy, Zhang Yi also rested in a hotel in the city.

Through the dragon soul ring in his hand, Zhang Yi contacted Han Yarou: "Xiaoya, how are you now?"

However, still no reply.

It seems that from three days ago, Zhang Yi sent a message to Han Yarou through the Dragon Soul Ring, but she never replied.

Don't know what happened over there.

Although Zhang Yi was worried, there was nothing he could do.

The only way is to kill Iguno first and completely eliminate the will of the future dark dragon emperor parasitizing Han Yarou.

So, Zhang Yi also gradually fell asleep.

The next morning.

Zhang Yi got up at seven o'clock.

Through the identity of the caller of the gods, he sensed a nearby place with divine power, and then quickly rushed over to extract the divine water.

After a trip to the sacred mountain, after pouring the sacred water on the sacred tree, Zhang Yi left with peace of mind when he saw the active shimmer emitting from the spirit bead.

What Zhang Yi has not noticed is:

After this time of divine power, the outer shell of the spiritual bead placed on the divine tree suddenly began to shatter.

When Zhang Yi returned to Dawn City, it was already nine in the morning.

At this time, under the management of Dragon Clan Immortal and Long Xingtian, the 50,000-strong army of the Dragon Clan that was ready to march into the three major lifelines has been assembled.

They are all elite members of the first echelon who have cleared the Dawning Camp and are the strongest dragons!

On the other side, the two leaders, Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen, were also in place.

Just waiting for Zhang Yi to return to the city.

An order: "Go!"


Zhang Yi rode the fifth-order Dragon Emperor, led the three armies, and went out of the city along the east gate of Dawn City!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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