Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1538 Destroy the lifeline!

As soon as Zhang Yi made his move, he instantly killed three blood-filled dark corpse dragons, instantly stunned everyone in the dragon race.

"Damn it! The captain is awesome!"

"This injury is too perverted!!"

Dragon players who haven't acted with Zhang Yi for a long time are all shocked by Zhang Yi's powerful fighting ability.

In the sound of words, the troops continued to press forward.

Along the way, there were constantly dark corpse dragons coming out of the ground to make trouble, but those corpse dragons were also beheaded by the dragon people one by one.

A single fight may not be able to fight a 230-level dark corpse dragon.

But on the Dragon Clan side, the more people are more powerful!

Ten thousand people act together, where is the air in seconds?

Of course, with so many people forming a group to kill monsters, the efficiency is high, that is, in the end, no one will gain any experience in killing monsters!

This is the hard setting of the apocalypse world.

Ordinary monsters other than bosses, elites, and lords, if the number of people involved in killing more than 5 people, will not receive benefits.

Originally, this was to prevent players from relying on crowd tactics to push monsters across levels.

But right now, it doesn't matter if it's not profitable or not.

At this time, the most important thing is to find the lifeline of the dark dragon family and destroy it!

Zhang Yi rode a minibus and took the lead in the front.

The Dragon Clan Ten Thousand Regiment followed behind.

Ahead, the first time a large number of corpse dragons appeared, they were crippled by Zhang Yi and the Warcraft Group.

The dragon legion that followed closely behind was responsible for the finishing touches and harvested the corpse dragon that was maimed by Zhang Yi!

There are also many corpse dragons that were missed by Zhang Yi, who were dealt with by the people behind.

Soon, the army reached a teleportation formation.

It was a huge white light curtain.

Zhang Yi entered the light curtain first, and the rest of the dragon clan followed closely behind.

After passing through the light curtain, the other side that you arrive at is a huge ancient battlefield!

This is the dark realm created by the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno!

The surrounding area is boundless, and the ground is full of the bones of demon beasts.

And in the center of this huge space, there is a towering tree!

That big tree directly connects the sky and the earth, very grand!


Bursts of purple thunder and lightning overflowed from the dark clouds in the air and flowed on the tree.

And on the trunk of this tree, there is a heart-like thing inlaid with a "puff-puff" beating!

In addition, you can see: under this towering tree, there are countless black dragons lying on the ground!

The dragon clan in the crowd is immortal, pointing to the towering tree in front of him, and saying to Zhang Yi, who is riding a dragon floating above his head: "Boss, the one above that tree should be one of the three lifelines of the Dark Dragon Emperor. , Heart of Darkness!"

"Yes." Zhang Yi said: "Those under the tree are all fighting dragons under the Dark Dragon Throne. They are not on the same level as the corpse dragon we just faced. Everyone should be careful."

"Is it possible to kill all those black dragons so that we can destroy the Heart of Darkness?"


The question of the immortality of the dragon clan was obtained after Zhang Yi's exact reply.

Immediately, he swung his sword and shouted, "Brothers, kill!"

Under the inextinguishable orders of the Dragon Clan, on the land, the Dragon Clan, ten thousand people, are drawing their swords and fighting towards the towering tree inlaid with the heart of darkness!

The 10,000-strong group launched an attack, the momentum was like a rainbow.

The huge movement also instantly awakened the group of black dragons resting under the tree.

roar roar

With an earth-shattering violent roar, the dragon group recovered.

Hundreds of thousands of huge black dragons leaped up from under the tree, and leaped toward the dragon players here overwhelmingly!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law


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Boom boom boom!

In the air, there were dense clouds, lightning and thunder.

In a burst of fierce shouting and roaring.

The players of the dragon family and the group of dark tyrannosaurs whose level has soared to level 230-235 immediately converged and started a fierce battle!


Boom boom boom!

A large number of dark tyrannosaurs leaped in the low air, and while leaping over the heads of the dragon players, they opened their bloody mouths and sprayed hot dragon flames at the players on the ground.

Under the continuous burning of the flames of the more than 230-level dragons, on the ground, the group of dragon players, who were only less than level 210, jumped up a large piece of damage as high as 20 billion to 30 billion!

Although this kind of damage is not enough to directly kill the dragon people, the trauma caused is not small.

Being touched by Long Yan, even a rough-skinned knight would lose a third of his blood.

Professionals such as mage shooters are basically swept away by Long Yan twice, and they have to die.

Therefore, the group of dark tyrannosaurs came down with a wave of dragon flames, and immediately caused heavy casualties to the dragon people!

Amidst the screams, streaks of white light came and went.

At the same time, under the cooperative counterattack of the dragon players, those dark tyrannosaurs were also killed and fell one by one.

Knights use taunts to attract aggro while protecting the back row.

With the blessing of the priest, the mage shooter is full of firepower.

Soldiers and assassins are on standby on land. As long as a giant dragon is shot down to the ground, they will immediately rush to make up for it, so that the dark tyrannosaurus that has landed has no chance to fly again.

With a 10:1 casualty ratio, keep fighting.

That is to say, every time a dark tyrannosaur is killed, at least ten people must die as a price!

At this time, Zhang Yi took the opportunity of the dragon people to use their lives to contain the dark tyrannosaurus. He rode a minibus and quickly approached the tree carrying the heart of darkness.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

lv220 Dark Valley, and lv222 Dark Abyss.

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen each led 20,000 elite dragon clan divisions. After arriving at their destination, they also quickly smashed through the map and found the portal hidden at the bottom of the Dark Valley and at the end of the Dark Abyss.

Clear the portal and enter the corresponding dark realm.

Compared to Zhang Yi's team, the danger they face is much smaller.

Because the enemy they faced was 10 levels lower than the enemy Zhang Yi faced!

And the number of their two teams is also twice that of Zhang Yi's team.

Here, after entering the Dragon Domain, Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen led their respective armies, while hunting down the 225-230 Dark Tyrannosaurus who came to block them, while approaching the hiding place of the Dark Soul and Dark Blood.

The soldiers are divided into three groups.

In the end, Zhang Yi, Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen found their lifeline at the same time.

Zhang Yi, who was under the tree, held the judgment of the ashes and aimed at the heart of darkness embedded in the trunk of the tree.

On the other side, Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen also locked the Soul of Darkness in the form of breath and the Blood of Darkness in liquid form.

"Are you ready?"

Through the team channel, Zhang Yi, Aite Xingtian and Yiqi Juechen.

Only after the two of them responded with an ok gesture at the same time, Zhang Yi said, "Go!"

Boom boom boom!

People in three different positions attack at the same time.

At this moment, the three lifelines of the Dark Dragon Emperor were destroyed at the same time!

at the same time.

In the realm of the dark dragon clan, in the lv255 dark imperial capital, there was a deafening dragon cry.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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