Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1543 Soldiers approaching the city

After obtaining the 100-level increase of 10,000 points of divine power, the effect of the Fulong Seal has greatly increased!

Originally, for dragon enemies, only 90% damage reduction, plus 90% damage increase effect.

Now, even for ordinary enemies, it can cause 90% damage reduction and 90% damage increase effects!

For the Dragon Clan, it gets a tenfold increase in damage!

That is to say: as long as it is a dragon monster that appears within the influence range of Zhang Yi's Fulong Seal, all damage received will be increased by an additional 900%!

Add 1x your own damage, and you can get ten times the damage! !

And the influence range of this Fulong Seal has been directly increased by ten times: a radius of three kilometers!

A radius of three kilometers, that is, a diameter of six kilometers, a full six kilometers!

This range, not to mention covering 1.6 million people from the three major families, is more than enough to cover 16 million people!

This time, all the people from the three major families present can be influenced by Zhang Yi's Fulong Seal!

After killing the dark war dragon before, the magic circle was fully opened, releasing a huge white light curtain.

As long as players pass through the light curtain, they can reach the Dark Empire!

Under the command of several captains and vice-captains, the three family players began to pass through the light curtain in an orderly manner and entered the dark imperial capital.

And Zhang Yi, before entering the dark imperial capital, took out the token given by the ghost king Luo Jia from his bag.

When Luo Jia handed the token to Zhang Yi last night, he said that as long as you use this token, it will be on call.

In addition, it also promises Zhang Yi: as long as Zhang Yi promises to help it fight against the main god.

Before that, if anyone tries to deter Zhang Yi's safety, the ghost king Luo Jia will clear the obstacles for Zhang Yi!

"It's time to need you, come here."

Zhang Yi murmured, and then followed the summoning method that Luo Jia had said before, holding the token in his hand. After 5 seconds, the token exuded a black aura!

This means: Luo Jia has received Zhang Yi's signal for help!

It shouldn't be long before Lorgar arrives.

However, Zhang Yi didn't plan to wait for it to come before acting, and only regarded Luo Jia as a backup force.

After millions of players from the three major families entered the light curtain one after another, Zhang Yi also rode a minibus and passed through the light curtain.

The huge city fell into silence in an instant.

As everyone knows.

Not long after the three major family players entered the dark imperial capital.

A large group of 255-level dark dragon knights dressed in fully enclosed black dragon armor and holding bows and arrows, driving a 255-level dark battle dragon, are located outside the entrance of the dark imperial capital.

Thousands of dark dragon knights raised their bows and arrows and aimed at the light curtain!

Among them, the leader of the 255-level lord-level dark dragon knight led by the black dragon bracelet on the back of his hand contacted: "Lord Iguno, that group of humans has entered the dark imperial capital, and the archer knights are in place, ready to act!"

There was a black breath on the black dragon bracelet, and a low voice came from it: "Stand by."


the other side.

After the players of the three major families passed through the light curtain, the other side they arrived at was an incomparably empty dark station!

In the sky, there were dense clouds, and thunder and lightning overflowed.

On the land, there are huge keels everywhere.

"This is the Dragon Domain! The Dragon Race Domain is really extraordinary!"

With the wind and clouds changing a sigh.

Zhang Yi suddenly sat in front of the crowd and jumped down from the dragon's back.

The front of the finger seemed to be boundless darkness, and he said to the people around him: "We only need to move in this direction and break through the seven levels to reach the dark imperial capital."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law


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Immortal Dragon asked: "There are still seven levels?"

"The city of the seventh-order dragon emperor of the dark dragon family is not easy for everyone to approach." Zhang Yi said: "In the vicinity of the dark imperial capital, the dark dragon emperor once forged seven city walls, each of which is guarded by heavy troops. "

"Only by breaking through these seven walls can we get close to Iguno."

Hear what Zhang Yi said.

The situation rose again and drew his sword and stood up: "Okay! Then we will break through these seven barriers and go straight to the dark imperial capital!"

"Brothers, prepare to fight!"

One command.

The three family players began to move forward.


In the air, lightning flashes and thunders.

The god of heaven is not beautiful, and it seems that the dark dragon emperor Iguno is manipulating the sky!

The domain of the seventh-order dark dragon emperor makes those who are in it feel breathless.

However, the people of the three major families moved forward fearlessly.

After a few minutes.

Originally, the endless darkness in front of the line of sight gradually revealed the figure of a magnificent city wall!

From a distance, it's about a mile away.

The width of the city wall, as far as the eye can see, seems to extend infinitely on the left and right sides.

And the height, visually, is at least twenty or thirty meters!

At this moment, lightning flashed in the air.

Under the light of the electric light, you can see that there are a lot of giant dragons hovering above the city wall!

As everyone knows.

Just above the city wall, there is a large group of dark dragon knights wearing fully enclosed black dragon armor!

And the group of dragon knights are also watching the three big family players who are approaching the city wall on the land ahead!

"They are here."

Seeing the enemy approaching, the leader of the 255-level elite dark dragon knight captain seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

Immediately waved his hand and gave an order: "The whole army attacked and wiped out this group of humans outside the seven cities, so that they would not even have a chance to approach the six cities!"


With the order of the dragon knight captain.

On the left and right sides, countless dark dragon knights rode dark dragons and took off from the city wall!

Facing the thunder and lightning, the three family players on the other side of the city wall leaped away!

this side.

The three family players who were approaching the city wall also saw a large number of dragon knights approaching through the flashing lightning.

Xing Tian, ​​who was at the head of the crowd, said in a deep voice, "We

was discovered. "

"They're coming!"

"The first team, attack!"


It is signaled by the flame of the fifth-order fire-bathing dragon emperor Babu.

When the minibus above the crowd spit out dragon flames from its mouth, illuminating the darkness.

From the rear, the scream of killing sounded, and millions of players from the three major families launched a charge and charged towards the front city wall overwhelmingly!

roar roar

In the far sky, countless dark dragon knights drove the dark dragons and approached quickly.

Soon, they were in range.

"Kill all these humans, don't let them get close to the city wall!"

Under the orders of a leading dragon knight.

In the rear, the giant dragons under the seats of hundreds of dragon knights spit out hot dragon flames at the same time.

Hundreds of dragon flames swept towards the players of the three major families on the land with the momentum of swallowing the sky and destroying the earth.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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