Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1544 Fulong Seal, ten times more serious injuries!

Boom boom boom!

After the group of dark war dragons entered the range, they immediately spit out dragon flame attacks on the players of the three major families on the land.

At the same time, the dragon knights sitting on the backs of those black dragons also took off the bows and arrows on their backs, locked on the crowd on the ground, and started shooting.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless sharp arrows passed through the dragon flame, and after being ignited by the dragon flame, they evolved into rockets and fell into the crowd.

In the front line, the senior knights of the three major families used taunts to attract hatred, and at the same time activated their defense skills to eat all the damage of the enemy!

The scorching dragon flames and the dense rain of arrows engulfed the crowd in an instant.

If you are within a radius of 3,000 meters of Zhang Yi, you will be affected by the Fulong Seal.

After those dark battle dragons are affected by Fulong Seal, their damage is reduced by 90%!

Originally, it could easily cause 200-300 billion fatal damage to the three major family players, but now, their damage has been greatly reduced to 20-30 billion points!

The Fulong Seal reduces their damage too much!

Moreover, those dark dragon knights are also affected by Fulong Seal, and their damage is also greatly reduced.

Bows and arrows fall on players, and they can only deal 20 to 30 billion damage.

This kind of injury can't help but make people excited!

Because before that, the damage of the 255-level dark battle dragon was enough to cause one-hit-kill trauma to anyone!

And now, after 90% weakened, although their damage is still not low, at least not so deadly!

Otherwise, these dark war dragons are so full of dragon flames, plus a round of arrows from the dragon knights, the casualties will break through four figures in an instant!

Right now, under the first round of attacks by these dark dragon knights, the knights of the three major families are defending with all their strength, and only a few dozen people have been killed!

Those who were killed were also killed in seconds because the instant damage they received was too great to heal in time.

The rest of the people were just injured, and they were treated by the priest at the rear, pulling up their blood!

The dragon knights continued to attack.

And the people of the three major families are not vegetarians.

Relying on the front row of knights to stabilize the hatred of the enemy, thousands of magicians and archers in the rear turned and launched a counterattack.

Whoosh whoosh!

Boom boom boom!

Countless sharp arrows and orbs bombarded them through the dragon flames spewed by those dark war dragons.

A large area of ​​tens of billions of damage jumped wildly from the top of the group of giant dragons and dragon knights!

Affected by the Fulong Seal, the damage received by these black dragons and knights has also reached ten times the original.

This makes: the three big family players who can only cause hundreds of millions of damage to the 255-level dark battle dragon, the damage they hit has also greatly increased!

Compared with the previous one, it was equal to everyone who could hit the output of ten people, and the combat power was directly increased tenfold! !

After the tenfold increase, the damage of the players is still insignificant to the dragon.

But the number of people is strong, and the ant colony can still kill the elephant.

Thousands of mage shooters attacked at the same time, killing several dragon knights in an instant!

Some knights who lost their mounts and fell to the ground, or giant dragons whose wings were severely damaged and fell, were surrounded by warriors and assassin players who had already prepared on the land without a chance to take off again.

Under the concerted attack of the three major families, the first batch of hundreds of dark dragon knights who came to test the situation were killed in less than ten minutes!

On the side of the three major families, this time they killed so many enemies, and the casualties were only over a thousand.

Compared to before, this difference is too big!

Before entering the dark imperial capital, the three major families lost more than a thousand just by killing a dark war dragon!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law


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After the first round of battles.

Yi Ye Guzhou couldn't help but said: "This Fulong Seal is too powerful!"

Taking over the words of a lonely boat, Fengyun Tianqi said: "Fulong Seal, it's really used for Fulong!"

"It seems that there is a weakening effect of this Fulong Seal. This time, we will definitely be able to take down the Dark Dragon Emperor!"

While everyone was talking about it.


The sound of dragon chirping came.

Looking around, on the city wall in front, there are more dark dragon knights driving the dark dragons and flying over!

Fengyun Rerise clenched his long sword, stared at the dragons approaching in the air, and said, "The second round of attack is coming, brothers, be careful!"

This time, Zhang Yi also joined the fight.

Just when the Dark Knights entered the attack range and confronted the players of the three major families.

Zhang Yi rode a minibus, held the trial by the ashes, and rushed towards the dragon group!


The two dragon knights manipulated the giant dragon under their seats and launched a dragon flame attack on Zhang Yi at the same time.

Controlled by Zhang Yi, the minibus was gliding sideways to avoid it perfectly.


The minibus opened his mouth with a dragon flame, but instead engulfed the two dark dragon knights.

At the same time, Zhang Yi waved his scepter and quickly cast a spell attack.

Boom boom boom!

One after another powerful skills, transformed into countless fire dragons, swallowing the dark dragon knight.

The high damage appeared on the heads of those dragon knights who were attacked——

-1765.8 billion!

-1698.2 billion!

-1763.9 billion

After obtaining the enhancement of Fulong Seal, Zhang Yi's damage has also been increased tenfold, which is incredible!

This is the same as opening the hook, enough to reach the point of air in seconds!

Although Zhang Yi's level was 217, it was impossible to obtain the specific data of level 255 monsters through the God-level exploration technique.

However, according to the percentage of blood volume, it can be inferred that the blood volume of the dark battle dragon is about 10000 billion.

Zhang Yi's one attack can knock out one-sixth of its blood!

After a few fireballs, you can easily kill a black dragon.

Cross level 38 and instantly kill level 255 dragon monsters.

Can't believe it!

Similarly, the four-headed dragon under Zhang Yi's seat, as well as the group of beasts, also

All got a tenfold increase in damage.

The damage they hit on the dark dragon knight and the dark battle dragon can also reach trillions!

With Fulong Seal, it's not too easy to deal with these so-called top monsters in the world of Apocalypse!

The 90% damage reduction of Fulongyin also greatly reduced the damage caused by those dragon knights and giant dragons to Zhang Yi to only six or seven billion!

This kind of damage is not a concern for Zhang Yi at all.

After all, Zhang Yi's random attack combined with the blood-devouring dragon soul can easily bring trillions of recovery.

It's like carrying a blood fountain with you!

No matter where the blood bar falls, it can be refilled at once.

Under the high-altitude hunting of Zhang Yi and the Warcraft Group, it cooperated with the long-range consumption of the three major family mage shooters on land.

The second round of the attack of the Dark Knights was also quickly broken!

Two consecutive waves of attacks failed, and the elite dark knight captain was furious. He rode an elite dark battle dragon, led the dragoon regiment, and came to fight in person.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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