Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1545 Begging for a lot of money, start a live broadcast!

hoo hoo hoo!

The third round of the attack of the Dark Knights was the most magnificent.

This time, they have dispatched all their troops and are responsible for garrisoning the seven cities, that is, the elite dark dragon knight captain of the seventh city wall, all dispatched in person!

The dragon cavalry captain leads the dragon cavalry army and roars!

In the air, there is a black pressure.

Visually, there must be at least a thousand dark battle dragons!

On the land, the players of the three major families did not show weakness.

Copying the guy, facing the knights approaching from the air ahead, dashed towards the city wall in front!


The army of millions of players from the three major families is like a rainbow.

Boom boom boom!

In the air, after those dark war dragons approached, they began to breathe dragon flames from their mouths.

Hundreds of thousands of dragon flames shot out at the same time, and in an instant, the entire dragon domain was illuminated by flames!

At the same time, the dragon knights riding on the dragon's back also pulled the bowstrings in their hands and kept firing arrows.

A rain of arrows mixed with dragon flames slammed into the crowd.

As a counterattack, the arrows and orbs of the three major clan mage archers also bombarded those dark battle dragons continuously.

Look around.

The dragon roared continuously and screamed incessantly.

One after another white light came and went, and one giant dragon was shot down and fell to the ground.

Such a huge-scale battle with the Dark Dragon Clan made some of the Fengyun Clan players who had rarely had the opportunity to contact the Dragon Clan before. While feeling excited and excited, they couldn't help but start the live broadcast!

When the live broadcast room of "The Three Powerhouse Families of Dawning City Unite Against the Seventh-Order Dragon Emperor of the Dark Dragon Race" was opened, it immediately attracted the attention of players from all walks of life in Dawning City.

Within a minute of opening the live broadcast room, the number of people online instantly soared to five digits, and this number was still rising at an extremely fast speed!

From the perspective of a Fengyun family player, tens of thousands of players in the live broadcast room watched the battle.

I saw that on the violently shaking screen, one giant dragon was constantly streaking across the gray sky.

The surrounding screams and the roar of the dragon are shocking!

Countless dragon flames leaked down towards the surrounding land, so that many viewers in front of the screen seemed to feel the heat from the dragon flames across the screen!

In the live broadcast room, many viewers who were not on the scene watched the video with excitement.

On the screen, the audience's barrage kept flashing:

Millennium Kill: "I rely on me! I'm really fighting against the dragon family! And it's still a level 255 full dragon!!"

Thunder Gaba: "The information shows that the anchor is only level 209. A level 209 fights a level 255 dragon? Isn't this going to die?"

Tianxia - Wushuang: "But you didn't see those dragons slaughtered by them? They can really kill 255-level dragons! The Fengyun family is awesome, they are indeed the top ten top teams in the Dawn City team list!"

Abyss: "It's the Dragon Clan! The Dragon Clan and the resurrected people are all present. According to the gossip, I heard that the Dragon Clan captain Yinuo Qingcheng used a super god-level magic scroll, so that all of them have the ability to fight against the full. The ability of a dragon!"

Huihui: "My God! This scene is so thrilling and exciting!"

Commando Commander: "Is there a position for the anchor? I want to go too, even if it's just to have a look, I'm willing to let me die there!"

Millennium Kill: "Anchor, don't shake! You can't see clearly, can you be steady! Be steady, I'll give you gifts and ten submarines!!"

Just when the audience outside the live broadcast room was talking about it.

In the picture, a dragon flame suddenly roared towards you!


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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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next moment.

The live broadcast screen suddenly went black, and then, a prompt appeared on it: "Ding~ The anchor has hung up, and the live broadcast has been automatically interrupted!"


As soon as the video was cut off, many viewers who were watching the excitement were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

The hot discussion was directly spread on the main city chat channel of Dawn City:

"Is there still a live broadcast of the dragon clan, the resurrection, the Fengyun three clans against the dark dragon clan??"

"There is there! I found it, you search room 23584, the anchor is the resurrected person!"

"I also found it. Many of them have broadcast live broadcasts. Millions of people are fighting against the full-level Dragon Knights. The thief is exciting!!"

"It's true or not, I'm going to have a look too, which brother privately chats and sends a live broadcast room number!"

"Are you blind upstairs? Didn't someone post it above you?"

"Wipe! You're swiping the screen too fast, you don't have time to see what it said above!"

"Private chat private chat! The first one to give me the number of the live broadcast room, I will transfer 5 million gold coins to him!!"

"Anyone with Yinuo Qingcheng, or the official account of the Dragon Clan's live broadcast room? I want to go to Yinuo Qingcheng's live broadcast room to see his perspective!"

"Add one upstairs!"

"Add one, ask for a lot of money!"

"Yinuo Qingcheng doesn't seem to have a live broadcast"

at the same time.

In the Dragon Domain.

The battle between the three major families and the Dark Dragoon Legion is in full swing.

Every second, people on both sides were killed.

On land, more than one million players from the three major families work together to fight against the Dark Knights.

Floating in the air, Zhang Yi and the demon beast group each drove a fire dragon, transformed into four dragon knights, leaped in the air, and fought with the dragon knights at close range!

Boom boom boom!

With a burst of lightning and thunder, the special effects of the Dragon Soul Master's skills shrouded the sky, and one after another, the dark dragons were shot down by Zhang Yi with the explosive high damage!

There are also many other players with flying mounts around, each driving mounts such as flamingos and giant eagles to fight against the Knights in the air.

However, because their own strength is not too strong, even if they have flying mounts, they can't support it for long, and they are killed under the beating of dragon knights.

The only ones who can hold on like Zhang Yi are a lonely boat riding an ice dragon, and Ye Jintianming riding a firebird.

One Ye Lone Boat, as a full-level dragon bloodline person, plus a hidden professional demon fighter, with the blessing of Fulongyin, there is no big problem in dealing with these dark battle dragons and dark dragon knights.

And Ye Jintianming, relying on one-handed god-level talent a hundred times the money,

All the time, the equipment on his body is full-level enhancement with money.

The strength piled up by data is also very powerful, giving Ye Jintianming the strength to fight against the dark dragon.

At this moment, Yi Ye Guzhou took the opportunity to fly by Zhang Yi, and suddenly said to Zhang Yi, "Senior, you go to the chat area, many people are asking you to start a live broadcast."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi opened the Dawning City chat channel and found that many players were calling on it—

"Seek the first-person live broadcast of Yinuo Qingcheng's battle with the Dark Dragon Race!"

"Xing Tian, ​​vice-captain of the Dragon Clan, the live broadcast of Yiqi Juechen is also possible! Please beg!!"

"Add one upstairs, and ask for a lot of money!"

"plus one!"

"plus one"

see these messages.

Zhang Yi hesitated.

The next moment, I opened the live broadcast interface, and the live broadcast really started!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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