Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1546 Scalp tingling injury!

"Yinuo Qingcheng is live!"

"Damn it! Is it true? Is it there? What is the number of the live broadcast room?"

"16254! Everyone, come and watch Yinuo Qingcheng slaying the dragon!!"

As Zhang Yi started the live broadcast, the live broadcast room was instantly full of popularity!

The first batch of people who entered the live broadcast room, after rushing to deduct a wave of "first", watched the number of people in the live broadcast room soar from single digits to three digits, four digits, and five digits in an instant. The child has risen to seven figures, millions are online, and this value is still rising wildly!

In the live broadcast room, the barrage rolled wildly.

"One million people in half a minute! Is this the traffic of the first god in Dawn City?"

"Damn! Brothers, you are so fast!"

"Don't talk, watch Yinuo Qingcheng slaughter the dragon quietly!"

"Full-level dragon! Awesome!!!"

In the live broadcast room, under the common attention of millions of players, Zhang Yi used the first perspective to transmit the live battle situation to the eyes of every audience in real time.

in sight.

Just the incessant sound of dragon chirping made the online audience feel a burst of enthusiasm!

Even the sound of a dragon born in the noble race dragon clan, just listening to this sound is also a kind of enjoyment for some players who advocate dragon clan.

Zhang Yi rode the fifth-order Dragon Emperor Babu and took all the audience in the live broadcast room to experience the feeling of flying in the air.

Countless 255-level dark battle dragons carrying dark dragon knights passed by Zhang Yi, and also continued to pass on the screen of the live broadcast room.

I can only see: Zhang Yi's hand of the Asylum Judgment is waving extremely fast.

Boom boom boom!

Countless fire dragons, strengthened by the fire-bathed dragon souls, galloped towards the dark battle dragon ahead.

In the sound of violent explosions, the dark battle dragon that was hit by the fire dragon jumped up one after another, causing injuries that the number of viewers in the live broadcast room could not count.


-3623598528886 crit!

-1736595243505 (under normal circumstances, the damage number will be presented in full digital form)

"My mother, my mother! Who can tell me how much damage this is?"

"13-digit damage! Trillion??"

"Mega! I rely on it, 3.6 trillion damage!! It's so terrifying!!!"

"Is this damage real? Or is it some kind of high-tech?"

"Can this world have high technology? I'm afraid it's a dream. It must be the effect of that super god-level magic scroll, which has the effect of damage enhancement!"

"If this fireball hits me, I feel like I can't resist five chances of resurrection,"

"His scalp tingling"

In the eyes of everyone, they only saw Zhang Yi relying on the 13-digit explosion damage in one hand, and the scorching dragon flames from the mouth of the minibus under his seat, frantically bombarding the dark dragon knights around him, fighting against the dark dragons. .

Even a dragon with a full level of 255 could not resist Zhang Yi's intense damage.


Accompanied by a whimper.

A giant dragon was killed by Zhang Yi and fell from the sky toward the ground.

One minute later, the number of people in the live broadcast room rose to 10 million!

And this figure continues to rise.

The posts on the Dawning City Forum are all crazy.

"The first god of Dawn City has been killed in the Dragon Domain!"

"Genesis damage, Yinuo Qingcheng trillion damage!"

"Yinuo Qingcheng instantly kills a level 255 full-level black dragon!"

"Yinuo Qingcheng is going crazy!!"

At this moment, everyone in the city and all the posts are describing Zhang Yi.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Some players who didn't know about it also learned about it through the chat area of ​​the main city or the posts in the forum.

Almost all the players in the city are frantically pouring into Zhang Yi's live broadcast room!

In the live broadcast room, as the number of viewers gradually increased to 20 million.

The scrolling speed of the barrage is not enough to see a thousand lines at a glance!

There are also countless audiences watching Zhang Yi Tu Long is so cool, which makes people feel like they are in the scene.

And Zhang Yi's purpose of starting this live broadcast is very simple.

That is just to use this opportunity to fight against the seventh-order dark dragon emperor, once again advertise for himself, and increase a wave of popularity.

Previously, Zhang Yi sss level cleared the Dawn Camp dungeon, although his fame had already started.

But for Zhang Yi, this is not enough.

If this time, in front of the players of Quan Dawn City, you can personally kill the supreme race of the Apocalypse World: the Dark Dragon Emperor, Yigunuo, one of the nine top Dragon Emperors of the Dark Dragon Race.

That Zhang Yi's fame will surely resound throughout the Dawn City!

After the popularity is fully opened, Zhang Yi can also start to open branches and continue to make money.

That's right, Zhang Yi's purpose is to gain popularity and make money, so vulgar!

Because the creation of the main city requires a lot of capital, and the more the better, the kind that is not capped!

In addition, through this live broadcast, if the audience gives a reward, they should also be able to earn a lot of gold coins.

This idea was put aside for a while, and Zhang Yi began to go all out to kill the enemy.

Because there are so many people watching in the live broadcast room, if something goes wrong because of carelessness, it will have a bad impact if everyone sees it.

This time, taking advantage of the effect of the super god-level magic scroll Fulong Seal, Zhang Yike is going to pretend to be him in front of all the players in Dawn City!

Riding a minibus, shuttle among the 255-level dark dragons.

In Zhang Yi's hands, the 81-star super artifact Asylum Judgment kept waving, and one after another deadly attack bombarded the enemy, constantly shooting them down!

And on land.

The players of the three major families are also going all out to fight against the Dark Dragon Knights.

Countless mage shooters shoot dragons wildly.

Warrior assassins have long been waiting on the ground for those unfortunately shot down dragons, as well as dragon knights.

As soon as they landed, they were immediately surrounded and beaten.

Xingtian, a ride to the dust, a lonely boat, the wind and the clouds rise again, and the wind and clouds change color.

The powerhouses of the major families, exert their greatest strength, and kill the enemy to the limit!

Throughout the audience, the war is raging, and the scene is extremely spectacular!

In the air, after beheading several Dark Dragon Knights in a row, Zhang Yi finally met the leader among them: Captain Dark Dragon Knight!

A 255-level elite knight dressed in silver dragon armor, driving a 255-level elite dark battle dragon, holding a bow and arrow, crossed the dragon group and flew towards Zhang Yi!

And Zhang Yi's eyes were still on the elite dragon knight, as if he was showing the enemy to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Seeing the elite dragon, there was an uproar in the live broadcast room:

"Level 255 elite dragon knights, and elite dragons! Such a strong aura!"

"Can Yinuo Qingcheng beat him? He is dozens of levels behind his opponent!"

"Ordinary dragon knight abuses casually, elite level, and it is estimated that he is not his opponent."

"That's not necessarily true. As the leader of this group of dragon knights, the strength of this elite dragon knight must be no trivial matter. There are so many subordinates around him, and Yinuo Qingcheng may not be able to deal with it alone!"

Just when everyone in the live broadcast room was talking.

The trial by fire in Zhang Yi's hands glowed with golden light.

He acted.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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