Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1548 It's boring, close it

Below the city wall, players from the three major families entered the city along different city gates, and they attacked the dark knight inside.

The seventh city wall at the outermost periphery of the Dark Empire was quickly lost.

It didn't take long for the seven cities to be occupied by players from the three major families. On the city wall, players from the three major families could be seen everywhere holding their weapons and cheering!

The news that the seven cities had been breached also quickly spread to the garrison of the six cities.

Above the city walls of the six cities, the elite dragon knight captain Kabu, who learned the news, was suddenly shocked, and said solemnly: "It seems that the strength of this group of humans should not be underestimated!"

"They should be coming to attack our six cities soon."

Saying that, Kabu immediately gave an order: "Pass my order, the entire army of the six cities is on alert! We must not fall like the seven cities. We will kill those human beings who do not know whether to live or die outside the six cities!"

At the same time, the Seven Cities are here.

After conquering the Seven Cities, the players of the three major families took a break, and then a million troops passed through the Seven Cities Walls and marched towards the Six Cities ahead!

On the way to the six cities.

On land, walking in the world of dragons, the leader of the army, opened the live broadcast interface and couldn't help but exclaimed: "My dear! The boss's reputation is so popular, there are already 30 million people in the live broadcast room! One-tenth of the entire Dawn City. Everyone is watching the boss's live broadcast!"

As soon as the words fell, King Glory frowned and looked at his live broadcast room with a distressed face: "Why are there only so many people in my live broadcast room?"

Taking a closer look, it turns out that the glory of the king did not know when, and also started the live broadcast.

And the number of people watching in his live broadcast room was only a pitiful 15 people!

But at this time, 15 people also removed one and became 14!

This made the Glory of Kings so anxious, and hurriedly said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Brothers, don't go! Look at me! Look at me! I will bring you a wonderful live broadcast!"

At this time, a barrage jumped up:

"Anchor, don't be a coward! I've watched you for a long time. You've been hiding in the corner and shooting dark arrows. You go out and confront the Dragon Knight!"

"That's right, it's too embarrassing, the anchor, I won't watch you anymore, I'll go to Yinuo Qingcheng's live broadcast room to watch him slaughter the dragon!"

Looking at these barrages, the glory of the king is suffering.

I thought to myself: I am an archer, how can I be confrontational with the Dragon Knight!

Isn't the archer just a wretched output?

At this time, the storm angel on the side patted the King's Glory on the shoulder, and looked at his live broadcast room, which was so bleak that there were only 9 viewers left, obviously with a hint of ridicule, "comfort" King's Glory:

"Don't be sad, there are still nine people. It's not too late to be sad when there's no one left."

King of Glory: "Your Uncle"

Storm Angel continued: "It's boring, close it, you see how self-aware I am, I will not start the live broadcast."

"Didn't you see that the limelight is all with the captain? Can you grab the limelight with the captain?"

Looking at King Glory's expression of misery, the Storm Angel finally couldn't help laughing: "Don't humiliate yourself!"

On the other side, floating in the air.

Zhang Yi was also watching the voices of tens of millions of viewers scrolling on the barrage in his live broadcast room.

"God is amazing, 666! I'll give you a gift!"

"Yinuo Qingcheng is awesome! It's amazing!"

"Great God, God, I love you, I want to give you monkeys!"

At this moment, Yi Ye Guzhou rode the ice dragon and marched together with Zhang Yi: "Senior, should we adjust our strategy next?"

"Just now in the seven cities, the casualties are too heavy, we have to make a plan."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Zhang Yi nodded, and it seemed that he already had a countermeasure: "In the next round of battle, you resurrected ones are responsible for containing the Knights, and the Dragon Clan and Fengyun siege the city."

As Zhang Yi's battle plan was spread.

Soon, the army will be under the city.

Facing the first battle of the 255-level knights of the dark dragon family, the prelude has begun!


When the charging horn above the city sounded, accompanied by a fierce dragon roar resounding through the sky, hundreds of dark battle dragons leaped down from the city wall, towards the land, the players of the three major families rushed over!

"Good guy!"

On the land, the dragons in the crowd were immortal, and could not help but sigh: "This time, they directly launched a general attack!"


When there were seven cities in front, they attacked in three batches in total.

Perhaps because the seven cities were broken, he realized that the enemy this time was too strong.

So this time, the dark dragon cavalry garrison on the side of Liucheng directly dispatched the entire army at once!

Moreover, there are obviously more garrison troops in the six cities than in the seven cities!

Looking around, there is a black mass in the air.

There are at least thousands of dark battle dragons, flying over with dark dragon knights.

And above the city wall, there is a large row of archers and fire-breathing dragons, ready to go!

Under the moonlight, the group of giant dragons covered the sky and covered the earth, and their momentum was like a rainbow!

The powerful aura from the dark dragon clan makes the hair dyeing clan war players who have already experienced a battle on the field still feel unprecedented tension.

Not just the people on the field.

Even in the live broadcast room, the audience watching the battle across the screen felt a strong sense of oppression through the pictures on the screen!

On the barrage of the major live broadcast rooms, the voices of the audience appeared one after another:

"Is this the oppression of a level 255 black dragon? It's so strong!"

"Good guy, if I were at the scene, I would be too frightened to move!"

"Attack the main city of the Dark Dragon Clan! So exciting! I wonder if their three major families can rush to the last level and successfully break through the main city of the Dark Dragon Clan."

on the field.

In the face of the overwhelming dragon cavalry army, the players of the three major families did not show weakness and launched a general attack!


Millions of players rushed to the six cities with morale not inferior to the Dark Dragon Knights!

Thousands of dark dragon knights drove the dark dragon, leaped from the low altitude above the crowd, and attacked the players on the ground.

Whoosh whoosh!

roar roar-

Countless sharp arrows pierced through the dragon flame, turned into rockets, and together with the dragon flame, swallowed the players of the three major families.

White light is constantly on the field.

The counterattack of the three major families also caused those dragon knights and dark dragons to be shot down one by one.

This time, the three major families proceeded according to the plan deployed in advance.

The first team, the second team and the third team of the resurrected, the army of millions, confronted the dragon knights that flew down.

The players of the Dragon Clan and Fengyun try their best to avoid the attacks of these Dragon Knights.

Under the cover of the resurrected players, they quickly approached the city wall and went straight to the city gate!

Zhang Yi, on the other hand, rode a minibus and led the three "Dragon Knights", the Dragon Blood Knight, the Undead Crossbowman and the Soul Reaper, and leaped directly above the city wall to attack the archers on the city wall!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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