Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1549 The whole army prepares for war, the final battle is coming!

roar roar-

Under Zhang Yi's order, the four-headed dragons sprayed dragon flames at the same time and burned forward along the city wall.

The archers of the dark dragon race standing above the city wall were burned like ants on a hot pot.

A large amount of trillion-level damage devoured their blood bars frantically.

Immediately afterwards, the two melee professionals, Dragon Blood Knight and Soul Reaper, jumped off the dragon's back and jumped directly onto the city wall, attacking the archers above the city wall at close range.

On the land, under the restraint of the resurrected players, the players of the Dragon Clan and Fengyun Clan approached the city gate smoothly.

Under their all-out attack, the dark dragon knights who rushed out of the city gate were quickly dispersed.

Then, the players of the Dragon Clan and Fengyun followed the city gate and drove straight in.

Just like when they attacked the Seven Cities before, those who entered the city entered the city wall through the stairs and launched a fierce attack on the archers on the city wall!

In the end, with the concerted efforts of millions of players from the three major families, it took less time than when the seven cities were broken, and they won the six cities!

Countless players from the three major families stood on the city wall, clamoring for victory.

After the second round of battle, the time was fixed at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Yiqi Juechen, who was above the city wall, looked at the time and said to Zhang Yi, who had just sat down from the air, "Break through two lines of defense in two hours."

"At this speed, you should be able to reach the Dark Empire before ten o'clock in the evening."

Zhang Yi, on the other hand, raised his hand and looked at the ghost token in his hand, then looked back at the silent darkness behind him, and fell into deep thought.

It's been two hours, why hasn't the ghost king Luojia come yet?

I guessed Zhang Yi's concerns.

Yiqi Juechen said: "Even if there is no ghost king, according to the current situation, we should be able to win this battle."

"Well." Zhang Yi nodded and said, "If it can come, it will be more secure."

After all, the strength of a 250-level six-star ghost king can be said to be comparable to a top-level team of 300,000 people!

If the ghost king Luo Jia can come and let him also get the blessing of Fulong Yin, these 255-level dark dragon knights and giant dragons are like ants in his eyes!

And at that time, Luo Jia promised Zhang Yi: as long as Zhang Yi used this token when he needed it, it would be on call.

But now, why did it fail?

At this point, Zhang Yi didn't worry too much.

An order was given: "Go on, the whole army will rest for a while, and in ten minutes, enter the five cities!"


The three major families have overcome obstacles and thorns all the way, breaking through one line of defense after another, beheading countless dark dragon knights, and fighting against dark dragons.

At nine o'clock in the evening, all seven lines of defense had been successfully broken, and the troops were under the dark imperial city!

When the last wall was breached.

Even the audience in the major live broadcast rooms couldn't help but get excited together!

At this time, the players of the three major families who had experienced a total of seven rounds of battles for a long time were also exhausted.

Inside and outside the city wall, the players of the three major families were all sitting on the ground tiredly, or lying directly on the ground.

The joy of breaking through the seven defense lines, and the excessive exhaustion, filled the hearts of every player on the field at the same time.

The next final battle is the most important and the most difficult battle!

as shown on the map.

The main city of the Dark Empire is about ten miles away from the location of the city where the three major families are now!

Ten miles is five kilometers.

It has even exceeded the scope of Fulong Seal.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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And the ultimate boss, the seventh-order dark dragon emperor Iguno, is in the dark imperial city!

At this time, the core members of the three major clans who were resting at the top of the city wall, looking at the darkness in the distance, began to discuss with each other.

"Next, is there only Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno left? Kill it, and the battle will be completely over."

With the wind and cloud apocalypse, the voice just fell.

Xing Tian said, "It's not that simple."

"The next battle will be far more difficult than the previous seven battles."

"And as the top seventh-order dragon emperor of the dark dragon clan, Yigunuo must be guarded by thousands of troops."

At this time, Zhang Yi came over and said:

"There are three other guardians around the Dark Dragon Emperor, the Purple Dragon, the Silver Dragon, the Golden Dragon Emperor, and the sixth-order Dragon Emperor."

"There should be more than a dozen low-level dragon emperors of the third to fifth orders."

Zhang Yi's words shocked the audience.

"Even the fifth-order dragon emperor can only be regarded as a low-level dragon emperor in your eyes?!" Fengyun couldn't help but sigh: "With so many dragon emperors, how should we fight this battle?"

As soon as the words fell, the captain of the Fengyun family on the side, Fengyun raised his fist again, and said with a firm look: "Fight with your fist!"

"We've come this far, no matter what, we have to win this battle!"

As he was talking, Long Xingtian came down and reported: "Boss, so far, the team's casualty rate is 21%, and nearly 60,000 brothers have died in battle."

Hearing this information, Zhang Yi frowned.

Long Xingtian continued: "But boss, don't worry, I have already counted, all the brothers who died have a chance to revive, it is nothing more than 10% of the experience lost, and the equipment that has been dropped has been picked up by other brothers. Nothing much to lose!"

The dragon casualties are still the same.

It is conceivable that the loss of the resurrected and the Fengyun family will not be lower than that of the dragon family.

After a moment of silence, Zhang Yi faced Yi Ye Guzhou and Fengyun Rising again, and said in a deep voice, "Thank you for your great help. This kindness will never be forgotten by my Dragon Clan."

"Senior, don't be polite."

Following Yi Ye Guzhou's words, Fengyun Rising also waved his hand and said, "Brother Yinuo Qingcheng will be seen!"

"Since it is an ally, presumably next time I need help in the situation, your dragon clan will not stand idly by!"

Zhang Yi said: "We must help."

"To you!" Fengyun said again: "Even if our Fengyun family is wiped out this time, we will definitely help you win the Dark Dragon Emperor!"

At this time, Long Xingtian asked Zhang Yi: "The brothers who died are all clamoring to continue to participate in the war. According to your intention, boss,

I pressed them down, and I didn't let them come over for the time being. I told them to rest in the city, boss, do you want them to come over now? "

"Well, let them come over." Zhang Yi said: "The last battle that is about to be ushered in is the most difficult, but also the most profitable one."

Anyone who understands Zhang Yi's words knows the meaning.

Because boss battles are already different from ordinary battles.

Boss battles do not count the number of participants, as long as they get an assist and the boss is killed at the end, everyone can get a guaranteed 30% experience!

A 255-level seventh-order Dragon Sovereign alone, 30% experience should be enough for a 210-level player to upgrade to two or three levels.

A full-level seventh-order dragon emperor, three full-level sixth-order dragon emperors, plus a dozen full-level third- to fifth-order dragon emperors!

If so many high-level Dragon Sovereigns are to be killed.

The experience gained can at least increase the average level of all members of the Dragon Clan by several levels!

This battle will also be a huge challenge for the Dragon Clan to usher in a wave of comprehensive improvement!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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