Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1550 The source of darkness, the attack

The time is fixed at nine o'clock in the evening.

Players from the three major families have camped and rested in and out of the city.

On the one hand, they were waiting for the Dawn City side, and the people who died before rushed over and acted together.

In addition, it is also to accumulate some fatigue.

Because the next most difficult and final battle must not be a quick solution, and it will be a protracted battle.

There must be plenty of physical strength to face the final battle.

When the players of the three major families began to rest.

Zhang Yi, Yiqi Juechen, Xing Tian and Yi Ye Guzhou, together they began to discuss the final battle plan together.

The situation rose again and said: "Do you use the method of catching the thief first and the king first, and first find a way to lure the Dark Dragon Emperor out to kill him alone, or how to fight?"

"No." Zhang Yi said: "The seventh-order Dragon Emperor has a very strong consciousness. It is smarter than any of us, and it will never give us this opportunity."

"If you want to kill it, you have to kill its subordinates one by one."

Zhang Yi already had a clear battle plan in his heart.

"At that time, each of you will lead the core echelon members of the team to besiege the low-level Dragon Emperor, and I will deal with the high-level Dragon Emperor."

"The rest will deal with the Knights." Zhang Yi said: "The strength of the Knights stationed in the Dark Empire should be no less than 100,000."

"One hundred thousand!!"

This number surprised everyone on the field.

You must know that the total number of dark dragon knights encountered in breaking through the seven levels in the front is only 40,000 to 50,000.

It was still divided into seven rounds.

Faced with one hundred thousand dragon knights directly at once this time makes people doubt life!

At this time, the immortal dragon clan sighed: "Fortunately, boss, you have the Fulong Seal, otherwise this battle would not be possible at all!"


Without the effect of the Fulong Seal, I am afraid that there are more than one million people in the three major families. If they can't even pass the first level, they would have been wiped out long ago.

It is also fortunate that Zhang Yi had foresight, and only after completing the task of the God of the Chosen and getting the Fulong Seal, did he go to the Dark Dragon Emperor.

A group of 210-level people want to win a 255-level dragon main city, easier said than done?

If there is no Fulong Seal, I am afraid that all the more than 200 million players in Quanshuguang City will be dispatched, and they will not be able to enter the Dark Empire!

In the voice, Yi Ye Guzhou asked Zhang Yi: "Senior, do you have any more detailed tactics?"


Under the expectant gaze of everyone around him, Zhang Yi said, "Bite your scalp and rush!"

The crowd fell silent immediately.

Only King Glory stood up and applauded: "Well said!"

"Pass it on, bite the bullet and rush forward, this is the purpose of our last battle!"

"Okay, let's all take a rest, two hours later, we will move at eleven o'clock."

After all, Zhang Yishun also temporarily turned off the live broadcast.

At the moment when the live broadcast room was closed, the tens of millions of viewers inside had a feeling of unfinished business.

"I still want to watch Nuo Shen fight against the seventh-order Dark Dragon Emperor, why did you close the live broadcast!"

"Didn't you see people say you want to sleep? Do you want to watch them when they sleep? You're a pervert!"

"People said that the live broadcast will be restarted after two hours. Brothers and sisters, let's take a rest and prepare to watch Yinuo Qingcheng occupy the main city of the dark dragon all night tonight!"

Night falls.

Apocalypse Continent, it is dark.

Within the Dragon Domain, it was gradually swallowed up by the endless darkness.

Inside and outside the city wall, which is more than 20 meters high, there are countless people lying all over the place.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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At first glance, people who don't know will think it's a corpse in the same place.

In fact, these are the players of the three major families, sleeping.

In the first seven levels, all the dark dragon knights and the dark battle dragons have been eliminated, and not one is left.

And the last level of the Dark Empire is ten miles away from them.

From the perspective of the players of the three major families, there is no danger in resting here.

Even if there is danger, they can detect it in time according to the movement, not to mention that there is a team of people stationed at the front.

However, the so-called "safety" is only what they think

Before I knew it, it was ten o'clock in the evening.

One city away, that is, one mile away from where the players from the three major families were stationed, a team of 100 people led by the undead Xiaoqiang and the Resurrection along with several elites from the Fengyun family was stationed in an open space.

Their task is to be responsible for stalking and preventing the dark dragons from engaging in sneak attacks.

In the middle of the night, a group of people were too sleepy, sitting on the ground with their backs to their backs and dozing off.

Only Xiaoqiang, who just met Fengyun Tsing Yi, a mage girl from the Fengyun family, had a great time chatting.

The two were talking and laughing, without any sleepiness

Until this time, Fengyun Tsingyi, who was amused by a story adapted from a true story by Xiaoqiang, seemed to have suddenly seen something, pointed his finger to the front, and said with a look of horror: "Look over there, what is that?"

Looking in the direction of Fengyun Tsingyi's finger, I could see that under the moonlight, in the darkness ahead, a thick fog of black mist suddenly rolled towards this side!

At this time, Xiaoqiang is a macho.

In order to show his bravery in front of the girl, he stood up, picked up his big sword, and approached the black mist.

Fengyun Tsing Yi woke up the rest of the sleeping people.

In the spotlight.

After Xiaoqiang reached out and touched the black mist, his entire arm instantly turned to petrification!

Xiao Qiang paled in shock, and quickly shouted: "Quickly notify the brothers in the rear! Defend the enemy!"

As soon as the words fell, the black mist completely swallowed Xiaoqiang, and Xiaoqiang's entire body was petrified!

In the rear, Fengyun Tsingyi and others hurriedly opened the message interface, preparing to notify the people of the three major families.

But before he had time to send the message, the black fog suddenly accelerated, like a beast, it opened its "blooded mouth" and swallowed all the hundreds of people in one bite!

In the blink of an eye, all these hundred players were petrified.

And the black mist continues to spread towards the residence of the three major families through them.

At this time, the players of the three major families are all asleep, and no one has noticed: the thick fog and black fog that is spreading over!

In the live broadcast room of some anchors who had already fallen asleep and did not close the live broadcast, some viewers saw the black fog spreading in front of them through the live broadcast.

They started frantically barrage reminders.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up! The anchor don't sleep, the fog is coming!"

"The anchor, get up, the enemy is coming!"

"God! Didn't anyone find out? The anchor of your ancestor's grave was dug up, wake up!!"

The black mist came quickly.

Zhang Yi, who was sleeping above the city wall, seemed to sense something.

When I opened my eyes, when I saw the black fog spreading towards this side from outside the city, I was shocked: "The source of darkness!"

Without further ado, Zhang Yi immediately summoned the minibus and rode into the air.


With a loud dragon cry, all the sleeping players on the land woke up.

"The source of darkness is here, everyone run!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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