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Chapter 1551: The front wolf and the back tiger, the three families are besieged

Because he had experienced it in the last life, Zhang Yi knew:

The source of darkness is the ultimate move of the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno!

The Dark Dragon Emperor can silently attack the enemy by releasing the source of darkness from the body, that is, the dense black fog at the moment.

These black mists do not seem to be threatening, but once the enemy is swallowed by the black mist, they will instantly enter a petrified state that cannot be lifted!

Moreover, the petrification time is very long, and there is no means to remove this state with external force.

When they fought against the Dark Dragon Emperor in the last life, Zhang Yi and Mu Chen suffered many losses.

Several times later, when he was about to kill Iguno, he was petrified by this source of darkness, and then he took the opportunity to escape.

But Zhang Yi also knows: although the source of darkness, the Dark Dragon King, is powerful and inexplicable, it has a big weakness, that is, it needs to consume the physical energy of the Dark Dragon King to release it!

So under normal circumstances, it will not release this skill, and even if it is released, the range is very small.

So from the beginning, Zhang Yi didn't care much about this issue, and he didn't remind the people of the three major families.

He did not expect that the source of darkness released by the Dark Dragon Emperor this time was so large!

Almost covering the entire land!

In front of the line of sight, there is a thick black fog!

"Damn it!" Zhang Yi remembered a very important question: "This is in its territory!"

When he fought against Iguno in the last life, he lured it outside to fight, so Zhang Yi never knew how big the maximum potential of its source of darkness was.

And now, on its territory.

In the dark imperial capital, the dark dragon emperor can obtain energy through the city infinitely.

Inevitably, this source of darkness has also been strengthened by the territory, so that it has become so wide!

Realizing this, Zhang Yi hurriedly informed Yi Ye Guzhou and Fengyun Resurrection, as well as Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others: "Inform everyone to step back and don't touch that black fog!"

According to Zhang Yi's instructions, Yi Ye Guzhou and Fengyun Qiqiu, as captains, respectively issued orders to the team members.

When the black fog hit the front, the three family players quickly evacuated in the opposite direction.

Even Zhang Yi did not dare to deal with this black fog.

Because he understands: the source of darkness is unsolvable, and there is no way to break it.

Once touched, it will be petrified for at least 12 hours and cannot be removed!

If you are given 12 hours to petrochemical by this thing, and when the petrochemical is automatically resolved after 12 hours, the effect of the Fulong Seal will almost disappear, and the battle will be declared a failure!

In addition, Zhang Yi also knew that the source of darkness didn't last long, as long as he avoided it for a while, and then came back when it dissipated.

So, Zhang Yi rode a giant dragon, led the three million-strong army of the three families, and fled in the opposite direction.

In the rear, the thick black mist chased after him.

However, the source of darkness is not slow to move.

Some unhappy priests and mage players were gradually overtaken by the source of darkness.

When they were enveloped by the black mist, they all kept their gestures at the moment of contact with the black mist, and were petrified in place!

The people in front saw that the people in the back had been engulfed and petrified, and the black mist was still approaching, and each of them could not help but run faster.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but sweat for the people who were running away on the field.

"Run, run! Don't get caught up!"

"Dark Dragon King, the sixth child, I'm really convinced! If he can't beat him in the dark, he's playing tricks in the dark, let him go? Poisonous gas bombs!!!"

"Brothers of the dragon race, run, don't be petrified!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law


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Under the pursuit of the source of darkness, the players of the three major families ran desperately.

All the way through the seven walls that have been breached before, and finally ran to the entrance and exit, that is, in front of the white light curtain!

When entering the dark imperial capital before, it was through this light curtain.

As long as you pass through this light curtain, you can go out!

The rise of the storm and several captains and vice-captains of the resurrected family stood on the edge of the light curtain and guided the command:

"Quick! Everyone go out to avoid first, and then come in after the fog clears!"

"Follow the people behind, get out!"

Everyone ran out along the light curtain.

At this time, Zhang Yi was manipulating the four-headed dragon, causing them to release the dragon flames at the same time to bombard the black mist that was slowly chasing behind him.

Attack the source of darkness, although it doesn't do much.

But the powerful dragon flame can slow down their propulsion speed.

In this way, to delay the time and let the people of the three major families withdraw from the dark imperial capital.

Seeing the players from the three major families go out one after another through the light curtain.

at this time.

On this side, I suddenly received a private message. When I opened the message, my expression changed greatly.

He quickly stopped in front of the light curtain and shouted to those behind who were going to go out through the light curtain: "Everyone, don't go out! There is an ambush outside!"

Everyone was stunned.

"What? Why is there an ambush outside?!"

The resurgence of the situation continued to shout: "There are a large number of dragon knights stationed outside, and as soon as they go out, they will be instantly killed!"

At this time, Yi Ye Guzhou and Zhang Yi also received news from the team members, saying that there were ambush soldiers of the Dark Dragon Knights outside, and all the people who went out had been killed by them!

And the reinforcements that came from Dawn City were also blocked by them and could not come in.

Only then did everyone react.

Standing in front of the light curtain, Fengyun, who did not dare to go out, changed his color and cursed:

"Damn! This dark dragon emperor is so insidious, it seems that it has already made preparations to kill us all!"

"Then what do we do next? Going out is death, and staying here is only a dead end. Do we just sit back and wait?"

An elite team of the Fengyun family, the rank 210 rank eight warrior Fengyun suddenly didn't believe in this evil, and shouted with a big sword: "Brothers wait, I will meet them when I go out!"

After all, Fengyun suddenly rushed out of the light curtain with a group of soldiers of the Fengyun family.

For a moment, the team channel of the Fengyun family

Inside, there was a sudden change in the situation: "Damn it! It's been seconds."

"Hundreds of dragons spit fire together, and as soon as I go out, I will be gone!!"

The crowd began to discuss.

"The problem now is that you can't get out. As long as you go out, you will be instantly killed. Even if you have the Fulong Seal, it's useless."

"Yeah, their focus fire damage is too high!"

At this time, Xing Tian, ​​who has a god-level talent with a steel body, was about to move, and was stopped by Yiqi Juechen: "It's useless."

"Your body of steel can't protect you, didn't you hear it? Hundreds of dragons attacked together, you have ten lives, and you will be killed in seconds when you go out. There is no chance to react at all."

Seeing that the source of darkness behind was gradually approaching, more and more players were engulfed and petrified.

in times of emergency.

Zhang Yi flew back on a minibus.

"Hold on, I'll go out and open a passage!"

Having said that, Zhang Yi activated the bloodline skill Dragon Emperor Possession, and under the attention of the three family players, rode the minibus straight through the light curtain.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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