Boom boom boom!

At the moment when Zhang Yi rode the minibus through the white light curtain and came out, he really faced the baptism of countless dragon flames!

No one, not even Zhang Yi, who has a god-level guardian dragon soul and the protection of the Fulong Seal, can resist such a fierce attack.

If Zhang Yi came out without any precaution, he would definitely be instantly killed, and there would be no chance for him to react at all.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi opened the Dragon Emperor possession.

Possessed by the Dragon Emperor, the dragon blood can enter a state of being unselectable for 10 seconds.

With this temporarily invincible state, Zhang Yi passed through the flames.

When the line of sight returns to clear.

What appeared in front of me was indeed a large group of dark battle dragons sitting around the light curtain!

Zhang Yi was stunned by the current scene.

I saw at least two or three hundred dark battle dragons sitting around the light curtain, constantly spraying dragon flames to bombard the light curtain.

In addition, there are hundreds of dark dragon knights in the air, driving the dark dragon to hover and fly.

In the rear, the three family players who came to support from Dawn City were also blocked by hundreds of dark dragon knights and dark battle dragons.

Within the light curtain, people kept trying to punch the card, but without exception, all of them were instantly burned to ashes.

In the flames, white light spreads everywhere.

Zhang Yi knew that the people inside would not last long, and that the source of darkness would swallow them up, and then everyone would be petrified inside.

And the only way to rescue them is to kill these dark war dragons outside and let them out before they are swallowed up by the source of darkness!

Realize that once the three major families are petrified for 12 hours, Zhang Yi, who will fail the mission to kill the Dark Dragon Emperor this time, is full of anger and launches a frantic attack on these dark battle dragons in front of him!

At the same time, summon the group of beasts and dragons, cooperate with them, and attack the dark dragon outside the exit.

Boom boom boom!

A series of skills fell among the black dragons, combined with the attack of Longyan, instantly engulfed more than a dozen black dragons in a large area!

After receiving the blessing of the Fulong Seal, although Zhang Yi's damage was extremely high, it was not enough to cause fatal damage to a level 255 black dragon.

After such a series of attacks, half of the blood of the dozen black dragons was knocked out.

However, those black dragons ignored Zhang Yi at all, and continued to bombard the exit with dragon flames.

As if their mission is to block the exit, even if they are mortally threatened, it will not change their actions.

Instead, Zhang Yi's attack caught the attention of the other dragons.

Just when Zhang Yi attacked the black dragons around the exit.

Above the head, a large group of dark dragon knights rode the dark dragon and charged down towards Zhang Yifei!

Whoosh whoosh!

Boom boom boom!

They couldn't help but attack Zhang Yi directly.

With the damage reduction of the god-level guardian dragon soul and the Fulong seal, Zhang Yi's single damage by them is only five or six billion.

But with a large number of enemies, their round of focused fire attack can easily wipe out half of Zhang Yi's blood!

Quickly activate the Blood Devouring Dragon Soul to suck blood.

Zhang Yi also continued to attack the black dragons around the exit, trying to kill them and let the people from the three major families come out.

However, Zhang Yi's strength is weak after all.

While dealing with the siege of the dragon knights, one person has to deal with so many dark dragons around the mouth.

Even if Zhang Yi killed a few giant dragons with a single set of moves, it would not help.

Because the other dragons still spit fire.

At this time, Yiqi Juechen sent a message: "The source of darkness is getting closer, we can't hold on for long!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law


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Apart from being anxious, Zhang Yi had no other choice at this time.

Only struggling to attack those dragons.

Just when Zhang Yi was helpless.

In all directions, a sudden darkness swept in.

Boom boom boom!

Lightning flashes in the air.

A powerful breath of death spreads around.

Not only Zhang Yi.

Obviously the dark dragon knights also felt the same, and they began to fall into inexplicable panic:

"what happened?"

"What a powerful force! This is"

"Ghost clan!"


Accompanied by a gloomy smile, the surroundings instantly fell into a darkness where no fingers could be seen.

The next moment, Zhang Yi, who was in total darkness, only felt a gust of wind blowing.

Then, there was the sound of hoofs.

Boom boom boom!

Under the shadow of the electric light that appeared and disappeared from time to time, Zhang Yi vaguely saw: a figure behind, riding a horse, came slowly from the darkness!

In the darkness, you can see: the figure, and the warhorse under his seat, both eyes exude an ice-blue cold light!

This situation made Zhang Yi a little excited: "Is it finally here!"

And seeing that little general with blue eyes emitting blue light, riding a hell horse, stepping through the darkness and walking slowly, in the air, all the dark dragon knights were shocked!

"Ghost clan! Really ghost clan!"

"Didn't the ghosts be sealed by the Lord God himself a thousand years ago? How did they break through the seal and escape?"

At this time, an elite dark dragon knight captain: Kebi, rode on an elite battle dragon, waved a long sword in his hand, pointed at the ghost general who was in the dark, and said:

"This is the territory of the dark dragon clan. How dare you, such as the ghost clan, dare to step into it without authorization!"

"Give you three seconds to get back to your ghost realm, or don't blame us for being rude to you!"

The ghost general, who was in the dark, raised his head and stared at the dragon cavalry captain in the low sky with cold eyes: Kebi.

A very low voice, full of deterrence, came out: "This king hates others to point at this king with a sword."

The voice just fell.

In the hands of the general of the ghost clan, a black longbow like a long snake suddenly transformed into a black longbow, and shot a "swoosh" arrow at the dragon rider captain Kebi!

The speed of the sharp arrow is extremely fast, and Kirby was hit by the sharp arrow before he could even block it.

Shot in the chest.

However, after being attacked, the blood bar above Kebi's head dropped a little in an invisible trend!

The enemy's attack was so low, which made Kebi even more contempt for this ghost general: "How dare you be disrespectful to the dark dragon with such a little strength?"

The little general of the ghost clan didn't say a word, but just stared at Kebi with gloomy eyes.

next second.

The sharp arrow that had just hit Kebby and was still stuck in Kebby's chest at the moment flashed red light at an extremely fast speed, and issued a more and more rapid alarm sound of "didididi".


The sharp arrow actually exploded like a time bomb, and in an instant, it directly shattered the level 255 elite dragon knight captain and the elite battle dragon under his seat!

Moreover, a powerful shock wave generated by the explosion knocked over a dozen other dark dragon knights within Kebi's body to the ground!

In an instant, the elite dragon knight captain was instantly killed, and the dozen or so dragon knights and dark dragons also turned into corpses.

At the same time, a blood-red id gradually appeared on the top of the ghost general's head——

lv250 Six-star Ghost King: Luo Jia!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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