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Chapter 1557 Duel the seventh-order Dragon Emperor? Too brutal!

I saw that Zhang Yi's attack actually worked on the Dark Dragon Emperor.

In the live broadcast room, the audience who were still persuading Zhang Yi to give up just started brushing "666".

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Yi is a powerful output against Iguno!

All the attacks went in exactly along the crack that was opened up before, and shot down on the left flank of Iguno.

After a series of heavy blows, although it only destroyed 1% of Iguno's health, it gave people hope.

It means that if this goes on, there is still a chance to defeat Iguno!

At this time, the ghost king Luojia tried to attack Yigunuo many times, but after being blocked by the Dragon Emperor Shield, he saw that Zhang Yi used the method of continuously clicking on the same part to break the Dragon Emperor Shield.

It does the same.


A sharp arrow flew out and turned into hundreds of them.

Under the control of Loga, the hundred rockets focused on the same part of Iguno's body.

Sure enough, in the area where the attack was concentrated, the Dragon Emperor Shield was broken!

"Everything can be broken, so it is!"

Taking this opportunity, Lorgar drew his bow and fired arrows and shot Iguno.

However, as the seventh-order dragon emperor, Iguno is not a vegetarian.

"The mere humans also want to hurt the emperor, wishful thinking!"

With a roar, the Dark Dragon Emperor released the breath of darkness from his body.

The Dragon Emperor Babu under Zhang Yi's seat immediately exhaled dragon flames, but the dark dragon breath from the seventh-order Dragon Emperor was too strong, and the dragon flames of the minibus couldn't resist it at all.

The breath of darkness engulfed Long Yan and rolled towards Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi and the ghost king Luo Jia quickly retreated.

When I approached the past after the breath of darkness had dissipated, I found that the Dragon Emperor Shield on Iguno's body, the two cracks that had been broken before, had healed again.

This was also what Zhang Yi expected.

Because the Dragon Emperor Shield can be broken by continuously attacking a point.

At the same time, it will heal over time.

Once more than 5 seconds, the crack position is not attacked by external forces, it will automatically heal!

Zhang Yi, who had just approached the past, was engulfed by the hot dragon flames sprayed from the dark dragon clan.

The blood bar on the top of the head drops rapidly!

At this time, the Dragon Emperor Shield on Yigunuo had healed, and attacking it again would be an ineffective attack.

However, Iguno's three guardians have been distracted by Xingtian and the others, and there are no other targets nearby, which can be used to release the blood-devouring dragon soul for blood-sucking.

When he was in a hurry, Zhang Yi turned his attention to the ghost king Luojia next to him and said, "Can I borrow your BMW?"

"What?" Loga asked in a low voice.

Zhang Yi suddenly waved his staff.


A normal attack slammed on the skeleton horse under Roja's seat, causing a normal attack damage of 68.2 billion.

At the same time, Zhang Yi also jumped up a green recovery value of 68.2 billion.

On the top of the head, the blood that was knocked out by the Dark Dragon Emperor quickly recovered.

However, Zhang Yi's behavior angered the ghost king Luo Jia: "You bastard"

"I'll give it back to you later." Zhang Yi threw a word to Luo Jia, and took advantage of the opportunity of Iguno to stop breathing fire, and continued to attack Iguno.

It is still concentrated firepower, attacking a point, breaking the Dragon Emperor Shield.

Then hit the crack, attack through the Dragon Emperor Shield and land on Iguno, causing damage between 1.5-2 trillion.

Under the action of the god-level second-order blood-devouring dragon soul, 60% of the blood-sucking is transferred to the BMW under the seat of Luojia, and the recovery amount is as high as 1 trillion, and the blood that Zhang Yigang has drawn from it instantly makes up for it. More than ten times!

At this time, the ghost king Luo Jia just realized that Zhang Yi was using his mount to recover himself!

Realizing this, Luo Jia reluctantly forgave Zhang Yi and continued to attack Iguno.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law


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And just now, there was really nothing he could do. He could only use the skeleton horse to suck blood, otherwise Zhang Yi would be burned to death.

Naturally, as the mount of the 250-level six-star ghost king, the skeleton horse is definitely not so fragile, so that Zhang Yi can kill it with one basic attack.

Under Zhang Yi's continuous attack, the Dragon Emperor Shield on Yigu Nuo's body was finally broken through a small crack!

So, Zhang Yi followed this crack and continued to attack Iguno!

Although after the tenfold bonus of Fu Longyin, it still caused some painless attacks.

But it adds up.

Zhang Yi used the God-level Forbidden Curse Dragon Soul to completely restrain Iguno's ability to restore blood. Next, as much as he beats it, it will lose as much blood and will not recover.

A little bit of damage accumulates, and Igino can definitely be killed!

The famous scene of one person and one ghost, one-on-one 255-level seventh-order dark dragon emperor, was simply stunned that the audience in the live broadcast room had gradually risen to 70 million!

It's one o'clock in the morning.

The audience in Zhang Yi's live broadcast room only increased, and they were all very excited.

The barrage rolls rapidly, and the gifts also fly!

According to the calculations of those who care, the current total of 324 trillion gift value is 3.24 trillion gold coins!

If you score five or five points with the system, Zhang Yi, the anchor, has been able to get 1.62 trillion gold coins!

"Yinuo Qingcheng has made a fortune!"

The people in the live broadcast room felt the feast of fighting against the seventh-order Dragon King from the first perspective, and they were all madly rolling the barrage.

"Due to the seventh-order Dragon Emperor? My mother, it's too cruel!"

"Is this something a human can do?"

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The three major families, as well as Xingtian, Yiqi Juechen, Yi Ye Guzhou and Fengyun Rise again, are also going all out to fight against the enemy.

On land, the three major families fought against the dark dragon knights constantly pouring out of the dark imperial city.

Xingtian and the others rode the Fire Dragon Emperor summoned by Zhang Yi, and they dealt with the three major sixth-order Dragon Emperor guardians under the seat of Iguno in the low air.

Their role cannot be ignored.

If there is no drag from them here, how can Zhang Yi have the opportunity to single out the Dark Dragon Emperor.

With Xingtian and their strength alone, they would definitely not be able to deal with the three-headed sixth-order Dragon Sovereign.

They rode on the dragon, while they dealt with the three guardians, attacking them.

Lead them down as you go.

As long as the three guardians are close to the ground, thousands of mage shooters from the three major families on land will give them a round of fierce shooting!

With the concerted efforts of all.

There are fewer and fewer dark dragon knights pouring out of the dark imperial city.

The qi and blood of the three guardians are also declining in a trend that is visible to the naked eye.

On the field, white light rises and falls one after another.

In such a battle, sacrifice is inevitable.

Zhang Yi is here.

Each time he concentrated on attacking a point, breaking the Dragon Emperor Shield and then attacking again, consuming Iguno's blood.

And every time Iguno's counterattack is very deadly.

If you are not careful, with Zhang Yi's 120 billion HP, it will be easy to be killed by Iguno.

Therefore, in the process of dealing with Iguno, Zhang Yi always maintained a high degree of vigilance and did not dare to take it lightly.

The high-intensity battle continued for more than an hour.

Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno's health bar finally gradually dropped to the 10% position!

At this moment, Yigunuo felt bad and ran away towards the dark imperial capital.

Seeing that victory is just around the corner, how could Zhang Yi give it a chance to escape and pursue the victory together with the ghost king Luo Jia!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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