Seeing that the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno fled into the Dark Empire with less than 10% of the remaining HP.

Zhang Yi hurriedly rode a minibus to chase in.

In the center of the dark imperial city, there is a white light beam.

Igino sat near the beam of white light, and seemed to want to absorb energy from the beam, but found that there was no energy to absorb!

Zhang Yi, who has dealt with Yiguo once, also understands that Yiguo wants to absorb the energy in the three lifelines and restore himself through the light beam connected to the lifeline.

Because of it in the previous life, it has done this kind of thing several times!

Fortunately, Zhang Yi cut off its three major lifelines in advance.

Without the recovery of the lifeline, Iguno at this moment is really at the end of the mountain!

Zhang Yi and Luo Jia chased after them, each riding a minibus and Tianma, approached Iguno, and continued to attack!

Gradually, Iguno's health bar became shorter and shorter.

Step by step, it was reduced to 5%, 3%, 1%, 0.6%, 0.1%!

At this time, Zhang Yi was sitting in front of Yigunuo, the dark dragon emperor, who was dying on the ground. The mana of the ashes trial in his hand was gathered and aimed at Yigunuo.

He said, "It's all over."

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Yigunuo suddenly let out a creepy laugh: "Do you really think that if you kill this emperor, the person you love will be able to return to you?"

Zhang Yi has long guessed that the consciousness of the dark dragon emperor Iguno from the future, which is attached to Han Yarou, must have long ago used some form to kill Zhang Yi trying to kill it now, so as to completely understand Iguno's consciousness. The plan, told the current Iguno.

Therefore, Iguno can prepare in advance to meet Zhang Yi.

But what it never expected was that even if it was prepared in advance, it was still defeated in the hands of this human being!

Zhang Yi, who heard the threatening tone from the words of the Dark Dragon Emperor, guessed that it was saying this on purpose, and wanted Zhang Yi to reach some kind of consensus with it and let it go.

Therefore, Zhang Yi did not take Iguino's last words seriously.

"Your death is already doomed." Zhang Yi said blankly: "Don't struggle anymore, let me end you."

After speaking, Zhang Yi did not hesitate, and a fireball technique of "Boom" passed through the Dragon Emperor Shield and bombarded Iguno.

1,739.8 billion damage, clearing the last 0.1% of the health bar above Iguno's head.

Iguonuo, who faced death, did not feel a trace of unwillingness or panic.

Instead, there was a creepy laugh.

"Kill this emperor, don't even think about going out alive from here, and bury this emperor with you!"

After that, a strong gravitational force emanated from the white light beside Iguno!

The ghost king Luo Jia, who had a bad sense of darkness, hurriedly launched the power of the six-star ghost king to resist.

However, Zhang Yi was not so lucky. He and the minibus were directly sucked into the white light by the strong gravitational force!

In the live broadcast room, tens of millions of viewers were excited for Zhang Yi's success in defeating the Dark Dragon Emperor a second ago.

Suddenly it became pitch black!

The live broadcast is interrupted!

In the dark capital.


Only when the surroundings returned to peace, Zhang Yi disappeared from the field, only the ghost king Luo Jia, and the huge corpse of the dark dragon emperor Iguno lying on the ground, motionless!

Riding a Pegasus, the ghost king Luojia sat down beside Iguno's body and walked to the white light beam that Zhang Yi was sucked into. Just as he was about to reach out to touch the white light, the white light suddenly disappeared!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Until this time, Luo Jia seemed to have realized something, and said in a deep voice: "It turns out that this is a pre-planned game that underestimates you, the seventh-order Dragon Emperor."

"Unfortunately, I originally planned to use you to help this king fight against the Lord God, but now, there is no chance."

With that said, Luo Jia walked to the body of Iguonuo, picked up a stone with golden light from the piles of drops, and put it in his pocket!

Then, as if being pulled by something, Luo Jia stepped over Iguno's corpse and walked towards the depths of the dark imperial capital.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The battle continues.

Outside the dark capital city, Xing Tianyiqi Juechen, and the players from the three major families are going all out to fight against the three major guardians, as well as the dark dragon cavalry army.

While the battle is still raging.


Whoa whoa whoa!

Countless golden lights descended from the sky, almost everyone in the audience was shrouded in golden light, and the level instantly soared by 2-3!

The sudden upgrade halo caused many players on the field to wonder why:

"What's the situation, why did I suddenly rise to 3 levels in a row??"

"I've leveled up too! Good guy! I've also leveled up 3 levels in a row!!!"

At this time, Yiqi Juechen, who also rose three levels in a row, soared from 215 to 218, said thoughtfully, "It seems that the Dark Dragon Emperor was taken down."

Sure enough, the next moment, there was a loud full-service announcement that fell from the sky—

Full Server Announcement (Xinguo District): "Ding ~ All players belonging to the Xingguo District, please pay attention: Player Yinuo Qingcheng kills one of the nine dragon emperors of the dark dragon family: the dark dragon emperor Yigunuo, the fall of the dark dragon emperor, All members of the dark dragon camp will enter a state of decay, and all attributes will be reduced by 30% within three days!"

As soon as this announcement came out, the billions of players in the entire Star Nation region of Apocalypse were stunned.

Even in the early morning, it instantly woke up countless players who were sleeping.

Players from all walks of life are boiling, and the chat areas of major first-tier main cities are also full of questions and panic from players.

"The nine dragon emperors of the dark dragon family were killed?"


"I'm afraid I'm not dreaming, the top dragon emperor of the dark dragon family was killed like this??"

"In my impression, I thought that the top dragon emperor of the dragon race, the demon god of the demon race, the god of war of the human race, and the alien kings are all invincible existences in the world of Apocalypse!!"

"It is indeed invincible, but others are even more invincible."

"Does anyone remember that a long time ago, Vulcan, one of the nine demon gods of the demon race, also fell? It seems that Yinuo Qingcheng did it?"

"This level of the main city is here.

The seventh-order Dragon Sovereign should be at the full level, right? 255-level seventh-order Dragon Sovereign, how did Yinuo Qingcheng do it? "

"My God! It's terrifying. Fortunately, labor and capital are not from the dark dragon camp!"

"Just dream! Return to the dark dragon camp!"

Dawn City, the Dark Empire.

The news of the death of the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno has been confirmed by the system.

It is also the rich combat experience of the 255-level seventh-order Dragon Sovereign that has made all the participants of the three major families on the field rise several levels in a row!

Realizing that the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno had been killed by Zhang Yi, the players in the audience cheered.

Therefore, everyone quickly started the final battle, preparing to defeat the few dark dragon knights left in one go, and won the three dragon emperor guardians who did not have much blood!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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