Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1563 Primordial Dragon Race

"Holy area?"

Zhang Yi, who heard the name from Wei Yana's mouth, couldn't help but ask, "What place is that?"

In the Dragon Soul Ring, Viana's voice came one after another:

"It is said that the dragon race, the oldest race in the world of Apocalypse, was originally born 50 million years ago, and the Divine Realm is the original birthplace of the dragon race. At first, they were not called dragons."

"What's that called?" Zhang Yi asked curiously.

Viana said: "It's called Xiaoxiao (ps/this is the prototype of the dragon race of the Apocalypse Continent), a species that resembles a giant dragon."

"Every owl born here needs to find a divine seal and officially evolve into a dragon before it can leave here."

"The nine major seventh-order dragon emperors of the Bright Dragon Clan and the nine major seventh-order Dragon Sovereigns of the Dark Dragon Clan were all born here. The dragons that went out from here, and then reproduced their descendants, gradually formed the Dragon Clan."

Zhang Yi nodded thoughtfully: "So that's the case, why didn't the Dragon Seal be found?"

"The owl who does not find the dragon seal will be trapped in the realm of the gods forever."

Zhang Yi understood: "It means that I am also an owl now. If I can't find the divine seal, I will be trapped here for the rest of my life."

After a moment of silence, Viana asked, "Why are you trapped in God's Domain?"

"Didn't I come here to fight the Dark Dragon Emperor?" Zhang Yi said helplessly: "That old sixth, playing tricks, got me into this God's Domain before dying, and I can't get out now."

No wonder Iguno said before he died: Kill it, and Zhang Yi will not want to go out alive, but to bury it here.

It turns out that this is the purpose of Iguno!

So, Zhang Yi then asked Viana: "Nana, do you know where to find the Divine Seal?"

"I don't know." Viana said: "I have never been to the realm of the gods, not to mention that I can't enter the realm of the gods in my capacity."

It is.

Because Zhang Yi knew that even if it was the Dragon Soul Master Weiyana, she only had the blood of the Dragon Clan, not the Dragon Clan camper.

At present, it seems that the entry and exit conditions of this God's Domain must be non-Dragon campers!

As for Zhang Yi, he was forcibly thrown in by Iguno, so he came in, and he can't go out now.

After a pause, Viana continued: "But I can tell you for sure, if you can find the Divine Seal, you may get the opportunity to directly join the dragon camp! You don't even need to pass the dragon camp assessment. So for you In other words, this time is both a curse and a blessing."

"But whether it is a blessing or a curse depends on your own creation."

Wei Yana's words did not make Zhang Yi feel much happy.

Because, since Iguno threw Zhang Yi here, he must be planning to use the Divine Realm to trap Zhang Yi forever and trap Zhang Yi here!

In the absence of full confidence, Yigunuo definitely couldn't send Zhang Yi here and let him obtain the status of the dragon faction.

Therefore, regarding that divine seal, it is definitely not that easy to obtain!

It is rare to be able to contact Viyana through the Dragon Soul Ring.

Zhang Yi pinned his hopes on Viana: "Master Nana, help!"

However, even Viana was helpless:

"I'm sorry, I really want to help you, but I can't help you this time."

Wei Yana's sad voice came through the Dragon Soul Ring: "Me and Jon are only of the dragon race, not from the dragon camp. We can't go in and help you."

"What's more, even if we can get in, in the end, we still have to find the Divine Seal through yourself before we can get out."

In this way, Zhang Yi can only rely on himself.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Come on then!

After so many hardships, Zhang Yi didn't believe that he would be trapped in this small map of God's Domain!

But right now, what Zhang Yi is most worried about is the ghost king Luo Jia!

At the beginning, it was because Zhang Yi promised to help it fight against the main god, so it also promised Zhang Yi: It will never endanger the human race in Dawn City.

He even came to assist Zhang Yi against Iguno because of Zhang Yi's promise to help it.

And now, if Luo Jia also thought that Zhang Yi was dead, he couldn't help him.

It no longer has to fulfill its promise to Zhang Yi, release the nature of the ghost clan, and start killing the Quartet in Dawn City!

It may not be enough to pose a threat to Dawn City if it is just a six-star ghost king of Luo Jia.

But after the battle in the Dark Empire, the nature is different.

Even though Zhang Yi took precautions in advance, he deliberately took one step ahead of Luo Jia when he fought against Iguno, took Iguno's last blow, and killed it, so as not to be Iguno's full-level seventh-order Dragon Emperor. If it is transformed into a ghost dragon emperor, the consequences will be disastrous.

In addition, the three guardians under his seat, Zilong, Yinlong, and Jinlonghuang, should have been killed by Xingtian and the others, and could not be transformed into ghost servants.

But there are too many 255-level dark dragon knights and dark war dragons killed by the ghost king Luo Jia and his subordinates Tiandihu, Storm Demon Ape and Void Firebird.

Just wait for 24 hours, and these dragon knights and dragons will be transformed into ghosts.

At that time, Luo Jia will control a full-level ghost dragon knight army!

With this powerful army of dark dragon knights, if Luo Jia has evil thoughts on Dawning City, Dawning City will be in crisis!

Because at this stage, no player can be an opponent of a full-level dragon.

Even Zhang Yi can only fight against the full-level dragon with the blessing of the super-god-level magic scroll Fulong Seal.

Ordinary players only get seconds in front of the full-level dark battle dragon.

Although Zhang Yi thought about it now, it was of no use.

The most urgent task is to find a way to get out of here as soon as possible.

Then think of a way to solve the ghost king Luo Jia!

After all, from the beginning, Zhang Yi's purpose was just to use Luo Jia to deal with Iguno, and he didn't really plan to be with the ghost clan!

So, the focus shifted.

Zhang Yi began to look around, the situation he was in now.

Apart from the green mountains and green waters, there was not even a trace of a monster in sight.

Zhang Yi, who didn't know where to start looking for the Divine Seal, could only plan to travel around this Divine Realm first to get familiar with the environment here.

So Zhang Yi summoned Babu, rode a minibus, and leaped up.

Leap in the sky of God's Domain, overlooking the entire God's Domain.

The sight in front of me is beautiful.

It's an incredible view!

While Zhang Yi was looking for the divine seal, he was admiring the scenery of the divine domain.

Suddenly there was a roar in the ear!

Follow the reputation.

On the land below, a large group of monsters that Zhang Yi had never seen before were fighting in an open space!

These monsters look like dragons, but they are not dragons.

It is more like the kind of dragon that seems to have not yet grown, with its skin covered with bones, and some of them have not even opened their eyes.

Seeing these monsters, in Zhang Yi's mind, he recalled a name mentioned by Viyana: Owl!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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