Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1566 Emerging into a dragon, giving birth to consciousness

At this moment, Zhang Yi understood.

It turns out that the growth of young owls requires killing other senior owls, and then using talent to devour enemies to grow!

And the secret buried in Xiao Xiao's body will be unlocked as it grows!

As for what secret is buried in Xiao Xiao, although Zhang Yi has no way of knowing it yet.

But it can probably be guessed that 80% of the possibilities are related to the Divine Seal!

In order to understand the secrets of the young owl, Zhang Yi also began to imitate the way the adult owl grew to the young owl.

Riding a minibus, leaped to a clearing.

Looking around, there are owls wandering aimlessly everywhere on the land.

Without further ado, Zhang Yi locked them and launched an attack directly!

A field with a lower level was deliberately selected.

Boom boom boom!

On the premise that the blood lock protection mode is turned on.

Just waiting for Zhang Yi to attack violently, and in an instant, the group of owls on the ground, who are generally only between 150-170 levels, were all beaten with only 1 point of blood!

Then, Zhang Yi rode down on the minibus.

In front of the fifth-order Dragon Emperor Babu, even those owls who are adults are like chickens, trampled by the minibus and unable to move.

Next, Zhang Yi released Xiao Xiao in his hand.

The young owl seemed to understand his mission, so he ran to the big owl, and the chick pecked on the big owl as if it were rice.

With the mandatory 1 point of damage, he just emptied Da Xiao's remaining 1 point of serum to complete the kill!

After killing the big owl, the young owl's head really sprinkled with golden light, and its level suddenly increased from level 1 to level 6!

Sure enough, this young owl is upgraded by killing the same kind, just like the player kills monsters to upgrade!

The adult owl who was killed has a level of 160.

It's just because the young owl's ordinary talent for feathering into a dragon only has 1% of the devouring growth effect, so if you kill an adult owl, the young owl can only get the equivalent of 1% of the combat experience.

Also, they don't have anything like a player's cross-level experience bonus.

Therefore, it is only reasonable to upgrade to level 5.

At this time, Zhang Yi used the exploration technique again to check the data of the young owl, and found that apart from the level being upgraded to level 6, the basic data has been improved to a certain extent, but the young owl has not undergone any other changes!

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi did the same, letting Xiao Xiao kill other Xiao Xiao with his own hands.

After killing more than 20 big owls in a row, the young owl's level has grown to level 21!

But apart from the level, there is still no other change!

When Zhang Yi was holding the little guy who had grown much bigger than before, and had evolved from a young owl to a small owl, he didn't know what to do next.

In the Dragon Soul Ring, Viana's voice suddenly came!

"I asked Jon."

Via the Dragon Soul Ring, Weiana said to Zhang Yi: "Jon said that the young owl in the God's Domain has a very small possibility of giving birth to the consciousness in the process of growth."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi asked, "Does divine consciousness have any effect?"

Viana said: "Divine consciousness can be condensed into a divine seal through refining."

This answer made Zhang Yi's heart suddenly tremble: "It turns out that the Divine Seal was formed through the growth of the young owl, and it was not a species that existed in the Divine Realm from the beginning!"


Viana said: "Every time the young owl is upgraded, there will be a certain possibility to give birth to consciousness, and this process will continue until level 100."

"Owls after level 100 will no longer be born with divine consciousness."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Zhang Yi now finally understands why those adult owls sacrificed everything for a young owl.

It turned out that, in a sense, Xiao Xiao was actually equivalent to the Divine Seal!

As long as you control the young owl and help it grow, once the divine consciousness is born during the growth process, it will condense into a divine seal.

Xiao, you can pass through the seal and become a dragon!

In the same way, if Zhang Yi gave Xiao Xiao a divine sense during his growth, he would definitely be able to condense a divine imprint through his divine awareness, and then use the divine imprint to directly obtain the identity of a dragon camper!

Furthermore, as a member of the dragon camp, he can leave the realm of the gods!

After finding a way to leave God's Domain, Zhang Yi's next goal was also clear.

Looking at the young owl in his hand, which has risen to level 21, it is obvious that it has not yet given birth to divine consciousness.

The probability of this young owl giving birth to divine consciousness is definitely very low.

But it doesn't matter, it's good to have a direction!

Thanks to the dragon soul ring that Weiana had given before, it was possible to ignore the map restrictions and make contact.

Taking this opportunity, before ending the chat with Weiyana, Zhang Yi asked another question: "Nana, can I ask you a question about the Dragon Soul Ring?"

"You are already trapped in God's Domain and can't get out, do you still have the heart to care about other issues?" Viana's somewhat surprised voice came from the Dragon Soul Ring.

"Well, this question is very important to me."

Viana said: "What's the problem? You said, as long as I know, I will definitely tell you."

Zhang Yi asked, "Will the ability of the Dragon Soul Ring weaken with time or distance?"

"No." Weiana answered very decisively: "Dragon Soul Ring absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, and there will never be a situation without energy."

"Then why did I use the Dragon Soul Ring to send a message to Xiaoya, and she didn't answer me?" Zhang Yi was inexplicably a little uneasy, and there was always a bad feeling in his heart from beginning to end.

Since a few days before I planned to fight the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno, I have completely lost contact with Han Yarou.

Before that, the two would use the Dragon Soul Ring to send messages to each other every day to report safety to each other, and there was never a single day of interruption.

Just wait for Zhang Yi to say so.

After a while, Viana responded: "I just passed the Dragon Soul Ring and sensed your lover's Dragon Soul Ring. Her Dragon Soul Ring is in normal operation and has not been affected. Yours The message should have been sent normally."

"She didn't reply to your message, there are only two possibilities."

"One, she simply doesn't want to get back to you. Two, the dragon soul ring is lost.

. "

The first must not exist.

It is more likely to be lost!

However, how could such an important thing be lost so easily?

And why did it happen to be lost at this time?

Then I think of what Iguno said to Zhang Yi before he died: "Do you think that if you kill this emperor, your beloved will come back to you?"

Now that I think about it, I am terrified!

Zhang Yi felt more and more that something must have happened to Han Yarou!

"No, I have to get out of here quickly!"

Not only Han Yarou's side.

On the team's side, the dragons can't be without a leader for too long.

There is also the ghost king Luo Jia, who does not know what it will do next.

Also, the barrier is about to close, and it is time for the major cities to communicate with each other. The battle with the Lord of the Underworld is imminent.

A series of things need to be solved and dealt with by Zhang Yi.

You must find the Divine Seal as soon as possible and leave the Divine Realm!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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